Gaming *Vinny Mauro* Valentine's 2024

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Chelsea had done most of the planning for our Valentine's day date. Apparently, my ideas were a bit too much for the group.
'We'll do something together after babe. It's fine ' the text read from Vinny.
We headed out for bowling and met up with our boyfriend's.
I had bowled a million times before since Chelsea and I use to go all of the time but that didn't stop me from acting like I knew nothing just to get Vinny's arms around me. To make everything a bit more fun I had a few drinks while at the bowling alley.
We could never make a date of drinking since Chris was against it but that didn't  stop my fun.
After our rounds were over, we went our separate ways.
"Chelsea won't be home until tomorrow.' I told Vinny suggestively as we pulled out of the parking lot.
"I thought you wanted to game?" He asked, pulling into the traffic. Why was there always traffic in this city? It didn't  matter the time of day. It was always just busy.
"We have a PS5 and most of the games you and I play. Anything we don't have I can buy." I shrugged. It wasn't that I didn't want to go to Vinny's, it's just that I planned on drinking more and well.. 1. The alcohol was at my place, and 2. If I was going to get drunk and potentially sick from it later, then I rather it be at my own place. I rather wash my own sheets that were thrown up on than feel bad for doing it to Vinny's.
The drive was a blur and I didn't pay much attention until we pulled the car into my driveway. Satisfied, I got out and unlocked the doors, letting us in.
I changed into something more comfortable before gathering some snacks and making some drinks.
We got seated in the entertainment room as I handed him a controller  and took one for myself, turning  the system on.
I know, I know. Sitting around gaming on Valentine's day? What was fun about that? Where was the romance?
I'd get the romance later but this was just Vinny and I. We both liked video games and neither of us had any issue with making a date of it.
We played Call of Duty for hours, downing countless drinks and emptying a bowl of popcorn and half of a bag of chips in that time.
And we only stopped because neither of us were sober enough to really focus on the game.
"Just admit it. I won." I rolled my eyes, smiling at Vinny as we turned the system and TV off.
"Fine. I'll settle for we tied. How's that?"
"Hmm.. doesn't sound right. How hard is it to admit that I played better than you?"
"Getting Cocky now, huh?" Vinny teased, throwing an arm around me as we walked out of the living room.
"I just want to hear it."
"That you won?"
"Not happening."
"Goddamn it Vin." I rolled my eyes once again, laughing all the while.
"Sorry baby but I can't  lie." We made it to my bedroom and we both collapsed on the bed, finding our way in each other's arms.
"Vin.." I sighed, playing with a piece of his hair that had fallen in front of his face. "Please. For my Valentine's  day gift"
"Goddamn it." He mumbled, sitting  up before looking back at me. "I completely  forgot to bring your gift."
"Its okay.. we can get it tomorrow."
"Fine. In that case, you beat me Lay. How's that?"
"Works for me." I smiled, closing my eyes as the world spun.
"Happy Valentine's." I felt his lips against mine and kissed back.
"Happy Valentine's  Vin."

I low-key  hate this one but I promise tomorrow's  is better 💜

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