Here We Go *Ricky Olson*

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"Hey." The girl spoke softly, walking up behind the man and sitting a cup of coffee infront of him before wrapping her arms around him, causing him to stop biting at his nails. A nervous habit she wished he would kill. "Just relax Ricky. You're driving yourself crazy." She spoke, resting her head against his as he reached a hand up and rested it on her arms that were still wrapped around him. He started at the blank pages infront of him, stressing himself out.

Nothing had been working out lately. But maybe that was being dramatic. Because honestly everything was so perfect. But it was all in secret, which was the frustrating part.

Every lyric he had written linked back to her. Every song that was completed was centered around the girl. So he couldnt use them, too paranoid that a certain band member would decode everything. And they couldn't afford that happening.

"Baby. Relax." She put her arms on his shoulders and rubbed at the tension. "Its late.. Why don't we just call it a night?"

Nothing sounded better to him than being wrapped up in blankets next to the girl. And he needed to get away. Mentally he just needed to get lost in their own little world.

With a sigh and a simple "Okay." He nodded his head, getting up and letting the girl pull him to his bedroom.

His angel.

She dragged him to the bed, pulling them under the covers and his arm went around her waist, holding her against his body.

"I can't do this anymore." He admitted quietly. He was so tired of the pressure. If he was honest most of the pressure was self inflicted but nonetheless. He was tired of keeping secrets, he was done hiding.

I mean he loved what they had built and he'd protect it with everything in him but it was just time that they came out with it.

"We'll talk about it in the morning." The girl entertwined her legs with his, every inch of their body now touching as she pressed her lips to his. "I love you."

"I love you too. So much." He held her tightly, feeling like everything was perfect in that moment. I mean he had the girl of his dreams, what could he complain about?

Not realising previously how tired he had been, he drifted off with the comfort she brought him lulling him into a dreamland.

As the bright light shone down Ricky followed the girl into her house, a part of him dreading this confrontation but he was ready to get it over with.

"Hey stranger, where you been?" Chris greeted his little sister as she stepped into the living room. When Ricky stepped in behind her Chris looked between the two, getting a confused look on his face before it turned a bit angry looking. "No." He spoke in disbelief, shaking his head.

The silence from the two only helped confirm things.

"Really dude? My sister?!"

"You can be mad all you want, but its not going to change things between her and I." Ricky stood his ground.

"Chris, you always wanted someone who treated me good and he does. I love him... No matter what you have to say about it." The girl also stood up for their relationship.

"Jesus Christ." He rolled his eyes. "Here we go." The small ghost of a smile on the older brothers lips told them that he wasn't so angry after all. He had had his suspicions and it looked like he was right. And it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Right?

Sorry it's so short! I had a Ricky request where he's dating Chris' sister and it inspired three different one shots.
So to the person who requested this specific idea, just know there's two more coming soon!

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