Merry Christmas *Chris Motionless*

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"Goodmorning beautiful." Chris smiled at the girl who stirred in his arms. As she opened her eyes and stretched she realized today wasn't just a regular day. Apparently Chris had the same realization as he spoke moments later, "Merry Christmas."

The two weren't really big on Christmas. They both bonded over their love for Halloween and the rest of the holidays were bleak in contrast. But they still made it a point to have a good time every year and gave each other gifts.

"Merry Christmas." She smiled back, leaning up to quickly kiss his lips. Chris grabbed his phone for the time before climbing out of bed and putting on a pair of Jack Skellington pajama pants and throwing on a black craft hoodie.

"I'll give you a little bit to get up and ready, I'll be downstairs. Okay baby? Everybody should be here any time." He came over to her bedside and kissed her again before leaving the room so she could get up and ready.

Normally she would have taken forever to convince herself to get up but today was different. She quickly got out of bed and got dressed in a set of pajamas that matched Chris's pants. She didn't bother with makeup, she just headed straight downstairs to find Chris.

She smiled when she found him in the kitchen, making coffee for the both of them. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment.. That was untill their doorbell made her jump and got her attention.

"We have arrived!" They heard Josh's voice announce as he and his girlfriend carried gifts into the house.

"Merry Christmas!" Jaclyn greeted the couple. Chris carried the coffees into the livingroom, greeting the two back as they put their gifts with the rest that were already under the black christmas tree. Sofia sat down on the couch, wincing at the coldness of the leather as she took her coffee from Chris. After all it was winter and Pennsylvania so it was bound to be freezing. Everyone talked amongst themselves even as Josh headed into the kitchen to make himself some coffee.

Before long Vinny had joined them, as well as Ryan and Tali.

Everyone settled down in the livingroom, turning on a cheesy Christmas movie.

Gifts were handed out and everyone started tearing into them.

As Sofia started on opening one wrapped in black with a red bow Chris grabbed her hands, shaking his head with a smile on his face.

"That one's for last Sof." She playfully pouted as he took it and handed her a different gift.

After opening all of her other gifts and watching Chris open his she finally took the black box back from him.

She was more curious now that he had made her save it then she was in the first place. She tore through the wrapping paper before opening up the black velvet box. Inside was a beautiful necklace with diamonds and rubys. She immediately set the box on her lap and reached over, hugging Chris and thanking him.

"You're welcome baby. Now come here." He patted his lap as they pulled back before grabbing the box and taking the necklace out. She held her hair out of the way as he placed it around her neck and clasped it shut. Before she had the chance to get up he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her against his chest. They watched everyone else finish opening gifts and all broke into conversations amongst each other but Sofia was quiet as she leaned her head back and enjoyed the moments. Chris smiled down at her as he kissed the top of her head.

He was just glad that he could give her a good holiday. All he wanted was for her to be happy and know that she was loved, not just by him but by their friends as well.

As the snow came down heavy that evening they all sat around with a Christmas dinner.

It felt good to just be surrounded by people that you cared about while everyone had a good time. And honestly Sofia was a little sad to see everyone leave after dinner. But Chris wasn't done just yet. He pulled her back into the livingroom after everyone had left and turned the lights off. For a moment the only thing that lit up the room was the lights of the Christmas tree before the TV came on. As Chris layed down on their couch he pulled her down with him and cuddled her into his chest, laying on his side with her back pressed into him. He pressed 'play' on the nightmare before Christmas and covered them up with a blanket, getting comfy and cozy as the snow continued to come down outside the house.

"I love you Sof.. Merry Christmas." He spoke softly, kissing her head.

"I love you too, merry Christmas baby."

Sofia was thankful for him and his effort. She knew he didnt have to do anything for the holiday, but he did it for her and she was so grateful.

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