Power *Ryan Sitkowski*

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"You're late." The girl spoke, picking her phone up off the table and quickly checking the time. Her face told him everything he needed to know; she was aggrivated and anoyyed. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in her seat.

"I'm so sorry Angel, we were a little behind in the studio." Ryan apoligized as he took the seat across from her.

"And you couldn't text me to let me know?" She raised a perfectly sculpted brow at him. Even though she was pissed at him Ryan couldn't deny the fact that she looked like absolute perfection. Her black dress clung to her curves but dipped low enough at the top to show off enough to tease the eye. Her long dark hair was pulled up into a pony tail and her makeup was absolutely flawless. The smokey cat eye makeup didn't help her angry look though, aiding in making her look more intimidating than anything.

"You know how the studio works. You think I'm just gonna get away with getting on my phone in the middle of a recording session?" Ryan wasn't one to argue with and Angel knew that. But because he was in the wrong he let her get away with a little bit of this.

"I've been waiting on you for over fourty-five minutes!" She exclaimed. And this was his cut off. He stood from his seat, offering her a hand and a look that dared her to say a single fucking word. She rolled her eyes, taking his hand and following him to a more private area of the restraunt.

"That's enough, do you fucking understand me?" He growled lowly, his face inches from hers as he backed her against a wall. "It wasn't in my intentions to be late. You let me have it and I apoligized. Drop it missy." She looked up through her lashes at Ryan silently. He knew she wouldn't dare test him further, so satisfied with her small act of submission he took her hand and led her back to their table.

"So what did you get up to today?" Ryan asked her as he looked through the menu.

"Just cleaned up and relaxed.. How was recording?"

"It went well. Do you know what you want?" She nodded her head, narrowing her eyes in the slightest but Ryan still took note of it.

When the waiter came they ordered drinks and their food before returning to small talk as they waited. Angel was Ryan's queen. He'd worship the ground she walked on but at the end of the day he held the power. He was the one in charge and she knew her place. She was just so spoiled that she occasionally would act out, thinking she could get away with it.

Ryan was willing to admit when he was in the wrong, so he had deserved a bit of her bite but there definitly was a line drawn.

Chris always said the two were switches but that was far from the truth. The only power the girl held was the power Ryan gave her. Which wasn't much. He was just willing to admit when he was wrong and no body better to but him in his place than his own girl. Well that and she was perfection, he was obsessed with her. After eating the two headed home, taking some photos as soon as the two got into the house and before Ryan had the chance to mess up her outfit, makeup or hair.

She really did look absolutely stunning. Ryan sat on the edge of the couch as she sat on her knees infront of him on the floor, in between his feet when they had ended the little impromptu photoshoot. He wrapped his hand around the girls neck as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. This was the only girl who could get away with putting Ryan in his place. And that would never change.

"How does popcorn and a movie sound?" Ryan asked in an attempt to make it up to the girl.

"I'll get the Reese's cups and sodas." She smiled, attempting to stand to her feet but Ryan kept her down. She shot a confused look his way right before he gently took her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers one more time.

As he stood, she did as well and they both headed off to the kitchen to grab the snacks before turning on a comedy movie and settling in for the night.

Its a little short... But who's ready for the Valentine's editions?! That's right, we're doing them once again this year. I've been working really hard on them and I'll start releasing them next week! 💜

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