Please Dont Hurt Yourself *Ricky Olson*

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Trigger warning: depression, suicidal thoughts
"My love." Ricky's voice was soft as he noticed the girl standing infront of the bathroom mirror, a makeup brush in hand but it took him only a few seconds to realize something was off. "What's wrong baby?" The tears in her eyes gave her away, as did the quivering lip.
"I don't want to do this anymore." She cried quietly, her eyes closing as she looked away from the mirror. Ricky turned her to face him as he rested his hands on her hips.
"Baby.. talk to me." Her statement said everything but yet nothing all at the same time.
"I don't want to be here anymore. I'm so tired." Her body now shook with sobs as Ricky took the brush from her hands and sat it on the counter before taking her hands and encouraging her to wrap them around him.
"Baby, you have so much to live for. I know you're hurting right now and I wish I could take that pain away but all I can do is sit with you through it, and you know I'm here. But everything's gonna be okay, I promise." Ricky knew the feelings first hand and he didn't want to give her all the cliche responses because they never really helped anyone in these moments. But he knew that she was strong enough to pull through and that she would see a day where she felt better. He kissed the top of her head as he held her tightly to him.
"I love you baby, and I'll be right here through everything." He reminded her. She never finished her makeup and they never ended up going out to dinner like they had been getting ready to do.
Instead Ricky gathered all of the blankets from their bedroom and took them down to the livingroom couch, turning on a movie and ordering takeout so that they could just rest and be cozy at home.

Trigger warning: Self Harm
The rest of the night had been okay. She was quiet and clearly shut down but she still clung to Ricky for the source of comfort he always provided.
It was the middle of the night that got worse. She had woken up from nightmares ontop of the feelings that she was already having and felt pushed over the edge. Not wanting to bother Ricky she had made her way to the bathroom and attempted to take away her pain, but it only added a layer of panic on to everything else she was feeling.
As the blood dripped steadily onto the floor she thought about all of their friends, thought about everything she would be missing out on and absolutely lost it when thinking about how this was going to hurt Ricky. She put the bottle of pills down that she had picked up after she had inflicted wounds onto herself and wrapped a wash cloth around her wound, quickly making her way to the bedroom to wake Ricky. She felt guilty but she couldn't do this by herself right now. She couldn't handle herself.
"What?" He mumbled, half asleep after she had choked out his name a few times. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, more awake as her cries filled his ears.
"I can't do this by myself." She cried as he sat up in bed, reaching for her waist and pulling her onto him.
"Please tell me you didnt.." He spoke pained as he noticed the towel pressed to her arm. Although he didn't need an answer from her, he already knew. "How bad is it? Let me see." He gently pushed her hand away and lifted the towel to be met with the yellow tissue showing which told him she had went to deep for it just to be minor. He closed his eyes and let out a breath as he composed himself. He had to remind himself that he had once been here himself, or well.. more than once if he was being honest.
He helped the girl up and took her to the bathroom as he sat her on the counter, grabbing the white plastic box from under the sink.
He washed her wound before putting some gauze over it to soak up the blood that was still rapidly coming out. He held pressure to it untill it had slowed enough to put butterflies over it, bridging her skin together and then covered it with more gauze and wrapped a bandage around her arm.
"Please don't hurt yourself again." He begged her, resting his forehead against her own. "I'm right here, you can wake me up if I'm asleep but please don't do this." She nodded her head before he gently placed his lips to hers.
"There's not a single thing in this world that you can't get through, but when you feel like it's all too much I'm right here. I'm always here. You're going to be okay and we're going to get through this. Together."

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