Broken Kitten Alt ending *Josh Balz*

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If anyone's read my story, Broken Kitten, this is one of the ideas for what would have happened had Haven not died in the end. You don't have to read that story to understand this chapter by any means but I will post the link to it for anyone who's interested at the end.

"Where's the baby at?" Chris asked after we had exchanged greetings.
"She's with her dad."
"You didn't bring her to see me?"
"No, I did. They're just out in the hall bothering Ricky." I laughed. Chris sat in front of me in an office chair as he wrote stuff down. Even on the day of a show he was still working on a million other things. I stepped out into the hall, seeing Josh talking to Ricky as he held my daughter in his arms. I quietly took her from him, careful not to interrupt the conversation before taking her to Chris.
"You wanna hang out with your uncle Chrissy?" I asked the toddler, handing her over to him as she made grabby hands with a grin on her face.
"Veya!" He told her from my hands, standing her on his lap. "Are you going to come see me sing you a pretty song?" The plan was to take her to Motionless' show. It wasn't like it was anything new to her though. She'd been around the music since she was born.
"Pretty song." She repeated, as she played with Chris' jacket.
"Mhm. Pretty song for a pretty girl." He told her before switching his focus to me. "Is Josh coming tonight?" He never really attended events for the band since he wasn't a part of it anymore.
"He better. We came all the way here for it."
"You look just like your mommy." Chris told Neveya, poking her nose gently causing her to laugh.
"Mommy pretty." We could all thank Josh for her catching onto that line.
"Yes she is, and so are you." He stood up, putting the girl on his shoulders. "Have you guys had lunch yet?"
"No. We were going to see if you guys wanted to grab something together." We walked out of the room as we talked.
"What are you in the mood for?" My brother  knew me well so I rolled my eyes and gave him a look that told him he knew the answer to that. I wasn't a very adventurous eater.
"Veya, what do you want for lunch?" Chris asked, holding the girls tiny hand in his as she still sat on his shoulders as we walked through the halls towards the rest of the guys.
"Happy meal!" She shouted, accidently hitting Chris in the head as she flailed her arms around in excitement.
"Baby, Chris doesn't eat Mcdonalds." I told her, shaking my head.
"If she wants McDonald's, that's fine."
"Oh so you can just have coke and fries before a show? I don't think so." Chris, just like her dad, was practically a slave to this little girl's happiness. It was almost pathetic. But in the most heartwarming adorable way.
With how well he did with Nevaya it was a shock that he still wanted nothing to do with kids of his own. But he liked the fact that he could return her to Josh and I when she got to be too much. And I couldn't  blame him. Still, he was amazing with her.

"Happy meal for you?" She asked Chris, grabbing at his hair to try to pull herself forward in an attempt to see his face.
"No happy meals Nev." I told her, shaking my head.
"Come on Haven. We can get her a happy meal and just go somewhere else for the rest of us."
"Chris we don't have to go out of the way for all of that."
"Its fine. Let the girl have her happy meal." Even Chris was wrapped around her finger.
"My two favorite girls." He smiled at me, pulling me into his side as Nevaya grabbed  my hair.
"Ow! Nevaya Marie, stop pulling hair!" I called her down, stopping Chris and having him help me take me hair out of her fist.
As we made it to the room everyone's voices rang in my ears as they all talked amongst each other.
"What are we all doing for lunch?" Chris asked them when we stepped into the room.
"Pizza!" Ryan suggested.
"Well we gotta get my baby a happy meal." Chris spoke, swaying side to side with her.
"Happy meal!!" She yelled, hitting the top of Chris' head in excitement.
"Veya, that's not nice." He grabbed her hands in held them in his own to stop the action.
"Your baby?" Josh asked.
"We could go get some wings?" Vinny  suggested.
"I mean technically she is my blood." Chris shrugged. "Havy, any input?" He asked, getting back to the food.
"Are we going out or ordering in?"
"We might as well go out since we've gotta go to two places either way."
"You really didn't have to.. she can eat something else, you know."
"Going for uncle of the year award here, alright?" We ended up looking up nearby places to eat and piled into cars, going with Chris through a McDonald's drive thru first before going to the place we all chose.
We had a good time, all eating and conversing with each other.
When the evening had rolled around I touched up my makeup and changed my outfit to get ready for the show while Josh got Nevaya dressed for the night.
She wore black leggings with a black t-shirt and a 'Motionless' Jacket that matched Chris'. When I say he spoiled her, I mean it. I changed into some killstar trousers that had strap details and a mesh top, putting a cute bralett underneath. I finished the outfit with some platform boots and Nev wore her black converse.
We were ready early and headed to the Venue to meet up with Chris.
As they let us into the back Nevaya ran over to her uncle, crashing the meet and greet.
"Nevaya!" I called after her, walking quickly to get her once I had realized what we interrupted.
"She's fine, Havy." Chris waved me off as he picked my daughter up and put her on his shoulders, returning to signing things for fans.
The situation gained a lot of questions from some of the fans since not everyone knew I was his sister, causing some of them to think that Chris had a kid.
Despite Nevaya trying to steal Chris' sharpie out of his hand many times the rest of the meet and greet went well and before we knew it they went out on stage as we went into the crowd. Front row was a bit risky, but with security right next to us we were pretty safe.
Chris started the night with thoughts and prayers before playing a couple other songs. At the end of Cause of Death Chris went off the stage for a split second to take a sip of water before walking back, talking as the band was silent.
"For this next one I'm gonna need a little help." He started. "Let me get Veya up here. Can we do that?" He asked security, still talking into the mic as a few fans cheered and others wondered what was going on. "Havy? That cool with you?" I gave him a funny look but let her go with her Uncle as he came over to get her.
"I promised this little girl that I would sing her a pretty song if she came to see our show and while I intend to keep that promise we also cut budgeting on our backup dancers so I'm gonna need her help here." Chris joked before signaling to the band to start the track as Somebody told me started playing. As Chris sang he danced around, dancing with Nevaya and making my heart melt. The entire time she had a giant smile on her face as she danced with her uncle and watched the guys do their thing.
He kept her on stage for another two songs before singing her the 'pretty song' he promised her and returning her to me.
"Everyone make some fucking noise for that little girl!" He spoke, causing everyone  to go crazy. "Veya, don't repeat those words or your mommy will kill me. If she starts cussing she didn't learn it from uncle Chris, alright?" He joked before moving on to the rest of the set. He stole her back at the end of the set to have her take a bow with him.
We let the fans pile out of the venue before Josh and I went up on stage. Chris and Nevaya were sat at the edge of the stage doing some people watching as the crew moved the equipment.
"I'll bet you five bucks that tomorrow you're gonna have thousands of fans assuming that's your daughter." Josh told him as I sat down beside them.
"I said 'uncle Chris' what more do they want from me?" But they knew how the internet was and Josh was right.
"She still looks like you." Justin shrugged as he walked past, grabbing a mic stand.
"Its that Cerulli nose. Can't help it." Chris defended. And he wasn't wrong. Chris and I looked a lot alike. You could tell we were siblings and since everyone seemed to think Nevaya looked just like me then it wasn't a crazy thing to assume that she therefore resembled Chris as well.
"Did you like your pretty song?" Chris asked her as she got up and wondered over to him, grabbing his hat off of his head.
"Sing you pretty song." She grinned, nodding her head.
"I just did. Did you like it?" He laughed as she put the hat on her head momentarily before putting it back on him, but sideways this time.
"Pretty." She smiled, patting his head then kissing his cheek, causing me to let out a small laugh. He fixed his hat before getting up and grabbing her, putting her on his hip as we headed backstage. Most of the equipment was packed up by now.
"Thanks for bringing her and for coming." Chris told Josh and I.
"I'm still a part of this, you know." I told him, a sad smile on my face. With life getting in the way I hadn't been as involved as I use to be.
"I know and you always will be."
"And so will she." I nodded to my daughter who played with Chris' dog tag as he held her.
"Are you a member of Motionless, Veya?" He asked her, a smile on his face.
"Yeah!" She agreed, nodding her head in excitement  even though we were sure she didn't really know what she was being asked.
"Nevaya Motionless. I love it. You can take my spot on vocals." Chris joked.
"We'll always be a part of all of this, Chris."
"I know, Havy. Have I told you lately that you're the best sister anyone could ever ask for and that I love you? Because I mean it." He pulled me into a hug, making it into a group hug as he still had my daughter.
Man, what a life. And it couldn't be any better than this.

Broken Kitten:

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