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hush hush, you can't leave me now bitch.

As I arrived at the hospital with whining breaks, I stormed to her hospital room. She couldn't just leave me. She just couldn't. FP and Jughead were already there standing next to her bed, Jellybean was sitting on the other side.

It was silent and you could only hear the beeping of the vital machines and our breathing. This was an awkward quietness.

„She is going to make it, right?" I asked with trembling voice as I sat next to JB and held Tonis still hand. They were colder than usual and listless.

My heart tightened up at the sight of her motionless body.

„The doctors aren't sure yet, but it's looking worse than before. The wound caused internal bleeding and she has to get another surgery soon."

My hand clenched around hers and a few tears ran down my cheeks. Right as I wanted to say something, a nurse and a doctor come into the room.

„Oh, good morning Mr Jones, Ms Blossom. We'll be taking Ms Jones to surgery now." His voice was calm and his hands firmly held onto the papers in his hands.

Jellybean and I got up and stood next to Jughead and his father silently. We watched as they rolled the bed out of the room and closed the door behind them.
My hands felt numb again and I stared at the closed door.

My mind went blank and I didn't notice Jughead's look on me.
It was his voice that snapped me out of my trance.

„Cheryl, when was the last time you've eaten anything?" He was being serious but also concerned. Now FP and JB looked at me too.

„Maybe five days ago. I don't know." My voice was creaky and weak. It was probably that they saw my ribs through the red dress I was wearing. It used to be tight to my body, but now it was just hanging loose around the flesh that's now gone.

„I'm taking you to Pops. You have to eat something Cheryl." FP said and flashed me a kind smile. Together we all get out of the hospital room and head to his car.

„What about Toni?" JB asked then and we all looked at FP.
„We'll be back when she wakes up. The surgery will take about 2 and a half hours and she won't wake up until an hour after."

FP drove off the parking lot and made bis way to Pops, parking in front of the doors.

„Alright let's get some breakfast, shall we."


After we finished eating (yes, I had actually eaten everything) we all sipped on our chocolate milkshakes. Jughead and Jellybean more eagerly, Me just calm and slowly.

My thoughts were with Toni who was in surgery right in that moment because of me. Just because some terrific guy tried to kill my whole family and he was just an inch to succeed.

As I looked down on my empty plate warm tears ran down my face. I just couldn't stop feeling guilty, no matter how many people told me that I wasn't.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand on top of my head (and my really greasy hair), stroking it softly. Once again - it was Jughead.

„Stop blaming yourself for what happened. None of this is your fault Cheryl."

His words were soothing and just as I looked up again - in the direction where Jughead sat (next to me at the window) - I saw a black van on the street just behind the parking area.

My eyes grew wide and I pushed Jughead away from me. It was just in time because right then a bullet shot between us.

„Everyone on the ground!" FP yelled and got out of the booth, pushing his daughter under the table as well.

With his right hand he took his gun out of the leather pouch and went outside, but the van was already gone.

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