1 - I am Toni Topaz, Jones for you

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FP, the man who saved my life by just bring me here, bring me home. Last night I spent the night besides Jughead in his bed. I like him, he seems like my older brother. He told me yesterday that he already is 5 and a half years old which means that he already goes to preschool. Theo didn't let me go to one even though I turned five like a month and a half ago.
My eyes rush open and I look around. Jugheads room is full of grey shirts and dark flannels. He is still sleeping so I try not to make any noise. My feet hurt and they're in bandages. These ballerina shoes can go to hell. I walk over to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I have one of Jugheads sport pants on and one of his shirts. They are too big but comfy.
I walk back into the room and look outside the windows. Some kids are playing tag. I look at them and watch them running away from one big boy. He is tall, I guess he is one or two years older than me. Suddenly the catcher turns around and looks into my eyes. He smiled and showed me to come outside too.
I grabbed one pair of Jugs trainers and pull them over the bandages. Silently I leave the trailer and go to the boy. He is smiling at me. „Hello, what's your name?" he asks me politely and I just smile back. „Toni, what's yours?" „Sweet Pea" I'm confused. „Is that your actual name or a nickname?" I ask while laughing. He softly punches my shoulder but I wince in pain. He seems shocked. „I'm so sorry Toni!" I wipe away my tears. „It's fine...just some scratches" he still is worried, so he runs back into one trailer and comes out with an ice pack and a towel around it. „Here, put it on your shoulder" I do it and breathe in sharply because of the cold, but then it's fine.
The other boy runs to us. „Pea, you forgot to catch me!" but Sweet Pea pretends not to hear him. He just walks away with me while I'm looking behind and smile at the other boy. My new friend knocks on FPs trailerdoor and he opens it with a very sleepy face. „Toni? Is everything okay?" now he is worried too. I don't like it when they care about me more than something other. Sweet Pea starts explaining that Jugs dad should take me to a doctor and stuff like that, but I'm not listening. I look through the door into Jugs and now my bedroom where he is still sleeping. Juggie is cute when he's asleep. I sit down in the kitchen and look around. I like it here. I have to thank him for rescuing me, really. I put my arms on the table and lay my head on it. Within some minutes I fall asleep.
- time pass -
I feel someone shaking me softly and I start to open my eyes. They flicker around and have to get used to the bright light. In front of me was a small bowl with chocolate cereal and bananas. Jughead is sitting next to me and slurps the last few drips of milk. „I want more!" he shouted and held his bowl in front of FP. He sighs. „Boy, you've already eaten three bowls of cereal, you can't eat one more." Juggie keeps pouting and I just sit there smirking while watching the scenario. Suddenly we heard a huge crash and I immediately start crying. Jughead rums to the door and yells at someone. „You should've wait for me Sweetie!" „Don't call me that!" After that Jug rolls his eyes and comes to hug me. „Everything's okay, they just tried a new rocket they built themselves." I just keep crying  and my heart is pounding. First he hesitates, but them he starts rubbing my back softly. I calm down a bit and feel the look of his dad on us. It's crazy to believe that Jelly didn't wake up because of this, but she's just a baby.
- time pass one week -
Now it's one week I've been living with them. While Jug was at preschool with Sweet Pea and Fangs, the other boy, I was at home. I don't know what to do every day, so I just walk around the trailerpark in Jugs clothes and keep exploring this part of the town. FP promised to take me to preschool as soon as possible, so that I'll be in first grade with Jug together.
He thinks I don't understand why I'm not at preschool right now. It's because I'm not his daughter and he just can't send other people children to preschool. I walk behind some trailers and see some trees circling around some area with targets. There is one man, he has a gun in his right hand aiming at one of the wooden plates. He shoots, I jumped a bit. Within the shock I start running away. This man is dangerous. I don't care about the bandages which I still have around my feet, I don't care about my shoulder that still hurts, and I don't care about the roots growing outside the ground. I stumble and fall. My right knee is bloody and full with mud. I get up, wince in pain, but keep running until I get to FP.
„Daddy.." I cry and run to hug him. He seems a little bit shocked, but doesn't care and starts fondling my long light brown hair. „Shh..calm down honey..." I keep crying but less. When I stopped crying he put his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes. „Guess what Toni..you're officially my daughter now, your Antoinette Jones. Daughter of the Serpent King, Sister of the Serpent Prince, the Serpent Princess now. I adopted you, and you can go to preschool now..."

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