6 - Freshman, oh yeah!

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Guess what, I'm still alive, still living with that boy Jughead who I call my brother and the savior of my life who I've called my Dad since he got me from these shitty woods after this bitch Theobald threw me out. I hate him. I hate him so much, but otherwise I wouldn't be here, right?
Boom, I graduated Junior High before this years summer and we also had a Junior Prom. I went with Fangs, because we kind of had a fling at that time, but not anymore. Well...let me tell...I found out something. When He and I had this fling...it didn't feel right. But...I don't know...I had these feelings for that girl...Brittany is her name. He got feelings for a boy named Steward. I guess I'm like bisexual or something like that and he's gay? Yeah, that's pretty much correct. I told dad, he was so chilled and okay with what I am. I expected something otherwise, but whatever. I just turned fourteen, so Juggie is half a year older than me, Jellybean who wants to get called JB by now, is nine. Daddy...well let's say he's getting old slowly. Today we all get to High School! Finally. I can't wait to graduate, go to college, go away, get out of this fucked up town.
I hear my alarm clock, 6:45 am. I get up, take some clothes and go into my own little bathroom. The me in the mirror looks tired, but awake either. I sigh, wash my face with water to get more awake and get changed then. I choose a black leather skirt with dark fishnet tights under it and a black spaghetti top covered with a leatherjacket. Not as in Serpentjacket, but as in a normal leather jacket.
I step out, grab my bag and go to the kitchen to make breakfast for all of us. Juggie and I will be eating a burger each from yesterday (which has survived until now, surprisingly) and Dad eats like nothing? I haven't seen him eating anything in the morning, so I'll just make some coffee, black of course, and coffee with milk and sugar for Jug and me. Jelly eats what we ate for years: chocolate cereals with banana.
It's 7am now and everyone except for Jug is here. I sigh and go to his room where he is sleeping, the shutters down, only in his boxers. I don't have a problem with that, he's my brother. So I pull the shutters up and take his blanket away. „Wake up, you're late...AGAIN!" I yell and he groans and throws a pillow at me. „Don't you dare!" I take his arm and pull him to the ground. „Get ready or I'll eat your Cheeseburger." I say casually, folding his bedsheets and he widens his eyes and runs into the bathroom he shares with Dad. I chuckle and go back to the kitchen. „He'll be here soon" I say laughing and take a bite of my Cheeseburger.
Then he walks in wearing a grey S-Shirt with black jeans and a flannel shirt around his hips, dark sneakers on his feet.
Jug takes a seat between Jelly and Me, also eating his cheeseburger.
Now It's like 7:15 am and I clean up the table, Jug helping me and both of us finishing our cups of coffee. After that JB, he and I grab our school bags and leave, my little sister on my left taking my hand. So the three of us walk to Southside elementary school and bring JB to her class, greeting our previous teachers with a smile. I really hope the teachers at Southside High are as polite as in Preschool and Primary School, even though I went to Northside Preschool. Now it's only Jug and Me. I listen to my favorite songs with one earbud, with the other ear I listen to Jug who introduces me in a new book idea. „Shouldn't you finish your novel at least BEFORE you start a new book?" I ask sighing, because I've had to hear it for two days already. We reach the old brick building and enter our new school. I see many students I already know, because they've been in my previous classes and I sigh. They don't like me. I'm open with my sexuality, that's why they keep whispering behind my back. We pass them and as always they whisper. I get some little aggressions and turn around. „Either you shut up right now or I'll punch you in your face!" I say to the group of boys and girls, mostly boys. They all wince and walk a few steps back, but one boy, Bryce, came a few steps to me. He was in my previous classes as well, always judging me and my friend group. Jug pulled my shoulder softly, not wanting any problems today, but I slap his hand away, raging. „So what are you gonna do now, Antoinette." he says, provocatively. I put my hands into fists. I know I said to punch him in the face, but I also know he's stronger. I think about it and smile confidently, making him feel confused and take his defense down. When his crossed arms are open and down, I punch him right on his nose. My knuckles are bloody and he holds his nose, dropping blood out of it too. „You little Bitch!" he yells, punching back but I squat down which makes him punch against the old wall and cursing in pain. Bryce looks at me angrily, like really angrily, and he gives me an uppercut. I stagger backwards, crunching my teeth together and clinching his shoulders and push him down against my knee which is after that also bloody. He then grabs my shoulders as well pushing me against the wall behind me, making me scream in pain now. He is really strong. Suddenly I hear an signal. These are the speakers.
„Antoinette Jones and Bryce Prescott are called directly to the principals office. I repeat, Antoinette Jones and Bryce Prescott directly to the principals office."
I sigh and he takes his hands off my shoulders. We both walk to the end of the hallway, where the office is. What a nice first day of school.

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