4 - First Grade

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*time pass*
I've lived with Juggie, daddy and Jelly for almost a year now. Jug and I graduated preschool and Daddy's sending us to a different school than Betty and Archie are. It's because we're on the southside and he is not able to drive us to the northside every day. I still sleep in my brothers bed next to him and cuddling with him.
Today is the first day of primary school and I take out one pair of ripped black jeans and a shirt of Jughead. He's still sleeping. Suddenly I hear a loud scream and Jelly runs into our room. She's grown so much now. I pick her up and swing her around. „Go wake up Juggie!" She chuckles and jumps up and down on the bed. Jug groans and tries to grab her wrist, but she climbs out of the bed and runs into the kitchen.
I laugh and go into the bathroom and get changed. I put my hair in one hair tie and walk back, Juggie sleeping...again.  I kiss his cheek and and shake him a little. „Wake up brother." He opens his eyes slowly and looks at me angrily. „We'll be late, get up" I say and join Daddy and Jelly at breakfast. As everyday I eat chocolate cereals and bananas drowned in milk. „Boy, get up" dad yells and we all hear Jughead groan. With a sleepy face he comes into the kitchen and sits down next to me. „You can't sleep that long Juggie" I sigh and finish my bowl. „I can. Just let me sleep" he whines and starts eating. Dad shakes his head and puts Jelly's and my bowls into the sink. „When do you get us there?" I ask FP and he looks at his watch. „Five minutes, eat faster Jug. You also have to get dressed."
After five minutes Jug is ready to go. Surprisingly. We grab our bags and I take Jelly with me. „I'll get Jelly to Penny" I say and Dad nods. So I go to a trailer on the opposite of the trailerpark and knock. Penny opens and smiles at me. „Hello kids! You're going to be in first grade now, aren't you?" I shake my head in a yes and then give Jelly to her. „Daddy will pick her up when he's here again. Bye Penny!" She laughs and kisses my forehead. „Have fun!" P says and shuts the door. I walk back to Jug and Dad who already sit on the bike, waiting for me.

*time pass*

We get to a bigger building than the preschool, but still smaller than the high school I saw on the northside. Here, I know no-one except for Pea and Fangs. Together we enter the building with their parents. The director will have a speech in the lobby and that's where we're going to right now. It takes about five minutes to bring all the new kids plus parents into the lobby and wait for them to sit down, to be quiet.
The director and a few teachers come onto the small stage they made and they start to line up vertically in front of us.
Mr Logan, the pricipal/director, talks about the school's history, different classes and subjects, clubs, etc. etc.
Then he takes out a list.
„The students who will be in Ms Johannson's class. Listen carefully. Brian Adams, Noel Antin, Cindy Buttingham, Chloe Combert,..." I stop listening to it. Now we're at the last teacher standing there and neither of us got read out. Mr Logan goes on. „Now the last class with Mr Hamlet. Jonas Anderson and Isabella Anderson, Michaela Boomberg, Claire Candice, Fangs Forgaty,..." he goes ahead and I stop listening until the letter 'J'
„Antoinette and Forsythe Pendleton Jones" I laugh at his name and get up, walking to the other children, Fangs and Mr Hamlet. We wait for Sweet Pea to get up too, but no one with a 'P' as the start of the last name got called.
„Evian Sean Peabody Lockwood" and Sweet Pea stands up, red as a ripe tomato.
Now everyone is with their teacher and Mr Hamlet leads us to one classroom at the end of the hallway. It's class 1d.
„Kids, sit down please. Welcome to Southside Primary School and my name's Mr Hamlet as you already know. Let us play an introducing game." He takes out a soft ball. „You say your name, your age and one activity you like to do. Then throw it to an other person who does the same" We all nod and he throws it to...me. Yay. I catch it and look around. „My name's Toni Jones, I'm six years old and I like spending time with my friends." I look around again and throw it to Sweet Pea. „Uhm my name is Evian Sean Peabody Lockwood, but please please go by Sweet Pea. It's short and easier to memorize. I'm six, almost seven and I like building rockets on my own with friends." I smile. They let me in the rocket-building-gang, like they like to call it. We maybe wrecked some trailers a bit BUT it's fun. Sweetie throws the ball to Fangs who throws it to Jug. „My name's Forsythe Pendleton Jones, short Jughead and I'm six and a half years old. I like writing and reading." I smile a bit. The class seems shocked. A boy who likes reading and writing instead of sports or something what boys usually do. It gets quiet. „Leave him alone, he didn't do anything, just go on with the game" I say kinda annoyed with the situation. Mr Hamlet looks at Jug. „These are nice hobbies. Just throw the ball to another student. And so it goes on and on until everybody has the ball once. Today we only have like three classes and at 11 am we leave the class. Jug and me in front of our clique, Fangs and Pea behind us.

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