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Cheryl's Pov:

I knew there was something wrong with Caleb. He was hiding something from us and I'm almost 100 percent sure that he knows something about Toni being shot.
But on the other hand, he looked worried, maybe even guilty for some reason, but either way - he probably knew something.

After FP had brought me home and I was in my room, looking at the pictures I had put on my mirror. It were pictures of Toni and me, as we were getting ready for one of the football games or a picture of us at Pops, each holding up a milkshake.

I sighed and grabbed my phone - no new messages.
Betty had stopped texting me about it and honestly, I was glad she did.

Now, that I felt somewhat better, having eaten and making sure Toni was okay, I could widen my focus onto school again. The past week, my grades have been slipping. I haven't been paying attention nor did I do my homework, so I'm doing them now.

Jughead Pov:

By the time we got home, The sun had already started to set.
Dad and JB went into the house and I followed short after, directly going up to Betty's and my room.

She was sitting on her bed, laptop on her lap and earbuds in her ears listening to some kind of music.
It actually surprised me that she hasn't called me yet since the gun shots should have been pretty loud, but I didn't ask her.

„Hey Betts." I greeted her and dropped down next to her.
„Hey Jug, how's Toni?" Her Smile wasn't as bright as it used to be before the incident happened, but she smiled.

„She's fine now. They had to do another surgery, but hopefully she'll wake up soon" I explained to her and kissed her cheek.

We spent some time listening to the music together, until I somehow slept in on her shoulder, not waking up until the middle of the night.

It was three am when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, waking me up. Betty was asleep next to me, having changed into pyjamas, while I was still wearing my clothes I had put on that morning.

The display showed off Cheryl's contact, making me furrow my eyes for a bit until answering the phone.

„Jughead, please come to Thornhill. I think someone is trying to break into my house, and I think that person is Caleb." Her voice was rushed and her breathing fast.

I widened my eyes and got out of the bed, putting on my serpent jacket and heading to my Dad's and Alice's room.

„Hold on, I'm on my way and I'm bringing my Dad. Stay right where you are."

I said as I opened the door and shook awake my father, explaining him the situation when he finally woke up.

As we were sitting in his car, I was still on the phone with Cheryl.

„Can you explain to me why you think it's Caleb?"
„Yeah, Yeah hold on."
You could hear some shuffling and the clicking of a light switch.

„Something is off about him. First he disappeared without a trace out of nowhere and only comes back when his sister suddenly got shot."

„Seems pretty valid to me."
„Maybe to you, but when he was in the hospital, his eyes were filled with guilt, as if he had to do something about shooting Toni."

She stopped talking and waited for my answer.

„I mean, yes maybe, but would he shoot his own sister?"
„He was supposed to shoot me, idiot. Toni just got in the way and covered me. When did you say he showed up again?"
„Right before the incident at Thistlehouse happened. It wasn't long that he was in the bar until we got your calls and messages."

„See, maybe he even shot...Jason... and then headed to the bar for an alibi. Or just to make sure that he was new in Riverdale who couldn't harm a fly."
„Yes, I understand what you mean. Stay on the line, we've arrived."

Dad parked the car a bit away from the house, not wanting to make it obvious that the police arrived.
But when we walked around the corner, we actually saw the black van parking right in front of the metal gate, the gate itself was wide open.

We headed inside, hiding behind some weird statue as we noticed a shadow walking on the first floor.
„Cheryl, are you in your room, or are you in the hallway right now?" I whispered into the phone.

„I've never left my room, why? Is he already inside?" You could hear her slight panicking voice.
„I'm afraid so, there's someone walking in the hallway of the first floor. We're going inside now."

As we said so, we walked into the house, the front door not being locked, and followed the shadow upstairs until we heard his footsteps from afar, hiding behind a corner to the hallway we've seen the person in.

I looked around the corner, seeing a tall, male figure trying to unlock the door to Cheryl's bedroom. He was wearing a skiing mask, similar to the one the Black Hood had worn, but familiar brown locks were sticking out of it.

„It really is Caleb. He has some major explaining to do." I whispered into the phone, as I said it to my father as well.

„Cheryl, he's at your bedroom door. Don't freak out when he gets in, we will hold him right there. I'm hanging up now."

She managed to silently agree and then I hung up on her, putting my phone back into my pocket.

It didn't take long for Caleb to unlock the old door and he was in, making us rush there as quiet as possible.
He held a gun to Cheryl's head, as she pretended to be asleep.

A shot was heard. Cheryl was alive, Caleb's gun on the ground. Dad shot it out of his hand. He grabbed Caleb and put handcuffs on his hands, securing them behind his back.

„As sorry as I am to say that - you're arrested Caleb Topaz, for multiple attempted murders and shooting in a public place without a license. Plus, for shooting near a school. Everything you say may be used against you in court."

And with that, Dad pulled up his mask, revealing the tanned skin and gritted expression of Toni's brother.
„Follow me."

They went outside of the room and headed downstairs to the car and soon you could hear the doors open and close again.

I stayed with Cheryl and hugged her as she got up, shaking and tense.
„Shh Cheryl it's okay now. We have the person who's been trying to kill you and who shot Toni." I whispered and I could fee her smile a little.

„Thank you Jughead. No more having to fear to be shot any time of the day?"
„Yes, no more fear. Do you want to stay the night over at ours? Or well, what's left of it." The youngest Blossom nodded and she grabbed a few things before she followed me downstairs as well, a red Serpent Jacket wrapped around her shoulders and black comfortable shoes on her feet.

„Son, I'll get him to the station and let my people secure his gun and the scene. You can call Hog Eye or someone else to pick you guys up." And with that, the car drove off.

I took out my phone once again, seeing a few messages of Betty, but I ignored those, calling Sweet Pea and Fangs instead.

After a few rings they picked up and agreed on giving us a ride back home, so as it was almost time to get up again, we fell asleep on the couch, each taking up one length.

And now, the nightmare would be over.

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