23 - hospitals

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still Cheryl's POV:

The past hours were hell. We ended up waiting in the hallway for four hours while Toni was in surgery. The bullet was stuck somewhere in between her ribs. It fortunately didn't reach her heart, but she still was in mortal danger.

Betty and Jug just sat there in silent, quietly sobbing and crying, hoping for Toni to get rolled out of the surgery. Somewhere between arriving here hours ago and waiting Alice Cooper showed up as well, caring a lot about her high school love's daughter who also happened to be the sister of her soon-to-be son in law.

I, for my part, walked up and down the hallway, internally screaming and blaming myself for not noticing the gun that was aiming ME. Because of me, the only person who believes in me and loves me might...die.


I must have slept in after about...three hours of waiting for Toni. When I open my eyes, I find myself in a white bed in a white room. There's a noisey beeping right next to me and I notice another bed to my right.
All I can see are pink traces of hair, but I know directly it had to be Toni. She survived!

As I sit up, four pair of eyes were staring at me. It were Mr Jones and Mrs Cooper, sitting next to the bed of my girlfriend.
They smile at me softly and sign me to come over, so I climb out of the bed and make my way to them.

I could straight up look at Toni, how she was laying there in a hospital gown with her eyes shut and a needle in her arm with a tube leading to some canister filled with a clear liquid.
Her chest was moving up and down slowly and her breathing was a bit flat, but she was breathing.

A rock fell off my heart seeing her alive and I sit on the chair Ms Cooper offered me, as she and her boyfriend walked out the room to give us some alone time.

As soon as the door closed, I put my hand on hers lightly, not wanting to press too hard. Her face was pale, her breathing low and the beeping of the machines filled the silence. The sight made my heart shatter into pieces.

A warm tear rolled down my cheek. It was my fault she was lying here. If I was shot and died she would be alive right now. A family who loved her deeply had to worry about Toni's life, just because I wasn't the one to get shot. Who would've cared if I died anyways.

Jason was dead, Mumsy and Dad are teling me I'm a useless piece of trash and the whole town sees me as a cold hearted bitch.

„I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." I mumble, looking down to my lap. I didn't expect an answer, but the silence killed me.
„It should be me lying here. It should be me getting shot, god damn it it should be ME who is supposed to be dead!" I cry out and my sobs fill the room.

„All of this is happening, just because you're just too good hearted to just leave my side and it makes my heart ache so bad...I don't deserve you..."


Of course I didn't receive an answer. How silly of me to believe that she'd wake up, had listener to every word I said and telling me to not worry about anything. This wasn't some cheesy romance book with everything having a happy ending where she would just wake up as if nothing had happened.

After some time I had cried all my tears and around me was complete silence except for the machine.
Then there was a light knock on the door. It was Mr. Jones, who walked into the room.
„Cheryl...can I talk to you for a second? About what happened yesterday..."

Wow. Not even 24 hours after and the police already wants to talk to traumatized people who were involved.
Nevertheless I just nod and follow him out of the room, after looking one last time at my precious girlfriend.

FP lead me to an absent room and closed the door behind us. It was a simple room with only a table and two chairs.
„Cheryl, take a seat please." FP ordered and pointed to the chair with its back towards the door.

„So we know that whoever shot, wanted to kill you, Cheryl. It probably is the same person as the killer of your brother, so it is important that you answer my next question truthfully and detailed." he explained and I simply nodded.

„First question. Did you see the culprit or do you remember what he or she looked like?"

I started to play back the scene in my head and thought. I could see the person, but not his face.
„I am pretty sure it's a man according to his height. He was wearing a black cap and mask to cover up his face so I didn't see any of that. I also remember that he was standing behind a black van and drove away with it. When he drove away I saw light brown locks. But that's all".

FP was impressed. „Wow, you noticed a lot. I'm sure this will help us to get the culprit faster." He said and smiled sadly. After all he had to do his job.

The former Serpent king led me out of the room straight outside. „Visiting times are over, I'm sorry. I'll call you as soon as she wakes up, I promise." and with that he left me there, as I got onto Jugheads motorcycle since he is supposed to drive me home.

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