8 - Christmas vacation as a Sophomore (2)

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When I turn my head to the side, my face brightens up a bit. Betty comes down with a light pink minidress.

Behind her is her older sister Polly, wearing a baby blue jumpsuit

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Behind her is her older sister Polly, wearing a baby blue jumpsuit.

I hug Betty tightly and a few tears drop out of my eyes

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I hug Betty tightly and a few tears drop out of my eyes. In the corner of my eyes I see Juggie tensing up a bit.
We stop hugging and I hug Polly too, but not the same way as I hugged Betty who hugs Jug, FP and Jelly now.
Together we go to the kitchen. The table is decorated with fake snow, a Bordeaux Red table blanket and a tiny snowman. We sit down and the Cooper sisters sit next to each other on the opposite of Jug and I. Alice sits on the one end of the table, dad on the other and Jelly on my lap. We start eating the pancakes with caramel syrup.
„How are you guys? It's been a while...two years?" Alice looks at dad and me, I remember the period thing and nod. „Wait what, you saw each other two years ago? Where were I?" Betty asks. „School, honey, school" her mom says and Jughead laughs. „Me too Betts" he says. They look into each others eyes and Betty blushes a bit. „Yeah..I had some...problems" I say responding to them and continue eating and giving my fork to Jellybelly who enjoys the pancakes.
„To get back to the question, we're doing great Alice" Dad tells her with a calm voice. We all continued eating and talked about school, family and other stuff.

„Presents! Presents!" Jelly yells after the yummy breakfast. I let her run over to the tree and smile at her. She crawls around the tree looking for packages with her name on them. Her eyes sparkle pulling out the hugest present out of the most behind corner. She starts tearing the paper off and her eyes widen. It was a package with different gifts from us all. A new Pennyboard, some books, a Fjallraven backpack in black and some games for her Nintendo 3Ds - Like Animal Crossing New Leaf, Supermario Bros. 2 and Nintendogs and Cats.
Now Jug forces me to pull out a small quadratic package. I open it and red tomato sauce splashes into my face. „Merry Christmas little Red Velvet Volcano" Jug says crawling on the floor in laughter and I get angry. And when I say angry, I MEAN it. When I get up slowly he suddenly stops laughing and gets up fast. „I will kill you Forsythe" I yell and and rund after him, out of the room, out of the house. I hear Jelly and Betty running after us to the door and laughing. After a few meters he doesn't have any energies left. I run faster but lose the grip on the icy streets and slip against my dear brother. Together we slip one or two meters and stop then in front of the house of the neighbors. We burst out in laughter and try to get up - my ass is freezing by the way.

We get back inside and I took off the jacket which is completely soaked. Jughead takes off the suit jacket and I stand up straighten his shirt softly. „I'm not your mom, watch out for your clothes yourself. Duh" Betty chuckles and hands me a tissue. I remember I still have the sauce in my face. „Yeah, thank you Betty. Can I borrow some makeup wipes and a lipgloss?" She nods and together we go upstairs. Betty searches for a darker lipgloss and I can see that she has something on her lips she wants to ask me and I'm sure it's about Juggie.
„So..how has it been, you and Jughead. Don't you fight a lot?" She asks me biting her lip. „Great, I am just like his mom. I have to wake him up, I make his breakfast, coffee and bedsheets. It's kinda funny" I laugh and she sighs in relief. „Did you think we fall head over heels in love just because we're not blood?" I ask her chuckling a bit. It's a joke but Betty tenses up a bit. „Oh...you did?" I ask surprised. My former second best friend nods slowly and so I walk up to her hugging the girl a bit.
„He likes you Betty. He has a crush on you since...ugh FOREVER" I say and I look in Betty's green eyes. „You think so?" Oh no, she's insecure. „Uhm yeah?! Your mom told us something about the meet up two years ago. That day I got my period and we came right here, because daddy didn't know anything about girls and periods and stuff. And Jug told me to text him because I said I'd go to the nurse. So I texted him I was here and he was like - and I mean literally - Of course I do, man, I'd to anything to see her again."
Now there is a smile on the Cooper Girl's face. She hands me the dark pink lipgloss and I apply it. Mascara and foundation or otherwise have never been my type. I haven't had problems with acne, sooo I haven't needed them yet.

Together we walk back downstairs looking at FP and Alice who both held an envelope in their hands. „Seriously girls, Jug, a spa trip for two?" Dad asks. This was the gift from all of us for the parents. As I know now both of them are divorced. I just didn't notice the divorce papers on his desk. So we thought we could them both some rest of us kids and take a spa trip.
„Who said you'd have to go together?" Polly asked chuckling. Alice' face turned red and so does Fp's. He played with his tie a little and I smirk at him.
„Whatever, let's get back to your presents, Toni. We didn't get to finish them earlier." Alice says and hands me a middle sized package with my name on it. I open it and I drop my jaw. „Are you kidding me?!" I pull out a brand new camera from Canon. The newest yet. I totally freak out, not able to handle the situation right now.
We end up all presents opened, Jug got a Macbook Pro, Betty got an original typewriter. They freaked out just like me. Polly got some Makeup and more girly stuff. All in one a nice Christmas morning. We spent all the day together and to be honest, I could get used to us as being a family.

Hey Guys, here's the author! You might ask when Choni meet - so I will say it to you! They'll meet up in the next chapter again - IT WILL BE NEW YEARS EVE! 💗🍒

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