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When I risked to look out of the window I only saw FP calling someone.
With widened eyes and still in shock I looked at Jughead and Jellybean.

„Are you guys okay?!"

I couldn't risk them losing their lives just because I wasn't dead yet.

„Yes, we're fine. Are you?" Jughead asked and looked at me as I simply nodded.
I knew for a fact that that was the same guy who shot at Toni. It even was the same black van.

„I swear that guy won't stop until he sees me dead on the ground." I muttered under my breath as I crawled out from under the table, pulling the two Joneses up as well.

I looked at Jughead and signed them to stay in place.
„What the fuck are you doing, he could still be out there somewhere."
„As if he's that stupid staying in a place that's crowded with officers. I'll go talk to your Dad, you guys stay here. If they get me it's not as bad as if they'd get you two."

And with that being said I went out of the diner to FP, who had finished his phonecall.
„Hey FP, you didn't by chance get any more clues on who that was did you?"
I wondered as I stood next to him.

He shook his head and looked at me.
„Not really. The van was stolen and nobody saw anything. But we hope for a few civilians who might have seen anything."
His hand found a spot on my shoulder.
„We'll find the someone who hurt Toni and is trying to kill you. I promise."

After FP's coworkers took over the scene and he was done asking the few customers at Pops questions, we all got back to the hospital, trying to forget the event and focusing on Toni again.

Now we were all sitting in her room, FP by her bed and the rest of us leaning against the wall.
The calm beeping of the life-machine told us that she was stable and not in life danger anymore. She was going to survive.

It was quiet and we all were in a comfortable silence, until the door opened again and a breathless Caleb bursted through the door.
His eyes were locked to the body of his sister, chest rising and falling evenly.

„Caleb? You're back in Riverdale?" FP asked and looked at the boy.
He was panting and nodded.
„Yes, I got a call that Toni was shot and made my way back here to see her. What exactly happened?"
He asked while he sat down next to FP and stroked her hand.

„We were going out of the school building until she saw someone pointing a machine gun sniper thing at us. Well basically at me. As the sniper pulled the trigger she put herself in fromt of me and got shot. She saved my life." I explained, gaze to the ground while holding back tears.

„Oh no...Will she be okay?"
„Yes, at least we think so. The doctors said that she is stable now."

Caleb sighed in relief. It seemed like he was really worried about his younger sister, but I knew better. I knew when someone was lying, just pretending.

I kept my eyes on him as he just looked at his sister, hand put on hers and expression full of worry.

Sooner or later he left the room, and I'm assuming the hospital too. As it was time for all visitors to go, we didn't have any other choice than get home again, getting back to our oh-so-normal everyday life.

Oh my god I'm so sorry that this is one; so short and two; that i took so long for a new chapter, I hope you can forgive me haha.

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