18 - too many talks on different topics

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In the next morning I wake up next to Cheryl. She looks so peaceful and innocent. Inside she must be frightened and horrified. What happened yesterday is too crazy to think it might happen, but we live in Riverdale and in Riverdale everything can happen.

It's Saturday morning and I let her sleep as long as she wants and needs to. Whatever is for her best, I'm willing to do it and to risk things. Seeing her so broken breaks my heart. I let out a quiet sigh and get out of bed carefully. Then I wash my face and go to the kitchen, where Dad is making Pancakes for everyone. Jughead, Caleb and Jellybean are awake too and sit on the couch watching TV. "Good Morning" I say with a small smile and everyone looks at me. Dad turns around for a second. "Good Morning Toni. How is she?" he asks and I look back to the door of my room. "She is still sleeping, but after what happened I wouldn't be surprised if she's traumatized." I answer and go to the coffee machine, making two cups. I take them and go back to my room, leaning against the doorframe. Cheryl is waking up right now, so I wait till she sees me, what happens after a few seconds. "Good Morning Babe" I whisper and sit down on the bed, handing her the cup. "Thank you" she says with a raspy voice and I smile.

After a while we go to the kitchen. She is wearing one of my oversized shirts and pyjama shorts. Her eyes are red and there are dark rings under her eyes from all the crying, but no one says something about that. The only one who has suspects is Jughead, because he is not on good terms with the Blossoms. It's really quite during our breakfast and I can't stop looking at Cheryl. I just don't want for to get even more hurt.

Affter breakfast Dad wants to talk to her about the murder. I can just sit here and wait until she gets out of our room again. I sit on the couch and sigh. Suddenly someone sits next to me and I look up. It's Caleb. "Hey, Toni." he says and puts an arm around my shoulder. "What's bothering you?" he asks and I pull the corners of my mouth into a smile. "Nothing. I'm just worried about Cheryl, that's all" I explain and look down. "May I ask what happened?" he continues and I look up again. "You'll know because of the news anyways. Her Twin Brother Jason Blossom got shot. She was in the room next to the room where it happened." I explain further and he nods. "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she gets better soon. She is your girlfriend, right?" he requested and I nod. "I'm gonna take a shower. Seems like this will take a while" I sigh and get up. I go to the door of my room and knock. The voice of Dad shuts up. "Come in" he demands and I do. "I just wanted to get some clothes" I mumble and go to my drawers. I take out a fresh pair of underwear and clothes to wear. Before I leave again, I look at my precious girlfriend. Her red hair looks flat and a bit greasy. Her eyes are redder than before and her cheeks are a bit wet. I kiss her cheek quickly and leave, going to the boys bathroom now.

After I showered I go to the living room. I see JB and Cheryl talking and for the first time in a while I see her smile. I watch them for a few minutes and can't but smile. They are cute together. I put my clothes in my own bathroom and go back to them. I sit down next to Cheryl on the ground and kiss her. She smiles into the kiss and kisses me back. Seems like we forget time a little, because Jug and Dad both clear their throats. "Come on girls, you've been doing that for a minute now." Dad says and chuckles.

I pull away and look at him. "So I can't kiss my girlfriend? What about you and Al? You kissed too." I say and laugh. "But not for that long. We breathed" he explains and laughs too. "Well, we're better kissers."

"As long as you don't have sex in this trailer. The walls are thin" he says casually and I can't believe he just said that. "Losing your virginity hurts, at least that's what Alice told me. Don't scream the trailer awake." He continues and Cheryl and I blush from embarrassment. After a few moments I take on the word. "A little too late dad...I'm not a virgin anymore..." I confess, completely embarrassed.
He almost spits out his coffee and looks at me with widened eyes. "Antoinette, you're fifteen! Was it a girl or a boy?! If it's a girl I'm fine with it, but if it was a boy I swear. Who was it?! And when?!" He asks completely furious now.

"Geez relax dad. It was already like a year or something ago. It was SweetPea and we used a condom. Just wanted to..experience." I explain to him, but he doesn't calm down.
"A year ago?! You were fourteen?! Now Imma get this boy here and-" he starts but right in that moment someone knocks on the door. Who would've thought that - it's Sweet Pea and Fangs who wanted to go out with us. Jughead opens the door and gives Sweets a death glare.
"Wowowow. What is going on here and why are Jug and FP looking at me like that?" He asks confused and I mouth a little sorry to him.
"I thought you were my best friend dude!" Jug says and shakes his head. "Well..so I'm not..? What did I do wrong?"
Poor boy, doesn't know what's happening right now.

"You fucked my sister!" - "You fucked my daughter!" Jug and Dad yell at the same time and now my guy best friend seems a little scared.
Cheryl, JB and Fangs watch from behind and try not to laugh.

"Hellooo, calm down guys. It's not that bad. Can't you just take it as a sign that I'm not a little kid anymore? Please." I sigh and shake my head.

Finally they just scoff but don't say a word. "Can we go out now? I'm hungry" Fangs asks and Cheryl agrees. "I need distraction and good food added with a nice Cherry Milkshake."
"Then it's settled. I'm out of here." I say and walk out of the trailer to my bike."

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