9 - Christmas vacation as a Sophomore (3)

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After the nice Christmas Day New Years Eve is on the schedule. We changed numbers with Betty and - omg - she and Jug just can't stop texting each other. It's crazy, at breakfast, his phone keeps buzzing, at lunch, at dinner, even at night. When do these guys sleep?
Well, back to the topic. Today is New Years Eve and we all stay at the Serpents Party at first and we head to the big Riverdale Party at Sweetwaters afterwards. Now I'm at home getting dressed for the evening. I can't decide which outfit I want to wear. After sending pictures to Sweetie and Fangs - oh and of course yelling at Jughead to come over in my room to decide - they all chose the same outfit:
Red-Black checked pants with a dark purple leather spaghetti top and a leather jacket. So I grab the clothes and walk to the bathroom and take a shower. I'm shampooing my hair with Cherry scented shampoo and conditioner. Dad allowed me to dye my hair - light pink/normal pink strands - so I put dye caring products in. Then I wash all the stuff out of my hair and rub shower lotion over my body. After I washed it off I step out and grab a towel for my hair and a towel for my body which I wrap in that towel.
I get changed and take the hair dryer from a cabinet.

- timeskip -

The party is at the Wyrm. I only am there at New Years Eve and our Christmas Eve. So I take my phone and my jacket and walk to the bar. The boys, dad and Jelly are already there. They said I should take my time to get ready. Hey, these were only two and a half hours okay.
I open the door and I see Jug, Sweet Pea and Fangs standing near the small stage with small bottles of beer. Honestly, I don't get it. This liquid tastes awful. Hog Eye who stands behind the bar smiles at me. „Hello Toni, it's been a while. You're 15 aren't you?" I nod my head. „Unlike my brother I'm not drinking my ass off here" I laugh. Well...they're not drinking they're asses off. They just drink like five different alcoholics per evening - and Jug is away every third night.
„I haven't seen you since the beginning of the year, so...Cherry Cola?" „Sure, can you put some ice cubes in?" He nods and I smile. In less than two minutes Hog Eye hands me a huge glass with some ice cubes inside. I take a look on the time. 7:30pm. With the glass in my right hand I go to the boys, greeting them with a hug. „You ready for the huge Northsider Party?" I ask them, looking at Jug only. He'll see Betty again - I wish they will have the cliche New-Years-Kiss. I mean, he likes her, she likes him. Boom. Oh my god....I turn into the real life tinder.
Fangs raises his glass. „Of course, even though I don't like Northsiders." he says taking a sip.
We talk, dance, laugh. The time runs away and it's suddenly 9:45pm. I take the bottles and my glass, bring them back to Hog Eye. Then I go into a corner to daddy and Jelly, who plays with Thomas, the son of a Serpent. I guess Jordan is his name.
JB runs over to me and giggles. Then I squat down in front of her a bit and kiss her forehead. „See you next year Jellybelly" I laugh. „It's JB!" she yells. Dads friends laugh and I just roll my eyes and leave with the boys.

We pull on our helmets and I smirk at them. „The last one buys all of us a milkshake at Pops!" I shout and drive as fast as I'm able to. Jughead right behind me and Fangs and Sweet Pea following.
We pass the border to the Northside and I'm still the first in line. Only like 100 meters away I can see colorful lights and crates full with rockets. There are many people, all of them Northsiders.
„First!" I yell and look behind. Sweet Pea and Fangs set the gas and overtook Jug on the last meter. „Milkshakes to all of uuus" I sing and get off my bike, waving my hair softly. Then I look around, spying through the crowd. Betty and...is that Archie? I guess. Well they're at the bar drinking something. „I go to Betty and Archie guys" I say and leave them. Everyone looks at us. „Have you never seen a Southsider before? Geez"
I try to make my way to Betty but I can't. Too many persons in my way. So instead I take out my phone and call her. Soon she picks up.
„Hey Betty, I am not able to get to you. There are just too many people staring at me, well us. Can you help?" she laughs and declines. „I'm sorry, let me through guys" I hear someone saying and all the people in front of us go to the side, revealing Betty now. She grabs my hand, I take Jugs and pull him after us. We get to the small bar and stand next to Archie and one other boy now.
„Hi Archie, haven't seen you for soooo long" I say and hug him. He hugs me back and when we go apart Jug basically JUMPS. Archie does that too and they do a chest bump. I just shake my head and laugh. The other boy gets to Betty and me. „Toni, this is Kevin. We all just call him Kev and he's the sheriff's son."
„I am the gay best friend!" Kevin says proudly and I chuckle.

- timeskip -

It's quarter to midnight and Betty disappeared somewhere with Jug. Sweet Pea went to find a girlfriend, probably. Archie went to his super rich girlfriend Veronica. I don't know, sounds kinda bitchy but never mind. Even Fangs and Kevin left, maybe making out. I sigh and go to the bar. „One Cherry Cola please" I say. Suddenly I hear someone next to me
ordering the same and we both turn our heads around. Long red hair, a red dress, red lips, red nails. The one and only Cheryl Blossom. I have to be honest - she looks hot and puberty hit her perfectly. A clean face, bright brown eyes and C-Cups. But I'm asking myself - How can't she be freezing like hell?

„As I see, Antoinette Jones is back on the Northside." she says smiling fake. I grab my drink and turn on the side, facing her now. „And as I see, Cheryl Blossom hasn't changed. Where is your white dress?" Cheryl turns around too. „Well, I chose Red as my signature color now." Together we walk to a tree away from the action. „No Jason tonight?" she rolls her eyes. „Making out with that Cooper slut Polly." I raise my eyebrow a bit. „Jason and Betty's sister? I'm surprised. Well, no date for you tonight? No hot popular footballer?" I ask and she rolls her eyes again. „Just because I'm popular doesn't mean that I need a popular boyfriend. And now, shoo Jones Girl" i shake my head and walk back to the edge of the river. I look around. Jughead and Betty are leaning against a tree, Fangs and Kevin are making out somewhere I guess. Suddenly they all start counting down from ten.
I look at Cheryl again. We both are lost for that special moment.

Some people shoot the rockets into the air, the couples are kissing, the singles are raising their plastic cups and then there are Cher and me. Alone, looking at the others, looking back down. I've never thought, I'd see Cheryl Blossom so sad and alone at a public place, never.

Oookay, what are your opinions on the small meet up? Write it in the comments!💗

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