30 - The End

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Hiram Lodge, huh?
Fp straightened his back as he looked Caleb in the eyes.
„Hiram? Do you know why?"
Caleb shook his head, eyes fixating on FPs. „No, he only told me what had to be done and what I would be paid. Let me tell you, it was a lot." He scoffed as he slumped back in the metal chair, scraping it a bit over the concrete.

„Alright. Now that you confessed, the judges will probably give you a year off, maybe two. Take this time to become a better person, not only for yourself, but also for your sister. Maybe then you can get your hopes up to regain her trust."

FP ordered his officers to take Caleb back to his cell and then headed back to his own office. It was almost time where he could visit Toni and he was smiling as he thought about his daughter.
He opened the file about Caleb on his desk and studied it - mentally adding the new aspect of Hiram Lodge into it, writing it down on a sticky note and sticking it over the empty motive slot.
He should do a visit to the Pembrooke.

FP grabbed his jacket and put the file back to where it belonged - in the double-locked compartment where all the current cases were stored - and then he went to his police car, starting it and re-adjusting the rearview-mirror before heading to the Pembrooke.

As he parked the car in front of the building and nodded to Smithers when he opened the door for him, he made sure his uniform was neatly in place while he was in the elevator before stepping into the Lodge-Apartment.

Hermione greeted him with a small smile. „FP, what gives us the honor?"
„I just have a few questions to ask to your husband, no worries Hermione. It'll be quick." He nodded before she nodded towards the door of Hiram's office.

FP knocked and entered at the approving hum of the man inside, standing a few steps away from Hiram who was looking out of the window onto the street.

„Hello FP." the sheriff could see the wide grin in the reflection. „Hiram. I need to talk to you. I think you know about what."
The business man turned around pointing to the two leather seats in a corner of the room. „Take a seat. Drink?" „I'm on duty." FP sat down on the expensive leather and waited until his former class mate sat down in front of him, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

„What did you want to talk about?"
„You know."
„I certainly do not. Enlighten me."

FP sighed and leaned back inti the seat. „Caleb Topaz. Does the name strike a nerve?" Hiram took a sip from his drink. „It doesn't - who is he?" His eyes sparkled viciously, but also entertained. FP knew as well he did that Hiram knew about him. He just had to confess it to the sheriff.

„Caleb Topaz is the biological brother of Toni. He's the one shooting at Cheryl and we know he was paid to do it." FP leaned forward while Hiram just sunk down into the leather with a smirk. „You know, he mentioned your name."
„Oh, he did? Tell me more."
„Gladly. Maybe it refreshes your memory. He mentioned your name as he told us who he was paid by."
„And that someone ought to be me? Lovely." Hiram was calm, calmer than FP would've wanted him but that came with his nature.

„Hiram. We both know you did it. Why?"
„Can you prove it?"
„Answer my question first Hiram."
„What you and I know is unsaid. And since you cannot prove anything - I might as well just kindly ask you to leave."
FPs eyes narrowed as Hiram's lit up with confidence and triumph.

„Fine, you want it that way, huh?" FP got up and got his handcuffs from the pocket of his belt. „Hiram Lodge, you are arrested until further notice as a suspect in the case of attempted murder on Cheryl Blossom and murder of Jason Blossom. Anything you say may and will be used against you in court - you have the right to hire a lawyer if you can't afford one, one will be assigned to you."

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