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some people
said dying was peaceful.
but how would they know?

Cheryl pov:

When I arrived home, all i could do was locking myself in my room. No way I'd go to school the next few days until I'm sure that Toni's fine.

I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. The ceiling that made me drown in black and dark red colors. I used to lay here arms in arms. Whether it was Toni....or Jason.

Everything around me was dark, silent. The furniture lost all their positive effects on me and my senses turned down to a low.
I didn't even notice my phone ringing next to me. I picked up the call last minute - it was Betty.

„Hey Betty..." i whispered into the microphone of my phone.
„Hey Cher...how are you doing?"

Wow. How am I doing. Really. My girlfriend got shot in front of my eyes, because she took the bullet that was meant for me.

I decided not to be the mean bitch I would like to be, but I was just too exhausted.
„What about you?"
She stayed quiet for a while.
„I mean...could be better. Everything's fucked up."

Could be better? They were best friends for a while and things could be better?

„She got shot for god's sake. Of course everything's fucked up. What did you expect?" I asked, suppressing my anger.

Before she could even answer I went on with my rant.

„She's your boyfriend's sister. When you were younger you two were inseparable when she wasn't with Naomi. And you've got nothing better to say than Things could be better, everything's fucked up?!  God damn do you even care?"

There. I said it. No take backs.

„Cheryl, of course I care. It's complicated, okay. Please try to understand the state that we're all in." Her voice wasn't shaky, she wasn't suppressing any tears. It was like nothing had happened.

„I should try to understand?! Are you out of your mind she fucking got shot because she protected me. She took the fucking bullet for me." My voice went quieter, was more shaky than before. Toni was basically her stepsister, why didn't she care?

When she didn't say anything anymore I hung her up. Just right after that I locked my phone and put it on the nightstand.

There couldn't be something worsenthan the current situation, could it?

timeskip: five days later

I haven't left the house nor my room in days. No good news from Toni, no more calls from Betty or Jug. I was grateful for the latter. I didn't have the nerves to deal with a non-caring cousin.

I was just laying in bed all day, not eating, barely drinking some water. I had gotten really slim, but who cared anyways.

Suddenly there was another call. It was the first one in days. The screen lit up and showed the contact „FP Jones".
I picked up and directly greeted him.

„Hello FP."
„Good morning Cheryl. Please come to the hospital as soon as possible. You might have to ... say goodbye."


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