13 - The meet up with ...

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I still think about our art lesson.
A special bond
between Cheryl and me? No, we've been enemies since the day we met. The cold November night in front of Fox Forest. The night when the Blossom Twins ignored me and left me. The night when FP picked me up and brought me home. To my home. With Juggie. Jelly. Dad.
Preschool, ignoring me. Primary school and Middle school, never met. First two years on highschool, never met.
The transfer to Riverdale High, treating us like shit. There is no special bond between us. The only time she was nice to me had been the New Years Eve. We talked for a couple of minutes, but nothing more.
Suddenly I bump into someone, so I look up. „Oh no, I'm sorry!" I say and our eyes meet. Dark brown eyes, a light brown skin like mine, dark brown locks. „Never mind." Her eyes keep checking me out. I know these eyes. I know this person. Who is she? I step one foot to the left and keep going, turning around one time. „Naomi." I say. And she turns around. „How do you know my name?" We are in the middle of the hallway, facing each other in distance. „Do you remember me?" I ask softly and take a few steps forward in her direction. „Only with you I am complete. Only with you I am not weak. The world of mine is always yours, but nothing makes it ever worse. Curly hair and straight brown strands - these are us, Toni and Naomi, brighten up without any lamps." I sing almost whispering. Her eyes widen a little bit. I open my arms slowly and she runs over to me just to wrap her arms around me and hugging my body tight to hers. I missed these days. I got my best friend Naomi Sandler back.

It's lunch time. Jug said he and the serpents will be waiting for me at a table, so I keep looking through the hall. I hear their screaming and laughter. With my tablet full of food I walk to them. „Let me sit Cooper." I say and the boy, Cooper, slides to the side. In front of my brother are five burger-papers. „You've already eaten five burgers?" I ask. He opens his mouth to say something, but gets interrupted. „Well Well well. This is our lunch table. So shoo Southside Scum." It's Cheryl - again. „Why should we? It's just a table Cheryl" I say and look at her. „It belongs to Northsiders TJ." It sounds familiar to me. Suddenly I remember something. TT. It's a nickname. Mum used to call me TT. Tears fill my eyes. I stare at the table with widened eyes.

TT, come here to mommy and daddy. We can play soccer.

A lot of tears are streaming down my face. „Toni?" Jug asks worriedly. „It's useless, we'll go." Cheryl says and goes away, but I barely recognize it. I jump up of my seat and run to the girls toilets.

TT, honey, do you want some apple pie?
TT, baby, what's up? You can always come to one of us.

I was a mama's kid. Always, until the day they died. They died on 31st of October. Since then I haven't been enjoying Halloween. Ten years. It's been ten years since their death.
I rethink the nickname. TT. Toni Topaz. This is my actual last name.
Tears which are streaming down my face, all coming together at my chin and dripping on the stone plates afterwards. I look at myself in the broken mirror.
My eyes are puffy and red of all the crying.


A soft voice comes from the door which makes me turn around. It's Naomi. She comes in and hugs me tightly. I rest my head on her upper chest and cry her shirt full with tears. „Was it Cheryl who made you cry?" I shake my head. „Just...TJ is a nickname made of my first name and last name. My mom used to do that too. TT. It's for Toni Topaz, my actual last name. And now they're gone...They've died ten years ago and I just put it off and forgot it over the years of being happy with FP and all...I..I am such a terrible daughter..I-"
Naomi rubs my back and interrupts me. „No, you're not. You moved on with your life and you are happy. That's what they wanted for sure." She kisses my hair and smiles a bit.

Later we go back to the others, everyone staring at me. „I'm fine" I sigh and continue eating my fries which had gotten cold by now.

After lunch Naomi and I go to our P.E class. Every girl wears long leggings, while I stand there in Nike shorts and a Shirt of Jug. The shorts show my well defined legs and some boys look at me.

(Like that)

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(Like that)

I'm the only Southsider in this class so everyone stares at me...again.
„Okay, run five minutes to get warm" our teacher says
Naomi runs next to me and the mild air streams through my hair. My shoes are red of the sand.
„Hey Toni, have you chosen a club or sport activity yet?" my best friend asks me and I shake my head. „You definitely have to join the Vixens!" Her over motivation voice says. „Definitely NOT. Firstly, Cheryl. Secondly, Cheerleading? And thirdly Cheerleading. That's not my sport. Is it even a sport?" Naomi looks at me likes she sees a ghost in front of her. „Oh come ooon. Cheerleading is not that bad and I'm sure the uniform looks good on you."

This is a shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed it. ❤️

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