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The case on Jason Blossom is still current and the moment Cheryl and I step into school on Monday, all eyes are on us.
Usually Cheryl would've loved the attention, but now it seems like she just wants to stay invisible.
But murder in Riverdale is a thing that catches eye. Especially, when it's the golden boy of the Blossom family. The next one to lead Blossom Maple Syrup. Brother to HBIC Cheryl Blossom.
We walk along the hallway and are about to pass his locker, but there is a huge crowd in front of it.
Someone notices us and makes space, so we go through the crowd and watch the decorated locker. Flowers, pictures, football jackets, buttons... Next to it Jughead, Betty, Veronica and Archie. I assume they set up all of this.
The longer we look at it, the more tears fall down Cheryls cheeks. The events of this weekend rush in my mind and can only imagine the scene. You're laying in your bed, want to sleep and then in the middle of the night you hear a gunshot, only to find out your own twin got shot.

Horrible Imagination. I do not want to find Jughead dead in his bead. The walls are thin, very thin. It's only a trailer. Jellybean would be terrified. I don't want to imagine what Betty would do. They're inseparable. Soulmates. She'd most likely kill herself...

Back to reality. It takes a few seconds and I find Cheryl inside my arms. I rub her back softly like I always do it and whisper into her ear quietly. "Everything will be fine...I'll be here for you." One by one every student who isn't friends with one of us moves on and soon enough we stand in the hallway. Only Betty, Veronica, Archie, Jug, Cheryl and I.

When Cheryl pulls away after she stops crying, Betty comes up with the rest of the group. They all hug my girlfriend and smile softly. "Sorry for your loss Cheryl..." Betts says to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

The bell rings and we make our ways to our different classes. Unfortunately Cheryl and I have different subjects. I have English with Jughead and Betty and Cheryl has Maths with Veronica. Archie has some kind of music class.

After school I swear myself to take Cheryl out to get her favourite milkshake, so I drive us to Pops. We sit down in a booth at the very end of the diner. I order our shakes and one small fries to share for both of us. I really hope I can cheer her up a bit. The only time she truly smiled was when she played with Jellybean on Saturday. There is complete silence between the two of us. Her eyes focus on the shining table.

"What if I'm next?" The cracking voice of her breaks the silence. I look up into her brown eyes. "What if I'm the next one to get shot?" she asks me and I put my hand on hers. "You'll be safe with us. We'll protect you. I'm not letting someone to shoot you." I say and squeeze her hand softly. If she'd get killed I'd probably commit suicide - if Dad and Jug would let me...

After drinking our milkshakes I drop us off at our trailer. I recognize Dad's pick up, so he either is doing home office or he is already done with work for today. I open the trailer door and see no one, so I guess FP's in his office. I walk to the door and knock on it. Even though it's just a trailer, it is kinda big. Two bathrooms, three bedrooms, a small living room with a kitchen next to it and Dad's office. I try to open the door, but it's locked. After that there are loud noises coming out of the room. "Dad, is everything okay?" I ask loudly. By that time Cheryl stands next to me, looking worried. No one would attack the Sheriff, right? No. No one would. But someone could attack the former Serpent King.

I knock again. "Dad?! Answer me" I say louder and then the door unlocks. Dad stands in front of me. His shirt is open and he's sweating a lot. "Is everything okay?" I ask and look at him. He just nods and breaths very fast. "Yeah..Yeah. I'm totally fine girls..." He says, looking behind him for a second. "What were you doing here? Is there something I should know?" I question and try to look behind him. His sweating body pushes between my sight and I just raise an eyebrow when he pushes me away. Soon after that FP closes the door again and leaves us there. "Something's wrong..." I start but then hear a very familiar voice. A very familiar FEMALE voice.

I put my ear on the door and listen to the conversation.

"Is she gone?" the voice asks. "I think so. I thought she would spent time with Jugs friends at the swimming hole." Dad says and sighs. Well, unfortunately for him I didn't want to go swimming as I'm on my period right now. Started today.
"Good that she didn't come in. I couldn't manage to put my bra on that fast. Forsythe, we have to watch out from now on. She might tell someone that something happened here. Betty, Jug and she know w started dating again."
"I know Alice..."

I widen my eyes and look at Cheryl. We go to my room and sit on the bed. "D-did I just catch my father having...you know what?" I stutter and she puts her hand on my thigh. "At least you did not see their naked bodies tangled around each other" Cher says and giggles a bit. I smile a bit. "I'm happy you're laughing but it's just gross..." Cheryl keeps giggling and kisses my cheek softly. "Calm down, its just two people loving each other." She says calmly and smiles at me.
"Still gross"

I'm so so sorry! This is just a filler chapter, but I am a bit pressured with online classes right now! I now who I want as Jason's murderer and you can guess who it is. Clifford? Penelope? Someone totally different? Who knows! Thanks for those who are still reading this story, I really appreciate that you are reading this shit lmao.
jB logged out.

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