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A month later

Now, a month later, Toni was finally healthy enough to be allowed to go to the White Wyrm for the first time again with her family and it was one visit well celebrated.

Jughead and Cheryl made sure to have the bar filled with balloons and to play all of Toni's favorites tonight.
When the bar was pretty packed, FP got onto the stage with Alice by his side and raised his drink.

„Everyone, please listen. This evening is dedicated to my daughter, Toni. It was hard, the past few weeks, but she's recovered from the incident and is now able to join us yet again.
Give it up, for our very own Serpent Princess!"

He started clapping and the rest of the bikers joined in immediately as Toni made her way up the stage to join her father.

„Yes, it's true. I am up and ready to fight you guys again and I will show no mercy!" Toni chuckled. „But all fun aside, I want to thank you guys too. You, who have been here for me my entire life, supported me, kept me safe even if I am not yours by blood - but by heart and choice. I can only pride myself in standing here, because of the help of my dear girlfriend Cheryl, my brother Jughead and his girlfriend Betty. Without you, this case might still be open and might have cost innocent lives."

She took a deep breath.

„Thank you."

The people below started clapping again and she was pulled into a hug by FP.
„Blood or not, you will always be my daughter." It wasn't loud, but it was only for them to hear anyway.

When Toni got off the stage she was embraced by Cheryl and their friends who all pulled her into a group hug.
„To Toni" Cheryl kissed her and raised her glass of cherry coke with a smile.


Later that night, when everyone was sleeping soundly and the only sound was the wind howling outside, Toni was hunched over a piece of paper at her desk.

To Caleb.
I know, we haven't got the chance to meet each other properly yet. I would love to catch all this time up with you, but I'm not sure if I can do this under these circumstances and I'm not sure if I will ever be able to fully forgive you for the things that you've done. I hope you understand.
Hiram has been dealt with and your confession brought a reduction of your own jail time - please use this time wisely. I'd be more than happy to reconcile with you once all of this is over.
your sister.

Toni sighed as she put the paper in an envelope and sealed it, carefully writing his name on the front and leaving it at her desk. She didn't plan to write a letter in the first place, but when everything was quiet in the house and even Cheryl was sleeping peacefully next to her, she picked up a pen and paper and started writing.

timeskip: graduation day

Graduation was probably the happiest day of Toni's life after FP took her in. It was a sunny day, everyone got together on the football field and happy tears got shed.
As Betty finished up her speech, and Toni was up to receive her diploma, she froze when she turned to where FP, Alice and JB were sitting.

There was on person more, she could see the electric jail on his leg, and he was looking at her with a smile.
When she got down, she walked up to him in disbelief.
„Caleb? What are you doing here?"
„Being there for you at least on one important day of your life." He smiled and lifted his ankle. „Your dad made an exception for today, tomorrow I'm behind bars again."

Toni couldn't believe it - her brother, here. Tears started dwelling in her eyes and she pulled him into a tight hug.
„I'll make sure you're at every important event in my life from now on." She whispered as her cries were muffled by his shirt and his hand came up to softly run through her hair.

„Now now, shouldn't you be with your friends. I'm sure we'll have some more time to catch up later, Toni." He smiled softly and pointed to where Betty, Jughead and Cheryl were waiting for her.

„Yes, I'm sure we'll have all the time in the world."

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