12 - Happily, Queen of the Buskers

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On the next day we enter Riverdale High in our brand new Serpent Jackets. All the Northsiders who doesn't know us, or some of us, stare at the big group of ours. There is a long table with many papers on it in front of us. One raven haired girl, Betty, Kevin and Archie are behind it, smiling at us.
The raven haired seems to be the speaker of them.
„Friends" she starts. „On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school! To ease this transition, I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurriculars.
We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale." I guess that's Veronica, Betty had told me about earlier. Suddenly I hear high heels tipping on the stairs behind the Nice Northsiders.
„Stand down Eva Peron!" It's Cheryl (who would it be otherwise) in a red dress, one muscular boy in a grey sweater jacket and some Cheerleader Minions behind them.
„There's the school spirit I've always liked so far" Archie mumbles. „Cheryl, no one invited fascist Barbie to the party" Veronica says.
The representatives for the Vixens and the Bulldogs are now right in front of us. „Wrong, Veronica. No one invited Southside Scum to our school" the redhead replies with a touch of disgust, looking and scanning me intensively.
„Listen up, Ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers.
So please, do us all a favor, and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways." I get angry the longer her sentence gets, so I step in front of the Serpents to represent us. „Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?!"
She takes a step forward so that there's only the table between us. „Happily, Queen of the Buskers"
Archie is next to both of us now. „Okay Guys, everyone, can we just put our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate?"
„Mmh, you don't speak for the Bulldogs Andrews. And need I remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass."
Sweet Pea joins my side.
„Happy to finish what was started." he states. Suddenly Veronica's head goes between the people.
„God, I am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now."
She gets cut off by a man in a suit. The principal probably.
„All right. That's enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone, let's get to class.
Now." With that the argument is over. Cheryl and this boy leave with both of their Minions. The principal walks back to his office and we all take our schedules, locker codes + numbers. I go first, not wanting to speak to anyone right know, still pissed at Miss Cheryl Blossom. I hear kissing noises - probably Betty and Jug who I gave the shipname 'Bughead'. I mean...it fits..kind of.
After some meters I look at my schedule. I don't even know where this classroom is, so I keep looking on the school map I took from the table until I find the room. I'm just on time - the teacher is right behind me. I don't look at anybody in my art class, so I just take one empty seat in the front row, not seeing who's sitting to my right.
„Hello Students. For those who don't know me, I'm Misses Bennet, your Art Teacher. Today we will talk about perspectives. I want you to take portraits of your schoolfellows from different perspectives outside in the small park." Riverdale High owns a park/garden? Wow I'm impressed. „You can take these Canon Cameras from the cupboard." I raise my hand. „Yes, Miss Jones?" she smiles at me softly. I guess she doesn't have any prejudice against us Serpents. „Can I use my own camera?" I ask taking it out of my bag next to me. „Of course. So. Do that task with your neighbor to your right." Miss Bennet orders and that's the first time I look next to me. It's Cheryl - again - „Sister of Hobo, what a pleasure. Shall we? I want this to finish fast." I just look at her. All the other students already went outside, us being the last two persons now. We both go outside too, not facing each other. I can clearly hear the judging comments of the others which seem to interest Cheryl a lot. 'Serpent Slut', 'Shady Snakes', 'Drug Dealers' are just a small amount of the words they tell. Northsiders are complicated. Why do they always have to be the best, the most popular, the most important people?

Cheryl and I go to a bush full of red and white roses. Perfect for the photo. „Pose, I'll take the picture of you." She does a pose - it's actually a cute one and she's smiling. I know it's a smile like everyone wants to see outside, but it's a smile. A 180° turn to the pokerface She's been showing me for ten years now. After I take some photos the cold bitch is back. „Go there and hand me the camera." I give it to her and pose in front of the bush. My eyes look straight into the lens. My smile is real. 'Click'
„We should take another photo, of both of us." I suggest and she takes the camera down, holding in carefully in her pale hands. I took a tripod with me, just in case. Skillfully I put the camera on the and press the button,l which starts a ten seconds countdown. Together we stand im front of the rosebush. My arm is over her shoulder, the other hand shows a 'peace'. Cheryl just smiles. 'Click'
We some more seconds and then I loosen my arm. I reach for the camera with my left arm. „Look at these! They're pretty good!"

Mrs Bennet calls us back to class. Group per Group shows their photos. All of them are good, but in my opinion, our portraits have a little special. A little extra. Now it's our turn. I give my camera to the Art teacher who connects it with the computer like she did with all the others. She shows the portraits.
„A plus, these are really good! It shows a special bond between you two, well done!"

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