7 - Christmas vacation as a Sophomore (1)

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One more year of high school passed. It's nearly Christmas and daddy told us that we're visiting the Coopers! I am so excited to see Betty again. Every time when we are at Pops I've always seen only Alice or Alice and this Harold. But now I heard they're divorced. I don't actually know, but if they really are, I want to know how Betty and her older sister are dealing with that. They're a popular family, even on the Southside. Of course everyone knows that they own the Riverdale Register and that they both could get you in trouble and/or prison if they wanted, but know when they are divorced? Who owns the Register now?
Today's December 24th, so only one night left. We'll spend the whole day there, so we leave at nine in the morning.

I get out of my room, finding the trailer empty. I'm surprised. Not even Jelly is here. I shake my head, take my leather jacket - still not a Serpent one - and leave the trailer. The snow almost reaches my knee, my black tights are soggy and the snow is in my boots. With a small smirk I walk over to Sweet Peas Trailer, knocking softly against the cold metal door.
His dad opens, which is very surprising. „Is Sweetie here?" I ask but he shakes his head. „He is with Fangs and Jughead at Sweetwaters. I guess they took JB with them." I widen my eyes. „Jelly? Why?" Now he shrugs his shoulders. I run over to my bike, I did the license a week after my 15th birthday, November 8th, so like 14th or 15th...something like that.
I shove away the huge amount of snow from my seat and the handlebars. I pull on my helmet and sit on the motorcycle, turning it on and testing the engine. Perfect. Carefully I drive off the Trailerpark and pass some snowed it houses until I reach the Southside part of Sweetwater River. Then I hear laughter and the sound of something scratching the huge icecap which is freezing cold (it's ice so...lol). I park on the small hill in front of the river and pull my helmet off. I get off the bike and walk down to them. „Hey Guys, whatcha doing?" they wince and turn around to me. „T-toni..you're here. How did you know?" Jug says. „Sam told me. What are you doing with Jelly" I look behind Jug where Jelly is sitting on the ice in her winter coat and laughing, wearing old skates.
„We're teaching her ice skating." Fangs says proudly. I raise my eyebrow and look at him suspicious. „Are you successful?" I ask him. „Not really" Sweet Pea sighs. Now I laugh and reach my hand out to Jug. „Hand me your skates brother." He gives me his and I pull them on and tighten them up. Juggie helps me getting up on my feet again and so I step on the ice lightly, skating over to my little sister, helping her up too. „Okay honey, I'll take your shoulders and you just take step by step forward, sliding to the sides each. If you fall, I'll catch you" she nods and tries it. She does it almost perfectly. „That was really good, now try it without me." I say smilingly. JB wobbles a bit and she almost falls to the ice again, but after a few meters she gets in and she drives a round without falling.
„I did it! Have you seen it? Yaaay" The boys look at me with an opened mouth. „Girls can do it better, huh?" I laugh amd drive a few rounds with Jelly.

- Timeskip to the next day -

I wake up to 'Last Christmas' and Jellybean singing along to it. I groan and pull a pillow over my head. The door opens and Dad comes into my room besides me. He shakes me a little. „Toni, wake up" I pull the duvet over my head and the pillow, groaning.
„Honey" he sighs „We leave in ten minutes, okay? Be ready then" after that FP leaves my room, but the door is still open. Not wanting to yell at him to shut the fucking door I get up and fold my bedsheets. Then I go into my bathroom and put on a red skirt, a white blouse and a grey jacket, under the skirt I'm wearing black 80den tights. I actually like that kind of clothes tho.

I brush my hair softly, that the few curls/waves don't get out of my hair

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I brush my hair softly, that the few curls/waves don't get out of my hair. Then I take two hair ties and make two high ponytails, leaving some hair out.

 Then I take two hair ties and make two high ponytails, leaving some hair out

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I take my phone and look at the clock. 8:55 am. I re-curl my hair and put some dark lipgloss on my lips.
I step out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen, taking dark brown ballerinas and pull them on while walking. Jug comes out of his room too and Dad and Jelly are waiting outside. I look at my brother and laugh. „I did not know you own a suit. Where's the tie?" He rolls his eyes and shows me his undone tie. I laugh again and take the tie, tying it correctly around his neck and smiling at him. „Come on, we're gonna be late." I say and go outside. It's even colder than when I taught JB Ice Skating and I shake a little. Then Jug I pull on our helmets and We drive to the Coopers house. The whole Jones' family. The two older siblings on our own bikes, daddy with Jelly behind him. In less than fifteen minutes we pull in in front of the white house with a small garden in the front. The all of us get off the bikes and walk over to the door, knocking softly.
Alice opens and the smell of fresh, homemade cinnamon pancakes is in the whole house. I enter first and look around. Everywhere is Christmas decoration and a huge real Christmas tree with golden Lametta and glass spheres all over it. Even fake snow was on the fir. Some presents in golden, silver and rose gold packaging paper and names on it under the decorated tree. „Polly, Betty, come downstairs." Alice  shouts and I hear light steps coming down the stairs, so I turn my head to the side and smile.

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