22 - blood stained hazelnuts

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Lately I've been trying to pay more attention to what's happening around me. After that nightmare I could not stop thinking about that someone would want to kill me. There has to be a reason for the gun in my neck, right?

Day by day I live with the fear of someone ambushing me and holding a gun against my neck, but then it didn't happen. I am pretty sure that my family noticed as well as far as I can read their worried face expressions.

Summer vacation rushed for me and soon it is our Junior Year. I put on a signature outfit which consisted black skinny jeans, dark purple crop top and my serpent jacket. Before Jug, Betty and I leave the house, Dad and Al kiss our foreheads softly. It is a bit weird to receive it from an adult who you not grew up to be your mom, but it feels good.
The three of you get on the bikes and ride to school, the hot summer breeze turning colder.

I meet Cheryl in front of the school who has just parked her red Thunderbird on her usual parking lot. Her outfit is just stunning. Red heels, black jeans and a red blouse. It looks amazing on her and - not gonna lie - my eyes went directly to her boobs. While she walked up to me everyone looked at her. Who wouldn't look at a beauty like this.

I kiss her softly and together we head to the students lounge, where the rest of our friend group is. Betty sits on Jugs lap, Veronica on Archies, Kevin in the armchair to my right, Sweet Pea leaning against the wall and Fangs sitting on a chair next to him. Cheryl and I greet them and sit down on the empty armchair, me sitting on her lap.

Everything is peaceful and just perfect, even though we're in school. Here can I get the distraction I've needed over the summer. We just sit there, chit chat and talk about things we've missed from not seeing each other. Yes, we did see each other a few times, but not quite often.

When the bell rings, we get up and head to our classes. I have a class with Cheryl and Fangs, so we go to the room together, continuing talking.

After classes I hurry over to the cafeteria to get my lunch. Lately I get so hungry and I just need food. Maybe I've been living with Jug and Dad for too long now.

I get the tray and wait in line for lunch. I pay for it and get to the rest of your lunch group, which is practically the same as before in students lounge. I sit next to Cheryl, peck her lips and look at the others. „What are you guys talking about?" I ask and Archie looks at me.

„I heard that there was someone shot in the forehead this morning. I don't know where or if it's true, but that's what everyone tells around."

In that moment Jug's and my phone receive a message. It's from Dad. I click on the contact and read out the message loudly. „Tell your friends to watch out. There's been another victim getting shot in the forehead. The killer is on the run and remember, it could be Jasons killer. Watch out for Cheryl and protect her."

We stay quiet. So it IS true. I put my phone away and pull my girlfriend into a hug. „Listen babe, we will protect you, at all costs. In unity there is strength. The serpents will protect you, right, king?" I say and look at my brother who nods. „If Toni is not with you, we will make sure that you have at least one other serpent by your side." he explains and Sweet Pea and Fangs nod.

Cheryl calms down a bit, but stays close to me. There are a few minutes of silence between us. Them we finish our lunch and go to the next class.

After school I wait for Cheryl in front of the science lab. She walks out and together we go out of school. I look at the street and the parking cars, like I always do, but I see something different. There is someone standing behind a black sports-car, pointing a gun on us. This has to be the killer who killed Jason, if he's going for his sister now. He probably didn't notice being noticed by me, but he already shot. As fast as I can I switch positions with my ginger beauty and push her behind me.

I feel a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I see blurry and I only hear the car racing away and the students screams. There was another pain. I probably hit my head on the stairs and black out.

Cheryl's POV:

There was a shot and screams. Then a black car races away. Everything happened so fast, I didn't even realize. I was snapped back into reality, when I saw Toni falling to the ground. She hits her head on one of the stairs and just lays there. My eyes widen and I knee down to her, seeing blood flooding out of her stomach. She must've been shot.

I start crying and press my hand on the wound, screaming for help. I already see the principal and Jug and Betty running out of the building. Mr Weatherbee is calling an ambulance. Jughead runs up to us, having tears in his eyes himself. He helps me putting pressure on the wound while Betty seems to be calling someone.

Time passes like it's in slowmotion. Betty talking into her phone while tears fall down her cheeks, Jughead screaming Tonis name to get her wake up. Everything is slowed down.

Soon the ambulance arrives, along with she sheriff's car. FP runs out of the car and runs to his daughter, who still didn't open her eyes. She is still breathing, but it's flat.

The paramedics push us away and put Toni on the rolling stretcher. They attach a breathing machine to her and get her into the ambulance car. While FP is talking to them and calls Jughead to him, I look at my hands. They're covered in blood, in my girlfriends blood.

Betty pats my shoulder and helps me up. She is saying something about "hospital" and "car" but I don't really listen. I just nod and let her pull me to FPs car. He is waiting for us, while the ambulance drives away with loud sirens and bright blue lights, Toni inside fighting to survive.

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