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It is evening soon and Jughead comes back from the swimming hole. Cheryl and I agreed on staying in my room till there would be more company. Now that Jug is home we go out of my room and see him sitting in a chair in the kitchen.
His hair is kinda dry, but also wet and he has a towel over his shoulder.
„Hi, how was your afternoon?" I ask him and he smiles at me. „Awesome! Sorry that you two couldn't come with us" he says and pats my shoulder. Only a little later the door opens again and Jellybean steps in. „Juggie! Toni! Look what I found!" she yells and we turn around. God, how do kids have so much energy?
In her arms she holds a small shepherd. „Is that a dog?" I ask, even though I know it is. „Yes! I found him outside on the street! He barely got hit by a car, so I took him with me." JB explains and smiles brightly. „Does he have a name?" Jug asks then and our sister shakes her head. „No, not yet."

We decide to try out different names and the one the shepherd likes the most will be his name. After a while we tried out a lot of common dog names like Bello and Rex, but he just tilts his head to the side. With a sigh I give up and I hear my stomach growl. „Dang, I'd totally go for a Hot Dog right now" I say and by mentioning the word "Hot Dog" the shepherd jumps up and down.
„So Hot Dog it is huh" Cheryl says and squats down to pet the dog. Hot Dog barks excitedly and turns around a few times.

We smile and watch them. In that moment I hear footsteps and turn around. It's Alice and Dad. I swallow hard and look directly into dads eyes. "Hi kids" they say happily. I just nod and smile a little. Hot Dog feels their appearance and jumps to them. Alice squats down to pet the dog, while Dad just looks at us. „When did I approve of having a dog?" He asks with a small giggle. JB smirks and looked at the dog she brought in. „He was homeless so I decided to get him here. I was hoping we could keep HotDog?"

"Oh, so the doggo has already a name? And it's named after food.. you truly are my children" Dad sighs and squats down to pet him.

All those peace slowly faded into something we didn't know at that time. It was just the beginning, and in the next crime, I'd be the main character.

..to be continued

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