14 - Cheryl, Heather and me

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A few months later

It's the beginning of the summer and the very first pool party at Thistlehouse. The whole school got invited and Veronica and Naomi can't stop talking about which bikini they're going to wear on Saturday. I already know it. It's a simple black bikini which shows my Serpent Tattoo (right thigh). As I heard, Cheryl has a girlfriend. Everyone was shocked when it got out last month, but I wasn't surprised, but surprisingly jealous. Her name is Heather - UGH - I already hate the name. Heather here, Heather there. Heather EVERYWHERE. When they are in the hallway together I can't but stare. The jealousy rises in me and then I turn my back to them. I guess that is the bond between Cheryl and me - I have a crush on her, okay. She doesn't have a crush on me. That's where the problems begin.

Right now I'm in my history class, looking at Cheryl and Heather from behind doing their group work. I take my finger and press my thumb on the end of my pencil. After a few seconds it breaks. „Toni?" Betty asks me. „Are you alright?" I shake my thoughts away and look at her. „I'm fine. I'm totally fine."

It's Saturday. The pool-party-day. I am wearing my swimming clothes under my skirt and tanktop.

I hopped on my motorcycle and drive to Thistlehouse

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I hopped on my motorcycle and drive to Thistlehouse. Jug is at Betty's , probably being already at the pool party.

I walk through the graveyard and my body shivers at the sight of the dark trees and old stones, the dark house in front of me, even if it is summer. When I'm about to ring the bell, I see a piece of paper being stuck on the door with scotch tape.

Gate is open —>

I sigh and walk through a black metal gate. It leads to their garden. I hear laughter and water splashing. The smell of fresh grilled food makes its way up to me. When I get to the huge garden, it is a completely different view. The grass around the pool and terrace is green, light stone plates around the pool and the pool itself seems expensive. Around the corner I can see a long buffet table and even a couch to sit on. Every girl wears either a very revealing bikini (somehow like me) or a swim suit and the boys all wear like these casual swimming boxers. I look around. Archie and Reggie throw a football back and forth, Betty and Ronnie sit on a lounger and seem to talk. Jughead is eating - not really surprising - Fangs and Kevin are in the pool playing water-volleyball with Sweet Pea and some other Serpents. Suddenly I hear giggles. Cheryl and Heather make their way up to the couch. I shake my head, walk to B and V, take my clothes off and sit down next to them. By this time I actually enjoy the party.

A few weeks later

The sun is burning hot, every outdoor activity is torture. Cheerleading - ugh.
Even the Bulldogs canceled their training but no, Cheryl didn't. That's why Naomi has to stay at school and so do I. I may be not a member of the Vixens, but Naomi and I go to Pops afterwards.
The training starts. The choreography is demanding but everyone is more or less good at it. Cheryl chases them there and up and down. The human pyramid has to be perfect - it is - but Cheryl lets the girls repeat it over and over again.
Suddenly she gets a call. She turns her back to her girls, no one except me can see her face. I don't know if this is a illusion of the sun or if it's real: Tears streaming down in her eyes.
When she runs away, I know these are real and run after her to the locker room. Cheryl's sobs fill the empty room.
Slowly I knock on the door. Her brown eyes look at me, a dark ring of mascara is under her eye. „Are you okay?" I ask worriedly. I start from the worse. Did someone of her family have a accident? Did someone die?
Cheryl shakes her head. I've never seen her so broken before. I sit down next to her und hug Cheryl. „What happened Cheryl?" I ask with a soft voice. „Heather...she broke up with me via phone call. I loved her..I loved her so much. And now she's gone. The words came so easily off her lips..." She keeps sobbing and crying and I hug her tighter. „Everything's okay, I am here. You can always come and talk to me, okay?" Cheryl nods. „Why are you so nice to me? I've always hurt you since we are little kids. I was okay with you to die in the woods of hunger or even bears. I treated you like shit..." She is really broken. „Hey...it wasn't right, but I'm not mad at you. Maybe you and your brother have your reasons why you did it. Do you want to make your thoughts clear and come with us to Pops later?" Her lips form to a sad smile. „I'd love to"

She washes her face, puts new mascara on and finishes the cheer-training. I wait for Mimi, Ronnie, B and Cher outside the locker room, leaning against the hot brick wall. Girl by Girl leave the changing room. Even Betty and Veronica are already next to me, but Nao and Cheryl are still inside. After five minutes they come outside. „Let's go to Pops, Cheryl will join us" I say with a smile on my face. They look at me with a raised eyebrow but I just put my arm around Cheryl's shoulders and go in front if them, ignoring their looks and whisperings. For the first time I look at her clothes. A red tanktop and a black skirt. I like it. And I definitely love her. She doesn't....

I'm sorry for the huge time space between the chapters lately. I just don't have the chapters finished when I post one. I hope you're not lad at me for that❤️

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