5 - Middle School

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Eight years. It's been eight years since I've moved in with Jug and FP and Jelly who is eight and a half years now. Jug is 13 and a little more than half year old and I'm 13 as well, only a few months are between us. Right now it's in the middle of the school year and February. So the sun starts to come out and warm up the places. Jug, Pea, Fangs and I have most of our classes together and the fact that we're living door by door tightens us together. Dad forced me to look for clothes of my own and he bought a new trailer, just so I have my own room. That's so extra, but the older I get the more important it seems to FP to give us both more space. So I'm sitting here, in black fishnet tights, high waisted jeans and a dark grey shirt, in my english class. Suddenly I feel like something is dripping in my underwear. I get uncomfortable. It can't be, right? Well...fuck...it can be. I feel uncomfortable and just look at the board feeling the blood in my pants. I look at Jug, but he doesn't look back. Sweet Pea, the same thing, Fangs too. I raise my hand. „Sorry, can I go to the nurse? I'm not feeing well..." my teacher looks at me worriedly and nods. „You're very pale, you can lay down and can call your parents if you want to." I smile at her and get up slowly. I hope there's no red spot on the chair. I reach the door and when I'm about to close the door I look at my seat quickly. No red spot. I run to the toilets and call dad. „Daddy....pick up" I wait and wait. My finger was on the decline button, when I suddenly hear his voice. „Hey Toni! Everything's alright? You never call during school." He is worried. „C-can you pick me up please? Here's blood everywhere..." the last part I whisper, but I'm sure he hears it. I touch between my legs and feel blood. It's on my jeans now. „Of course honey, I'll be there in five." With that he declines and I walk out of the cabin, trying to walk normally. Then I wash the blood off my hands and walk back to my class. Jughead gives me my bag and mouthes 'text me' to me. With my bag on the back I go to the parking lots and wait for daddy. I hear his motorcycle and walk towards the place he probably will park. „Come here honey.." He kisses my forehead as I reach the bike. „Dad...there will be blood all over your seat..." he smiles at me. „I don't care, come on now" I sit behind him trying not to touch his clothes with my pants and pull the helmet on. He starts driving and soon we pass the northside. „Where are you taking me? THIS is definitely not home." I yell because of the wind blowing through our hair. „I'll take you to Alice, I don't know anything about it" FP says and soon we hold in front of a beautiful house. It's beautiful and the complete opposite of the houses on the southside. Elmstreet 128 - Cooper Family. Maybe I see Betty again? I haven't seen her since I've got no time and no opportunity to get to the other side of this god damn Riverdale. We get up and I see a huge wet spot on the leather seat, must be blood, and I turn red. „Sorry" I murmur. We go to the door and knock. Alice opens it and smiles bright. „Toni! Oh my god, you've grown so much! Come in guys" she says and we walk into the house. I lean against the wall, not touching it with my butt, and look at FP who explains Alice why we are here. She looks at me with a smile and takes me upstairs. „Do you know how to use a pad?" I shake my head and we reach the bathroom. „First you should clean that up, take a shower, it's for the best. I'll get you some clothes of Betty and I'll introduce you in pads." I nod slowly. „You can put your clothes there" she points on a free place next to the sink. „I'm gonna wash it later." Then Al leaves the bathroom. I pull my pants down and everything is red. Well...you can't see it in the jeans because they're black, but my underpants are SOAKED in blood.
So I take all my clothes off, put them next to the sink and step into the shower. When I turn the water on, warm water prickles my shoulders. I clean up my vagina extensively and watch the red blood disappear with the used water.
After the shower Mrs Cooper comes back with new underwear and a dark leggings. She shuts the door behind her and opens a drawer, taking out a turquoise plastic thing. „Look, you pull here until it's fully opened. Then you take out the pad and stick it into your underpants. When it's done pull the paper off the wings and stick them around the pants on the back." I do it and pull the underwear on. I look at the clothes Al gave to me a few minutes ago. The dark leggings is cool, but the shirt is..too...pink. I put in on though. „Forsythe went to buy one pack of pads at a store so that you have it at home and for school." First I'm confused. Forsythe who? But then I remember that this is Dads and Jugs original name. I smirk at that fact and just nod. Together we leave the bathroom and she takes my used clothes with her, directly walking to the basement where the washing machine is. When I reach the kitchen I hear the engine of daddy's bike going off. It doesn't take lots of time to get here and he doesn't even ring or knock, he just comes in. „Hi Baby, everything's okay?" I nod and Dad pecks my forehead. I remember I should text my dear brother about the situation, so I grab my phone and sit down on a chair in the kitchen.

T= Toni, My asshead🖤= Jughead

T: Hey Bro

My asshead🖤: What happened

T: got my period, i already hate it *dies a thousand times*

My asshead🖤: haha, don't bleed in any of our beds at home sis

T: never, i'd rather be bleeding on our god damn homework to ruin it

My asshead🖤: fair enough, well I'll bring your homework that Pea will give to me after school, you're home?

T: No, we're at the Cooper's house at the moment, you remember Betty?

My asshead🖤: Of course I do, man, I'd do anything to see her again

T: someone has a crush on his childhood best girl friend? *wibbling eyebrows*

My asshead🖤: Not funny TT, get us something from Pops!

T: I'll ask daddy, shoo asshead💗

My asshead🖤: byee red velvet volcano 💉😘

T: i hate u.

I laugh at that and put my phone onto the wooden table. In this moment Mrs C. comes back from the basement. „Do you guys want some coffee, or tea?" she looks at us and I look at dad. „I'd like a tea, you daddy?" He chuckles and shakes his head. „Nothing for me Al." And what I see in his eyes, is a undefinable feeling burning up in him. Maybe love? But...he still is married with this  Gladys who is Juggies mommy and as my information are right, Alice Cooper is married to Harold Cooper. But no one will ever know.

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