15 - It's because I love you

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I want to tell her. I need to tell her.

That's been the only thoughts spinning in my head for a couple of weeks now. I actually got to be friends with her.
You may ask who I am talking about. It's Cheryl Blossom. She's doing better after the breakup with Heather who no one has seen ever after. Our teachers say her parents moved away to Germany and I'm happy about that.
Cheryl and I hang out a lot. After school we meet at Pops and I guess Jughead is wondering where I go after school. Dad doesn't know, Jelly, Fangs, Betty, Ronnie, Sweetie - no one.

Soon it is her birthday. 12th of June. Of course she's throwing a birthday party with her twin brother Jason. It's their 16th birthday. Jughead's birthday is in a week.

Today, I will tell her today at the party. I bought her red roses and a card with a lipstick mark inside.

So I change my clothes to black hot pants and a strapless top. Maybe not perfect to ride a motorcycle with but it's fine.

When I get the I already hear the music blasting 100 meters away from the door, the door itself closed and all the windows too.
I get down from my bike and walk to the door, pushing it open slightly. The music is even louder than I expected. People are dancing everywhere and some are in the garden. Cheryl dances with Josie and holds a red cup in her hand.
People who are already drunk walk inside in a weird way, some of them bumping into me as I make my way up to Cheryl.

I hug her and she starts smiling during the hug. "Sweet sixteen girl" I laugh and she joins, dragging me to the 'bar' directly after. Her fingers reach out for a red plastic cup, her other hand reaches out for a bottle of burning Bourbon. Cheryl pours some alcohol in my cup and we walk around a bit, after she put the bottle back on its place. I sigh. Now or never. "Cheryl, I wanna give you your present. But in privacy." I say and look at her. My fingers around my little bag I brought with me and the present inside. It's a pair of earrings, red, of course. Cheryl nods and takes my hand, dragging me to her huge room. I have never been there in general, I don't even know who got the honor to see the room from the inside.
When we are inside she shuts the door and locks it, so that we can be in full privacy. And again: Now or Never.
I open my bag and pull out the small box I taped with red gift wrapping paper and give it to her. She smiles and unwraps it. Her smile grows bigger and she runs over to me and hug me, so sudden that we almost fall over. "Thank you!" She says and looks into my eyes. I want to kiss her. So so badly. I smile back and look at her. Her eyes sparkle and I think mine do too.
Her lips part a bit, close again, open.
We stand there for like five minutes in that position, then Cheryl stops and steps away to go to her make up table. She switches her rose gold creoles to the red pair which I gave her. She turns around in her red dress and looks at me with a bright smile. My hands get sweaty and I bite my lip softly. Cher walks up to me, then next to me and she unlocks the door, pulling it open slowly. Her foot was already on the hallway.
NOW OR NEVER. My inner thoughts scream so loud that I think it's bursting.
Quickly I grab her hand and pull her back into the room. "Cheryl...I don't know why, or when it happened...but." I stop and breathe in. She looks at me with those sparkling eyes and I gulp. "The thing is...I love you, Cheryl" I finally say and look at her. How will she react? The girl in front of me smiles. I stay quiet and just look into her eyes. Then she suddenly comes closer and closer, until she is right in front of me - the only thing which would fit between us is a thin piece of paper.
"How do I react?" she smirks. "That are your thoughts, huh?" She giggles and then it happens. Her red lips touch mine. Not for a second, not for a minute. One and a half minutes we stand in front of her shut door and kiss. We pull apart and I smile. "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I ask her. "Always" she says and kisses me again.

Her hand in mine we walk outside. The hallway was actually empty - Maybe it is a no-go zone. We walk to the huge garden and sit down on the couch. Exactly. THAT couch. The same one Cheryl and Heather had sat only one and a half months ago I guess. I look around and see Veronica and Archie making out at the walls of Thistlehouse, Jughead and Betty talking and going inside, Jason and some Bulldogs dancing and drinking inside.
The garden is almost empty since everyone is getting drunk inside and so we kind of have privacy again.
"How long?" Cheryl asks out of sudden and I look at her. "I don't know...I guess when you got together with Heather. I was pretty jealous." I say and giggle. Cheryl smiles. "Jealous, huh" she said and laughs. "That isn't funny Cher!" I pout and cross my arms. I cannot hold it for long so I burst out laughing only half a minute later and she joins.
I feel looks on us so I try to find the pair of eyes, but I can't find them. Only imagination, or am I wrong?

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