10 - Girls Talk

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It's officially 2017 now. Betty and Jug are a couple as I assume and Fangs and Kev are too. I look at them sadly - I just want a person I can do the same with. Kissing, making out, cuddling. All the cliche stuff. Slowly I walk around the dancing people, holding my cup with Cherry Cola in my right hand and look at the ground. Suddenly I bump into someone. It's Sweet Pea. He is really drunk and takes wavering steps. I grab his shoulders. „Where do you think you're going?" I ask him. „Ouh Toni, I like your outfit! So tight and sexy-" his hands go to my butt. „Woah Woah - stop! You're drunk Sweetie. Come on, I'll get you home." So I take his hand and pull him behind me to our motorcycles. He grabs his helmet and put it on....the wrong way. I correct it and tell him to hold on tight...maybe I'll regret this later. When we both sit and I manage not to fall with the bike I start the engine.
During the drive I get more uncomfortable, because I can clearly feel him having a boner at my ass. I stop in front of his family's trailer and I get off, helping him to do the same. With his arm around my neck I push the door open and drag him inside, letting him plop down on the couch. I want to go, but he reaches out his hand pulling me closer to him. He starts kissing me softly, then more dominant. When he puts a hand on my belly, slowly getting down to my pants, I pull away. „I shouldn't be doing this" I murmur and run out of the trailer. My knees are wobbly, my breath is fast. Why the fuck do I feel good after my BEST FRIEND touched me down there? No...no. What's wrong with me. I take my bike and push it towards our trailer.
I get in and sit lay on my bed. This definitely needs a girls talk. The head full of thoughts I fall asleep.

I wake up late the next day. I maybe was on the party only until like 00:30, but still - I needed the sleep. I get up, wearing my party outfit still, and walk into the bathroom. The MakeUp I put on yesterday made pimples over night - fucking mint - and so I grab a MakeUp removing wipe to remove the pimple making Foundation. Huge dark rings are under my eyes and I sigh, looking at myself. I change into other clothes and go into the kitchen. Jughead is sitting there, having even darker rings under his eyes. „Hangover?" I ask him chuckling. „This is not funny" he sighs and yawns. „I bet you miss Betty's lips" I reply showing him my tongue. „Who misses whose lips?"
We turn around. Dad stands there smirking at both of us and taking three cups to make coffee. I look at Jughead and he just sighs. „Jughead and Betty kissed last night" I say and take a cup of dads. „My boy found a girl..and it's no one else than the famous Elizabeth Cooper"
„It's Betty. You should know that by now Jones"
The front door has opened and Alice Cooper stands there and guess what - She's wearing a Serpent jacket...a ROYAL jacket. Her wavy hair is curled up, I guess these are natural curls. Black tights, black jeans shorts. Varnish boots - a total Southside Woman.
„You look...different Alice" I say checking her out. „Well honey, this is me - my actual me. Why were you guys talking about my youngest daughter anyways?" she asks curiously. I start grinning. „Betty and Jug kissed last night" Ms Cooper raises an eyebrow. „Forsythe Junior, Forsythe Senior, is Toni right?" They are silent. „I'll leave you alone...Is Betty at home?" I ask Alice and she just nods, putting her hands on her hips, looking at both of the two male persons of the household with an raised eyebrow.

I drove to Betty and now I'm ringing the bell. Polly opens. „Uhm hi Polly, your mom said Betty was here?" She steps away. „In her room, upstairs, second door on the left" I nod and walk in, pulling off my shoes and go upstairs, knocking on Betty's door know. When I push it open, Betty lays on her bed with her earphones in, listening to music, obviously. She hums quietly to the melody, it's some ballad. Run by Snow Patrol. I guess she haven't noticed me yet. I shut the door quietly and cross my arms, looking at her. Betty looks up for a second, moving it down the same second and raising it up quickly again in the next second. Then she pulls out the earbuds and smiles at me. „Hi Toni" I lay down next to her. „I need to talk to you. It's important" Betts looks at me with a smile, telling me to start talking with her eyes. „Well...yesterday...I bumped into Sweet Pea. He was really drunk - like REALLY DRUNK- and so I brought him home. There he started kissing me, after some minutes more dominant and I didn't pull away until his hands reached in my pants. I mean...it felt good...kind of. What should I do now?" I look at her worriedly. She seems to think about what I just told her. Then she sits up a bit. „Don't freak out...just trust me" the youngest Cooper girl says and put one of her hands on my pants, rubbing it lightly, causing me to moan and blush. „You're ready." Betty says and lets go of me. I'm breathing heavily. „Ready for what?" I say between some deep breaths. „The first sex of your life." She says casually, like nothing's awkward about that.

We talked a bit after that, but the sentence stucked in my head. At afternoon I left and now I'm in my room, looking at my phone. There are some unread text messages from Sweet Pea. Should I really do that? I mean, he's sweet and hot of course. I just don't want to destroy our friendship with that. I start reading the messages.

I'm so sorry Toni
Please respond, or come online at least
Really, I'm so so sorry
I was drunk and kind of..horny sorry for that.
Can you come out?
Toni...I know you read the messages and I'm not forcing you to, but I want to apologize in person. Pls.

I'll come out and...it's okay.

With that I go outside where Sweet Pea stands, putting his phone back into his pocket.
He apologizes for what happened yesterday and I forgive him of course. And then I think about what Betty said earlier that day.

„Uhm Sweetie...can you do me a favour?" He nods. I sigh and start whispering. „Can..I.." I pull him behind some trees where no one is at the moment. „I wanna try the sex thing..." He gulps but nods after I fold my hands pleadingly. We're having a 'date' tonight at our childhood tree house deep in the woods. He told me he'd pack condoms and I guess you can tell what happened this night.

I didn't want to do this scene in detail, because I want you to vote for it (okay or not okay) So please tell me in the comment section. I really wanted to bring the 'first sex with my best friend' thing in my fanfiction so....LET ME KNOW IF THESE SCENES SHOULD BE DETAILED. Then I'll do it in Choni🍒😉

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