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3rd Person PoV

Toni didn't say a word when it was revealed to her who actually was behind the shootings.

„Caleb..did that?"

Her gaze dropped into her lap as she processed these words.

„But..with what motive? He barely knows anyone here in Riverdale, why would he want to shoot Cheryl?"

Jughead sighed.

„We don't know. We just know that he was the one to pull the trigger. Dad is probably questioning him today so maybe we can pass by later. It could also be an option that he got set up by someone - that he was only the person who did the dirty job while the actual person behind all this is keeping his vest clear."
He said, weight shifting on his heels.

Toni and Cheryl stayed quiet, locking their eyes seeing the fear spark at the thought of all of this not being over yet.

Was there really another person who would want to seek her death?

Coming to think of it, there were too many people in Riverdale who would want to see the Blossoms crumble.

„Let's just hope that isn't the case" Toni mumbled, softly squeezing her girlfriend's hand.

Cheryl decided to change the topic - as much as she loved to be the center of attention, being targeted in a murder was one that was kind of awful being the center of attention of.

„Did the doctors say anything about when you can leave the hospital? We just know that you're stable" She let out a chuckle.

Toni shook her head. „Not really, I mean I've just woken up, they will probably want to supervise me until I'm healed enough to properly live the daily life" She assumed - it was easy enough to understand.

Cheryl put an assuring hand on her girlfriend's, squeezing it softly. „I'm looking forward to it. You know, I might take you on a date, once all of this is over" she kissed her cheek and then went to stand with Jughead again.

„I'm sure Dad will come by at some point this day. You know, the house is empty without you in it." Jughead smiled.

„Says the one who sleeps in his girlfriend's bed every single night. I suppose that's loud enough" Toni winked and Cheryl stifled a laugh, slowly looking up at Jughead who rolled his eyes. The two girls mentally high-fived before Jughead pulled Cheryl out of the room before her girlfriend could make any more comments. „Yup, it was nice seeing you too, my dearest sister."


FP slammed the palms of his hand on the table in the interrogation room. The noise was ear clashing.
„Caleb. Just answer my question. Who are you working for? We all know you don't know Cheryl long enough to have a motive for killing Cheryl or any of her family. Someone hired you - stating the facts, there's no point in denying it boy."

He looked at Caleb, who was cuffed to the table, a growing beard suddenly making the young adult seem way older than he was.
„You shot your sister, aren't you feeling guilty for that? Did it never make you reconsider if you wanted to finish that dirty wok of yours?"

That must have struck a nerve. Caleb tensed up, hands balling to fists and knuckles turning white, but he didn't say anything.

„You know, if it went wrong and you had actually killed Toni - we both know that she was damn close to die -  would you still have tried to kill Cheryl?"

Caleb took a deep breath, looking away, avoiding FPs gaze.

„It had to be done. It still has to be done." He paused for a couple of seconds. „But I would have paid the price if Toni was actually dead. I feel guilty - I am guilty. But I won't tell you why I tried to kill Cheryl."

That was the moment the sheriff snapped. „You almost killed my daughter. You almost killed your sister. And you would still go on with your actions? Are you that emotionless that it would not mean a damn to you?"

„You are not our father." Caleb yelled at him, eyes furrowed in fury.
„No, I am not your father, but I raised Toni as my own daughter after she had been abandoned by your uncle. And you? Lived your life off in boarding school without ever visiting her - making an attempt of being with the only family you had left."

„I already told you. I couldn't go. They wouldn't let me. Hell I only know Toni as a sister who was born - That day I arrived in Riverdale and introduced myself, that was the first time I've seen her in person."

FP remained quiet. He wouldn't be weaving personal matters into his work life - not more as he had already done.

„But you wanted to see her? Wanted to be a part of her life? She's important to you. To me. To Cheryl. To everyone. And even though she is important to you, you still carry on after you almost murdered her. I don't believe you would have carried on by yourself. You are being pushed by someone. Threatened even eventually." FP sat down on the chair to face Caleb on eye-level now.
„If you'd just tell me who is doing this, you would one - get maybe one or two years less of prison - and two - are free from that asshole."

He git back up again, heading to the door and not turning around as he opened it.

„It's your choice to make, son."

He walked out, but he kept the door open as he heard the handcuffs rustling behind him.

„The name's Hiram. Hiram Lodge."

Author's Note:

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