2 - Nice to meet you, not

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We just stand there, we don't move. I look into his eyes which are full with tears of joy. I start smiling big and my eyes are probably sparkling right now. He's gonna be my daddy. He is my daddy. FP hugs me. „So I can call you Daddy now?" I ask with big eyes. DAD nods. „I'll go get Jug from Preschool now. Do you want to come with me?" I nod excitedly. Then I run over to Juggies and my room and pull one huge sports jacket on me. It reaches to my mid tight and is really warm. It has Jugs scent all over the jacket and I love it. So now me, 3'5 tall, run over to my daddy who waits in front of the car. Happily I try climbing into the car myself, but I'm still too short. Daddy lifts me up and puts the seatbelt on. Jellys buggy is next to me and she smiles at me with her thumb in her mouth and wobbling with her tiny feet. It's a ride for about ten minutes and we drive past the damaged houses and the small sign I saw a week ago. At day this 'side' seems not so scary anymore, but still shocking. Now I see the beautiful white houses with these big gardens in front of them. I see kids with both of their parents walking down the streets. My face gets sad. „Where's mommy?" I ask and FP gets silent. „Not here honey..." he is sad, you can tell this by his voice.
We drive past a diner and then a school, then a smaller building. Dad parks in front of some windows and gets out. I unbuckle myself and open the door, ready to jump out. I do and land on the asphalt with Jugs trainers. Well, I'm covered with Jugs clothes. I still only have my ripped clothes from my 'escape' and my changing clothes like one jeans and one shirt. But I don't wanna wear these. They remind me of Theobald.
Dad takes my hand and we go inside of the building. It's very colorful and self made drawings are on the walls. I can see one drawn by Juggie. It shows him, his...well our dad, Jelly in a crib and a huge heart around them. In some funny writing he wrote something I can't read. We enter one classroom and I see tables and chairs. Many adults are here and their children are circling around my brother. „...Yeah! And her name is Toni, beautiful, isn't it?" he talks about me. Now I'm not as confident as some minutes ago. I hide behind daddys leg and chew my lip a bit. Then I recognize two kids in a corner. These are the children who ignored me and left me alone. I don't like them. FP starts talking with one woman. She looks at me for a second and points at Jughead and the other kids afterwards. „Honey, can you go to Jug for a minute or two please?" I look at him, scared, but then I nod slowly and walk over to them. I don't even get to him. I'm too shy to tap on someones shoulder to let me through. Juggie sees me and smiles. „Hi Toni!" All eyes turn on me. I freeze right there where I'm standing at and tremble a bit. My new brother takes my hand and introduces me to two of his friends. „Toni, these are Betty and Archie" he points on a girl with a cute smile and a blonde ponytail. Her cheeks are a little red and her eyes have the same color as Jug. Then he points to a red haired boy. He is also cute but his cheeks are a little bit chubby.
I smile at them shyly but then I feel eyes on me. My eyes are trying to find the spy, it's the girl with the red hair. I take all my courage and walk to her. „What is your problem? Why do you stare at me?" I ask her confidently. She grins kind of evilly. Her small and slim fingers put some hair behind her ears. „I'm not. I just look at your clothes. My name's Cheryl, by the way. You don't own much, do you?" I feel the tears burning up. Her feet take one step forward. „You don't have girls clothes, do you?" she is right in front of me now and I start to tense up a bit. She smiles at me weirdly and I tremble lightly. „And...your knee is muddy" She looks behind me, daddy's coming to us. Now her smile is cute again. „Nice to meet you Toni!" she says so that my father can hear it. I smile a bit but just keep looking at her.
When daddy goes away, she looks at me with that weird smile again. I feel like her eyes are looking through my soul. „Well, Toni, Nice to meet you here" Cheryl says and walks away, leaving me alone. „Not.." I murmur.
A woman walks up to me with a calm smile, this one is real. I guess she likes me. „Hello Toni! My name is Mrs Adams and I'll be your class teacher preparing you for first grade." Now I start smiling at her. „I like it here, really" I gaze around the room, looking at the many different drawings and photos from trips to the forest, I ran through.
Facing Mrs Adams again I hear Juggie still talking about me.
„...and you can come here tomorrow until you're going to school" she says. I totally zoomed out and didn't pay attention to what she just said. I just nod my head and smile again. With a smirk I run over to Jughead and steal his beanie, only to pull it on my hazelnut brown hair.
Unfortunately the beanie is way too big and it covers my eyes so that I can't see anything right now. My brother is pouting, he wants his beanie back, but I start walking, not even knowing where tables are and where I'm able to walk along. Suddenly I hear two voices and I rise my head, making the beanie falling down behind me. I see one blonde woman and one man with beard. „Mommy!" „Daddy!" Betty and Archie yelled and run to their parents. I loved this sight. A mother. I want to have a mother....

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