Chapter 11

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It had a little more than a week since Y/N had gone back to her deceitful cheating husband. We usually saw each other at least once a week, but I wasn't ready to face her yet. I was so in love with my best friend and it broke my heart to see her in the arms of a man who never deserved her to begin with.

Y/N texted me daily and I did respond, but I tried to keep the conversations short. In my own way, I guess I was trying to distance myself from her. She was still my best friend, but it was too hard for me to be around her and pretend that everything was the same. For me, it wasn't.

The night after I had drinks with all my friends, one of the guys from the dance studio approached me. Jae had been badgering me to go on a date with his cousin, Joy. He kept insisting she was a nice girl in need of a nice guy. Although my heart wasn't in it, I finally relented. He gave me her number and I set up a date with her on Friday. I had originally planned to take her to mine and Y/N's favorite restaurant, but it just didn't feel right. I needed a new idea.

I pulled out my phone and called Jungkook. "Hey JK," I said into the phone when he answered. "I need a recommendation."

"What's going on Jiminie?" Jungkook asked.

"I... um... I have a date on Friday night," I replied. "What would be a good restaurant to take her to?"

Jungkook was silent on the line for a moment. I knew my words had surprised him. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked.

I sighed. "JK she went back to her husband. She clearly wants to work on their marriage. I need to move on," I said, the last words coming out in a whisper. As much as I wanted to be with Y/N, I knew there was no future for us.

"What about that new little Italian place? The reviews are pretty good," Jungkook finally responded.

I had heard of the restaurant he mentioned and had wanted to try it out. "Do you think that would be good for a first date?" I asked.

"Yeah I do," Jungkook replied. "I'm happy for you buddy. Hope this works out for you."

"Yeah me too," I said, even though my heart really wasn't in it.

We talked for a few minutes longer and I ended the call. I wasn't sure how I felt about the date, but at the same time, fawning over a girl I could never have was just hurting me in the long run.

The rest of the week passed quickly. Y/N still texted me everyday but I barely responded. Her last text was from this morning asked me if I was mad at her. I responded with a simple no and hadn't heard anything else from her.

After I left the studio for the evening, I quickly showered and dressed for my date with Joy. I decided to keep it simple and put on a pair of black dress pants and white button-up shirt. I styled my hair then added a pair of silver earrings Y/N had got me for my birthday last year and a pair of boots we had picked up on a shopping spree. I added some cologne at the last minute then grabbed my keys, phone and wallet.

I went out to my car, making sure it was nice and clean. I didn't know if this date would go anywhere, but I at least wanted to make a good first impression. I drove to the address that Joy had texted me and pulled into the driveway. I shut off the car and got out, straightening the imaginary wrinkles in my shirt. I walked up the short sidewalk and rang the doorbell, wiping my suddenly damp hands on my pants.

After a moment, a pretty girl with short dark hair and dark brown eyes opened the door. She had on a short black skirt and a silky looking red shirt. She gave me a pretty smile. "Hi, you must be Jimin," she said, her voice soft and sweet.

I held my hand out to her and she took it, shaking it. "Yes. Jae has told me a lot about you," I replied. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Joy grabbed her purse, closing the door behind her. I led her to my car and opened the passenger side door, shutting it once she was settled in. I went around and climbed into the driver's seat then started the car. We made small talk as we drove to the restaurant and I learned she was a nursing student. So she was pretty and intelligent.

As we pulled up to the restaurant I had chosen, I got out of the car and went around to open her door. I offered her a hand out and she took it. She seemed reluctant to release it, so I offered her my arm, which she happily took.

We went into the restaurant, chatting along the way. I approached the hostess station with Joy still clinging to my arm. I gave her my name and she led us to a table. As we approached the table, a head of dark curls caught my attention.

I turned and saw Y/N seated at a table with Jackson. Her eyes met mine and widened in what looked like hurt before she gave me a small smile. I returned the smile then directed my attention back to Joy. She was my date tonight and I would give her the respect she deserved.


I wasn't expecting Jimin to walk into the little Italian restaurant Jackson had brought me to. I really wasn't expecting to see the pretty girl that clung to his arm and looked up at him like he was the most handsome man on the planet. Which he really was. I definitely wasn't expecting the pang of jealousy that filled my chest seeing Jimin with the girl.

I hadn't seen Jimin since I left his house. We usually saw each other at least once a week, but anytime I tried to make plans, he was always busy. Even his conversations with me had been different. He was always sweet and complimentary, but over the last two weeks, I had always texted him first. I felt like my best friend was pulling away from me and it hurt more than I wanted to admit.

"Y/N?" I turned my attention back to Jackson when I realized he had called my name. "Are you even listening to me?"

I nodded my head, but my attention was focused on the couple across the restaurant. Joy was saying something that made Jimin laugh, his dark eyes turning into crescent moons. I felt another pang of jealousy that this girl was making my Jimin smile like that. I hadn't seen him this happy since he broke up with Soren. I pulled my eyes away from them and tried to listen to what Jackson was saying.

"I have to go out of town next weekend with the company," Jackson was saying. "I'll be leaving Friday and coming back Sunday evening."

"What's it for?" I asked, still not completely trusting him because of what happened with Rose.

"They are looking at bringing in new investors. They want me to meet with them at a benefit on Friday evening then take them to dinner on Saturday to talk about them joining us," Jackson explained.

I nodded my head. "Okay. I'm sure I can figure out something to keep me occupied for one weekend," I replied. Normally I would have been excited to spend time with Jimin, but he clearly didn't want to see me.

We finished dinner and left the restaurant. I tried to avoid looking back at Jimin and the girl, but couldn't help myself. The last thing I saw was Jimin reaching over and taking her hand. My heart hurt more than it should have and I couldn't understand why.

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