Chapter 12

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The morning after Jimin's date, he had called me to let me know how it went. He sounded remarkably happy since the date had gone well. Apparently, the girl Joy was sweet and funny. She made him laugh more than he had in a long time. They had made plans to get coffee the following week.

I was happy that he might have found someone who could be good for him. He had been in love with Y/N for so long that I was hoping he was ready to move on from her. Although the two of them really were meant to be together, it just wasn't something that was going to happen anytime soon or even at all.

When I arrived at the office Monday morning, Rose was sitting at her desk. Her face was pale and she had a bottle of water in her hand. Although I was angry over what she had done to Y/N, she was still my employee. I stopped in front of her desk. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Just feeling a bit nauseous. Is it okay if leave at 2:15? I have a 3:00 doctor's appointment," Rose asked.

I nodded my head. "That's fine. Whatever you don't get done today can wait until tomorrow," I replied. "Don't forget we will be heading out of town Friday. The meeting with the investors is this weekend," I reminded her.

"I remember. I've already booked a room for you and one for myself," Rose replied.

"Get in touch with Jackson's secretary and make sure they have their rooms booked as well," I said, watching her expression carefully for when I mentioned Jackson.

Rose cast her eyes down to the desk. "Yes Mr. Jeon," she replied softly.

I walked into my office and sat in my chair, running my hands through my hair. Even though I didn't agree with what she had done, the sadness in Rose's eyes still touched my heart. There was something going on in that situation and I had a feeling I knew what it was. I remember what Jae saw a few weeks ago and it made my stomach clench in worry. Worry for Y/N and how she would handle the situation. Her marriage with Jackson was already rocky. This would only add on to it.

As I sat there, my cell phone rang. I looked at it and was surprised to see it was Y/N. She had only called me a few times. We had exchanged text messages back and forth a lot, but a phone call was rare.

"Hey Y/N," I said into the line. "What's up?"

I could hear the hesitation in Y/N's voice. "Umm... I didn't know who else to call. Is everything alright with Jimin?" she asked.

Whatever she was calling about, I was not expecting that. "Yeah he's fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well... I usually see him at least once a week, but now I feel like he's avoiding me. I haven't heard from him since Friday and we usually talk or text everyday," Y/N replied, her voice filled with hurt.

"No. He's fine. He's just been busy," I replied. I talked to him Saturday morning and he seemed really happy."

"Oh. He did?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah. Apparently he had a great night Friday, he was in a really good mood when I talked to him," I said.

"Oh," Y/N said again.

Her responses were starting to worry me. "Is everything alright Y/N?" I asked.

"Yeah it's fine," she said. "Sorry to bother you."

I looked down at the phone as she suddenly disconnected the call. I stared down at the phone for a moment. That was strange.

The phone rang again. This time it was Jimin.

"Hey Jiminie," I said. "How are you?"

"I'm great actually," Jimin replied.

"Y/N and I were just talking about you actually," I said.

"You... you were?" he asked.

"Yeah. She was wondering if you were okay. Said you've been avoiding her," I replied, knowing that's exactly what he's been doing.

"Umm. Well... It's just hard for me to see her," Jimin said. "She saw me at the restaurant with Joy."

This I didn't know. "Oh really?" I asked. "That explains a lot."

"What do you mean JK?" he questioned.

"Never mind," I said, changing the subject. We talked for a few minutes more before I ended the call.

I thought back to my conversation with Y/N. She sounded almost... jealous when I said Jimin was happy after Friday night. If she saw him on his date then she would know the reason for his happiness. I felt bad knowing that she was hurting because of Jimin avoiding her, but at the same time, I knew Jimin had to do it for his own piece of mind.


After talking to Jungkook, I felt even worse. Jimin was talking to people. He just wasn't talking to me. It hurt more than I wanted to admit. The fact that he was so happy on Saturday after enjoying his date made it even worse.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. He was my best friend. I should want him to be happy. Why was I feeling so upset that he was?

Over the next couple days, I refrained from texting Jimin and I didn't hear from him either. On Wednesday morning, I was sitting in the coffee shop we used to come to and he walked in behind me but he wasn't alone. The same girl from Friday night was clinging to his arm, chattering away. He was looking down at her with an indulgent smile before stepping up to the counter and ordering their drinks.

As he waited, Jimin looked around the coffee shop and his eyes met mine. His bright smile dropped at the sight of me and it broke my heart. He clearly was not happy to see me and that hurt. That hurt bad. After picking up their drinks, he reluctantly made his way over to me with the girl clinging to his arm.

As he approached me, he let out a hesitant smile. "Hi Y/N," Jimin said. "It's... uh... it's good to see you."

The girl next to him looked from me to him. "Jiminie? You going to introduce me?" she asked him.

Jimin looked down and gave her a bright smile. "I'm sorry. Y/N, this is Joy. Joy this is Y/N. She's an old friend," he said.

Joy stuck her hand out with a big smile and I shook it. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm so happy to be able to meet any of Jiminie's friends."

I gave her a tight smile. "Nice to meet you too," I said softly.

Joy tugged Jimin's arm. "Are you ready? We can go walk in the park before you have to go back to the studio," she requested, a sweet smile on her face.

"Sure. Let's go," Jimin said to her. He turned back to me. "I guess I'll see you around." Jimin turned and left the coffee shop, smiling down at the girl and listening to her talk.

My heart shattered as he walked away. That was it. I lost him. I lost my best friend and I didn't even know how it happened.

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