Chapter 1

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I looked in the mirror, checking the fit of the dress. The satin clung to my curves and flared out softly right above my knees. The wine color was complimentary to my dark hair. I turned to the side, checking the back. It was low cut, with alternating strips of satin and lace to give it a more demure look. I eyed the dress carefully then nodded at the mirror. This was the one.

Jackson and I would be celebrating our three-year wedding anniversary tomorrow. We had reservations at the Italian restaurant he brought me to when he proposed. I was hoping to approach the topic of starting a family with him soon, but I didn't want to rush it. When we first got married, Jackson said he wanted to wait three years. He wanted us to have some time alone together before bringing children into the relationship. I had understood then and completely agreed. Since we had now been married for three years, I thought the time had come to at least discuss the options.

I had to admit... I did have some hesitations. The last six weeks, things had seemed off. Jackson was always very affectionate, but lately, things had seemed to change. He still kissed me goodbye every morning before leaving for work, but it was very quick and almost brotherly. Nothing like the romantic kisses we always used to share. I just assumed it was because he was so busy with work lately. He had just received a new promotion at work. It meant more money, but also a lot more responsibility. He went from working 40 hours a week to almost 60. By the time he came home in the evening, he was so exhausted, he could barely keep his eyes open. He would eat the dinner I left him then fall into bed.

I shook my head to clear it of the thoughts and quickly changed out of the dress, pulling my jeans back on and tugging my black shirt over my head. As I was hanging the dress back on the hanger, my phone dinged, letting me know I had a text. I smiled before checking... it could only be one person.


Did you find a dress?


I did




It's dark red and pretty sexy... hopefully he likes it


He will

You look beautiful in anything


What would I do without you?


No worries. You won't ever have to find out.

You free for dinner tonight?


Of course

Jackson is working late again



Pick you up at 6?


Sounds perfect


See ya then babe

I put the phone away with a smile. Jimin had been my best friend since our parents forced us into a play date in first grade. He pulled my hair, I made him cry, and we had been inseparable ever since. All through out school, our friends assumed we would date, but it never actually happened. We had the discussion the first year of high school, but agreed we didn't want it to ruin our close friendship. I watched him go through girlfriend after girlfriend and he was there for me for my first broken heart. He brought me my favorite ice cream and held me while I cried in his arms.

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