Chapter 16

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The next morning I woke up to Y/N snuggled against my chest. I thought about the evening we had spent together.

After the food had arrived, we had sat down at the table and I helped her make plans for the next phase. I tried to convince her to come and move in with me, but she refused with a smile. She kept saying she didn't want to get in the way of my relationship and I had no idea what she was talking about.

I was surprised about her reaction to Rose's pregnancy. She wasn't as upset about the baby as I expected her to be. It was strange. I didn't understand it.

Hoseok had offered to take my early class today and have Jae take the afternoon class at the studio so I could spend the day with Y/N. She had wanted to go to the house and pack her clothes. I had told her I would text Jungkook and make sure Jackson was in the office when we went to the house for her stuff.

I gazed at the woman sleeping against my chest and marveled at her beauty. Her left hand was draped across my stomach and I noticed her wedding rings were gone. This really surprised me. She was serious about it being the end of her marriage. I really couldn't blame her. It would be too hard for her to look at another woman's child and know it belonged to her husband.

The silver ring on her index finger was still there though. It was the ring I had given her when we graduated high school and I had never seen her without it. She was also wearing the bracelet and earrings I had bought her. I knew they irritated Jackson when she wore them but it made me happy to know that our friendship meant enough to her.

I was confused by her reaction when I mentioned dinner with Joy. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought she was jealous. But there was no possible way that would be true. Why would she be jealous? I didn't know.

I lay there lost in thought when I felt a movement against my chest. I looked down and noticed her eyes slowly opening. I pressed a kiss to the top of head. "Morning sunshine," I said with a smile, giggling when she groaned. She never was a morning person.

Y/N lifted her head up and looked at me, giving me a sleepy smile. "Morning Jiminie," she said before laying her head back on my chest and snuggling in closer. Her proximity to me was making me feel things I should not be feeling about my best friend.

"How you feeling this morning?" I asked, running a hand through her silky hair.

"Much better now that you're here," Y/N said, hugging me close. "I really missed you the last couple weeks."

"I missed you too baby. I really did," I said, my voice soft.

"Please don't leave me again Jiminie," Y/N pleaded, gripping my shirt in her fists. "Please."

I was surprised at the tears I could filling her beautiful eyes. "I'm not going anywhere," I said, wiping the tears that escaped down her cheeks.

"Promise?" Y/N asked, her tear streaked face looking up at me.

"Baby I promise. I'll be here as long as you need me," I assured her, pulling her close. Her words concerned me. Why was she so worried about me leaving her? I knew she was upset about me not speaking to her for the last couple of weeks, but why was it bothering her so much? It didn't make any sense to me.


I lay there, cuddled close to Jimin, not wanting to let him go just yet. I was embarrassed for being so needy but he was who I wanted to be with right now. I was afraid to let go of him. Afraid he would leave me again. Afraid I would lose him again.

The feelings I have been having for Jimin were not the feelings I should be having for my best friend. He had been so sweet the night before asking me how I was feeling about the pregnancy and I didn't know how to explain it to him. I wasn't as hurt about Jackson getting another woman pregnant. After I had gotten over the initial anger, I had to admit I wasn't surprised. But I wasn't upset over it. Not as upset as a wife should be. I didn't know what that was saying about me and my feelings for Jackson.

Jimin moved slightly away and I gripped onto his shirt tighter. I could feel his chest movements as he giggled. "I'm not going anywhere baby. You can loosen up the death grip you have on my shirt," he said, rubbing circles on my back.

I smiled into his chest and tightened my grip anyway. I was so comfortable just being in his arms that I didn't want to move. Then a terrible feeling suddenly came over me. Even though our night together was innocent, I had just kept Jimin from going to his girlfriend.

I sat up quickly and moved to the edge of the bed, away from the comfort of his embrace. My mind was racing with guilt and I felt terrible.

"Baby? What's the matter?" Jimin asked, moving to my side and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Why did you jump up like that?"

"I'm so sorry Jimin. I'm so sorry. I'm such a terrible friend," I said, trying to keep the tears at bay.

"Sorry for what? What's going on?" Jimin asked, his voice soft and his eyes worried.

"I feel terrible for keeping you away from your girlfriend last night. After everything Jackson did, I should know better," I said, pulling away from his arm and standing up. "I'm so sorry."

Jimin looked at me confused. "Baby what are you talking about?" he questioned. "What girlfriend?"

"Joy. The girl you were with at the restaurant and the coffee shop. The girl you were supposed to see last night," I said, trying to keep the jealousy out of my voice. Jealousy I had no right to be feeling.

Jimin stared at me for a moment then started laughing. Laughing so hard tears were streaming down his cheeks. Why was the idea of his girlfriend so funny?

Jimin reached for me, pulling me into his arms. "Oh baby. You silly girl," he said, a smile on his face. "Joy is not my girlfriend. I promise you that. She is only a friend."

"What? She was holding your hand at the restaurant and she was all over you at the coffee shop!" I countered, not believing what he just said.

Jimin cocked an eyebrow at me. "If I didn't know any better, I would say it sounds like you're..." he hesitated, giving me a smug smile, "almost like you're jealous."

I dropped my eyes to the ground, refusing to look at him. "I'm not jealous," I mumbled, the words sounding false even to my ears.

Jimin pulled me in close. "I promise you. Joy is just a friend," he said, tilting my chin up to meet his gaze. "You're the only girl in my life."

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