Chapter 4

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I woke the next morning to see Jackson asleep next to me. I turned over and admired his handsome face then gently brushed his hair back. He hummed in his sleep and pulled me in closer.

"I can feel you staring," he said, his eyes still closed and his voice husky with sleep.

"How can I not stare at my handsome husband?" I asked with a giggle.

Jackson slowly opened his eyes, a soft smile appearing on his face. "Good morning sweetheart," he said sweetly.

My heart pounded at the words. It had been a while since he had called me sweetheart and the word just made me realize how much I missed it. "Good morning to you too. Are you hungry? I can make us some breakfast?"

Jackson nuzzled into my neck. "I'm hungry, but not for food," he whispered into my ear.

I moaned at the feel of his warm breath against my skin. "Awww babe. Don't start something you don't plan on finishing," I replied, my voice cracking at the last words.

He pressed his lips to the side of my throat, trailing soft kisses down my neck. "Who said I wasn't going to finish it?" he groaned out, pressing himself against my hip. I could feel his hardness through his thin boxers.

Jackson rolled me onto my back then moved his body over mine, settling in between my thighs. He pulled one strap of my silky tank down and started kissing my shoulder and leading down to my collarbone. I let out a breathy moan at his soft kisses. It had been almost a week since we had any intimacy and his soft touches were lighting a fire in my core.

Jackson pulled down the other strap, baring my breasts to his hungry mouth. He took a hardening nipple in between his teeth and gently bit down then sucked harshly, causing my back to arch. He knew my body so well and knew the caresses that would drive me crazy.

As he turned his attention to the other breast, his ringing phone interrupted us. He let out a frustrated groan and rolled off of me to grab it. He answered it with a gruff "Hello?"

I could only hear his side of the conversation, but it sounded like his brother in law, Mark. As he hung up the phone, he turned to me with a disappointed look. "We're going to have to put this on hold. Mark needs my help moving something," Jackson explained.

I sighed in disappointment. "It's okay babe. I get it. Go help Mark. We'll have plenty of time this evening," I said, forcing a smile on my face.

Jackson leaned over and gave me a soft kiss. "I don't deserve you. You're always so understanding even when I know you're disappointed," he said.

I smiled at his sweet words. "Mark never asks you for help, so if he is asking, it must be important."

Jackson nodded then stood up. "I'm going to take a quick shower then go help him. I'll be back later this afternoon," he said. "Oh and sweetheart?"

I hummed in response, pulling the straps of my silky tank back up over my shoulders.

"Happy anniversary," Jackson said with a smile.

I quickly got out of bed and hugged him tightly. "Happy anniversary babe," I replied, kissing his cheek.

Jackson pushed me back toward the bed. "Get a little more sleep. You're going to need it tonight."

I snuggled back into the blankets intending to sleep for another hour or so. I had just about dozed off when my text notifications went off. I smiled when I saw whom it was from.


You awake?


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