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Three years later...


"Shit.  Shit.  Shit."  I paced the room at the back of the church, looking down at the stick in my hand.  "Shit." 

"For someone who is going to get married in a couple of hours, you don't look very happy."  I looked up to see Jungkook leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and a confused look on his face.  "Is... is everything okay?"

I looked down at the stick in my hand again and watched Jungkook's eyes follow the movement, his doe eyes growing even bigger.  "Shit."

Jungkook crossed over to me, grabbing my wrist gently and looking at the stick in my hand.  "Is... is that... are you...?" His eyes met mine and his mouth dropped open.  "Oh man holy shit."

Not reassured by Jungkook's reaction, I resumed my pacing.  I had been feeling lousy for five days, waking up with nausea that subsided by the late morning and feeling a little moody.  Not to mention, I had skipped a period, which I put off to stress from the wedding.  However, when I mentioned it to my mom this morning, she had given me a knowing look before rushing out and buying me a pregnancy test.  The pregnancy test that was currently sitting in my hand with two pink lines.  "Don't say that.  If you react like this, what do you think Jiminie is going to do?  Oh fuck.  I need... I need to go tell him.  He's... he's going to call the wedding off."  I couldn't stop the tears that filled my eyes.

Jungkook took the stick from my hand and set it on the table next to me.  He moved back over to me and wrapped me in his long arms, pulling me close to his chest.  "Calm down honey.  He is not going to call the wedding off.  I promise you.  Jiminie loves you so damn much.  He is going to be so happy.  So happy to know you're carrying his baby."

Scared that Jungkook was wrong, I pulled myself from his arms and started pacing again.  "Shit.  Shit.  Shit.  I... I need to tell him.  I need to... to give him the opportunity to change his mind.  If... if he doesn't want it, I...I can take care of it myself.  I'll... I'll be alright."  I could feel a panic attack coming on and I was helpless to stop it, helpless to prevent it from happening. 

Dropping in a chair, I leaned forward, my arms wrapping around my stomach and my breaths coming in heaving pants.  FUCK!  What do I do?  He's going to leave me!  He's not going to want this.  We said we would wait at least a year before having a baby.  Not finding out we're having a baby the day we get married!

Jungkook kneeled next to me, sensing the panic on my face.  "It's alright honey.   Breathe with me.  Take deep breaths.  It's okay.  Breathe deeply for me honey.  Breathe with me."  Jungkook ran a hand down my back, his touch soft and gentle.  "It's going to be okay.  I promise you."

Jungkook continued to talk to me, telling me about the house him and Taehyung were looking at.  Telling me about the video game company he was working with.  Telling me about how he walked into the dance studio to Yoongi pinned to the mirror by Hoseok.  The idea of the pouty producer being dominated by Hoseok made me laugh and it was enough to pull me out of my own mind. 

"There you go.  Keep taking deep breaths."  Jungkook grinned when my heart rate returned to normal and my breathing steadied.  "It's going to be alright." 

After a moment, Jungkook moved to the table by the door, snagging a bottle of water and bringing it to me.  "Thanks Kookie."  I opened the bottle and took a sip, the cool refreshing liquid doing wonders to soothe my throat that felt like it was on fire, that felt like I had been screaming for hours.  I continued to take tiny sips as I unconsciously rubbed my belly.  I couldn't believe there was a tiny human growing in there, a miniature Jimin with full lips and his black hair.  A little boy that looked just like me or a little girl that had her daddy's looks.  One that Jimin would threaten to lock in her room until she was 30. 

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