Chapter 26

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I woke up a little more than an hour later, still snuggled in Jimin's bed, his scent clinging to the pillow he had used the night before.  I laid there for a moment thinking of everything that had happened the night before.  I couldn't believe I had basically made out with my best friend.  The kiss had been perfect, better than anything I could have ever dreamed of.  When we had gotten in Jimin's bed, he had pulled me in for another kiss, which was just as soft and sweet as the first.

I thought about what Jimin had said last night.  He had said he didn't know what this was but knew what it could be.  What did that mean?  The thought that Jimin could have real feelings for me caused strange feelings in my mind and in my heart. 

Although I could have laid there all day, basking in the sweet scent that clung to the pillows and the memory of last night's kiss in my mind, I forced myself to get up.  I pulled fresh clothes from my bag and stepped into Jimin's bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.  I heard my phone ding as I was coming out.  I quickly dried my face with a small towel, dropped it into Jimin's small hamper and picked up my phone, smiling when I saw the contact name.


Still in bed baby?



Just got dressed

Getting ready to leave


Wish you would have just moved in with me


You can come visit me anytime you like


You mean that?


Of course


I set the phone aside, a smile on my face and pulled out my clothes.  Since I was going to be moving all day, I opted for comfort over looks, dressing in simple black yoga pants and bright pink t-shirt.  I pulled my hair back in a messy ponytail then applied mascara and lip gloss.

I looked around Jimin's room to make sure I had all my stuff.  As much as I loved staying with him and would like to make it more permanent, there were just too many uncertainties in place right now.  After last night, I couldn't even figure out what we were.

I grabbed my bag then left Jimin's condo, making sure the door was locked behind me.  I threw my bag in the backseat of my car then made the short drive over to my new apartment.  I stopped in the leasing office and the young man at the desk greeted me with a smile.  He was wearing a nametag that read Sehun and had on dark grey pants and a white sweater.

"Good morning," Sehun greeted me politely.

"Good morning," I replied.  "I'm supposed to be moving into Unit 3A today."

Sehun nodded then picked up a file folder from his desk.  "We have everything ready for you Mrs. Wang," he said and I flinched at Jackson's surname.  That was one thing I couldn't wait to get rid of.  "This is the walkthrough list.  Mark anything on here that is not to your standards and please make sure to return it within 3 days.  If there is no one here, you can just slip it in the mail slot."

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