Chapter 10

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Over the next week, I tried my best to prove myself to Y/N. I blocked Rose's number and refused to take her calls. When she tried to come see me at the office, I told my secretary to not let her in. I wanted to prove to my wife that I would do whatever it took to earn her trust. I left the office at 6 PM every evening and spent each night with Y/N. I took her on dates like we used to. We went to some of our favorite restaurants and I could feel the spark coming back.

On Sunday afternoon, a week after the affair was revealed, I planned to take Y/N to the beach where I had proposed. I packed a picnic lunch and hid it in the trunk of the car. I told her to bring her swimsuit but didn't reveal where we were going. As we drove down the road that led to a private section of beach, I watched for Y/N's reaction. Her eyes lit up in surprise and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Is this...?" she asked, knowing where we were headed.

"Yeah sweetheart. It is," I answered, taking her hand and squeezing it gently. I was hoping that by bringing her here it would bring her back to the good memories we had in the early years of our marriage.

I stopped the car in the small gravel parking lot and opened my door. I went around to open her door and she took my hand. She followed me to the trunk and I opened it, revealing the picnic basket I had packed.

Y/N gave me a genuine smile. "You really did all this for me?" she asked sweetly.

I hugged her tight before picking up the basket. "I told you I was going to make it right. I told you I was going to prove to you that I love you and only you," I replied.

Y/N kissed my lips softly for a moment before pulling away. We hadn't had any intimacy in more than a week. She explained that every time she thought about it, she could only picture me with Rose. Although it was tough, I tried to understand what she was going through.

I led Y/N down the pretty tree lined path. After a moment, the trees cleared and the blue water and warm sand appeared in front of us. We walked down to the water and I placed the picnic basket far enough back from the water so it wouldn't get wet from the gentle waves hitting the shoreline.

Y/N stripped out of her shorts and t-shirts and my trunks tightened as I hardened immediately at the sight of my beautiful wife in her black bikini. Her gorgeous curves were on display and I wanted to pull her into my arms and take her right there on the sand. I pulled off my t-shirt and dropped it on the blanket I had spread out.

I pulled out a bottle of sunscreen from my bag and held it up to her. She nodded then sat on the blanket in front of me. I opened the cap and began to spread the coconut-scented cream over her soft skin. I pressed a kiss to her head, causing her to giggle when I was done. She took the bottle from me and gestured for me to turn around so she could return the favor. I let out a small moan at the feel of her cool hands on my skin that was warmed from the sun. She rubbed it in quickly then patted my shoulder.

We spent the rest of the day splashing in the water like kids. We enjoyed the picnic lunch I packed and Y/N giggled as I fed her grapes. It was reminiscent of the evening I had proposed. We sat on that quiet strip of sand and chatted as the sun went down. As the sky darkened, I leaned over and pressed my lips to hers. She kissed me gently then pulled away resting her head on my shoulder. She needed time after what I did. I didn't like it but I would give her that time.


After Jackson's affair with Rose was revealed, it became a nightmare to work with her. She was always leaving the office, trying to see him. She begged me to get him to talk to her, but I refused. I was not getting in the middle of that mess.

Jimin was a wreck. It irritated me that Y/N had gone back to Jackson after what he did, but I tried to see it from her perspective. He was her husband after all and she wanted to give him a chance to fix the marriage. Jimin tried to act happy for her but I knew deep down how he really felt. That man loved her more than anyone else I had ever seen in my life and it was so hard to watch the hurt in his face. He still texted Y/N but they hadn't seen each other since she left his house with Jackson that morning. He wasn't ready to face her again and I could understand why.

We went out for a drink on a Monday evening a week after. We met up with Jin and Namjoon at the bar. Yoongi and Hoseok were joining us and Jimin's childhood friend would be arriving shortly. After ordering a round of drinks, I noticed a handsome man enter the bar. He had dark blond hair and a cute smile. As I stared, Jimin waved him over and he joined us.

"Guys this is Taehyung," Jimin said with the first real smile I had seen from him in a week. "We've been friends since high school."

Taehyung smiled at everyone, his eyes lingering on me. "Nice to meet you, but please just Tae," he replied in a deep voice that made my heart flutter a bit.

Taehyung sat down next to me and my heart sped up at his close proximity. He was devastatingly handsome and dressed like a fashion model. We spent some time chatting with each other, enjoying a couple rounds of drinks and appetizers.

"Jiminie, how's Y/N been?" Taehyung asked. "I haven't seen her in a couple of years. She still married to Jackson?"

Jimin's happy smile dropped and he fidgeted with his empty glass. "Ummm." hesitated, not wanting to discuss Y/N yet.

I quickly explained the situation to Taehyung and he gave me a sad smile. "That bastard never deserved her," he whispered to me.

I nodded my head in agreement. Taehyung changed the subject, asking Jin about the company. Jin was more than happy to brag about the work he had completed with FlashBang and how it was the latest up and coming company. To look at Jin, you would have never known the guy was a CEO of a multimillion-dollar company.

Yoongi and Hoseok talked about the work they were doing. Apparently Yoongi was producing a song for Hoseok's dance troupe. They would be performing it in a competition in a few weeks. Hoseok was so excited about the chance to work with Yoongi on the new music.

We stayed at the bar a little while longer before saying our goodbyes in the parking lot. Taehyung gave me a quick hug. "It was nice to meet you," he said, his deep voice sending chills down my spine. "Can I get your number? Maybe meet up again soon?"

I agreed quickly and passed him my phone. He input his number and sent himself a text from my phone so he would have mine.

Aseveryone left, I headed towards my car, thinking about everything that hadhappened that evening and what Jae had seen a couple weeks ago. There was something else going on with Roseand Jackson and I was determined to figure out what it was.

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