Chapter 39

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The next two weeks felt like the longest of my life.  When Suho had contacted me to let me know that Jackson had signed the papers, it felt like everything was coming together.  He had let me know that when everything was complete, he would send me the final papers and it would all be over. 

A week after I had gotten the call from Suho, Jackson had showed up at the university.  When I walked out to my car and had seen him standing there, a small sliver of pity appeared in my heart for him.  Gone was the confident, sarcastic, adorably handsome man I had fallen for and married.  In his place was a paler version of himself, his eyes filled with sadness and grief.  Jackson had apologized for everything, from the incident with Jimin, to the affair, to the pregnancy.  He told me that he still loved me and always would, but he knew this was the right thing to do.  Giving him a smile, I thanked him, wished him well and said goodbye to that part of my life.  After everything he had put me through, I knew I would never actually forgive him, but I wasn't going to start my life with Jimin with anger in my heart.

On Friday evening, I had just arrived home from classes, exhausted from the busy day.  The following week was finals for Spring classes and the students were stressed out more than usual, stressing all the professors along with them.  I had a stack of papers in my bag to grade, their last essays of the semester and I wasn't looking forward ton the long weekend I knew would be in store.  Jimin had been sweet as usual and offered to come pick me up and bring me to his house for the evening, saying he wanted to spend time with me.

The thought of Jimin helped to melt away all the stress I had been feeling over the last few days, filling me with a happiness that only he could bring me.  I stopped at the mailboxes outside of my apartment and grabbed the stack of letters, sticking them in my bag to go through once I got inside. 

After I unlocked the door, I set the bag on the floor and pulled out the essay that needed to be graded, along with the stack of letters.  Flipping through them as I made my way into the kitchen, I set the bills on the counter to be paid later and grinned when I saw an envelope with my attorney's address on it.  I ripped it open excitedly, my heart pounding as I read the final agreement of divorce.  Although I knew it was coming, the idea of it not actually being finalized scared me more than I wanted to admit to myself, but now that it was here, I couldn't stop smiling. 

Hearing the text notification from my phone, I looked down to see a message from Jimin.


Hey baby

You ready to come over?

5:32 PM


I'm always ready for you

Are you sure you don't want me to bring my own car?

5:33 PM



I got you baby


Be there in 15

I love you

5:34 PM


I love you too

Can't wait to see you

5:35 PM

After sending the last message, I hurried into my bedroom and pulled out the lingerie I had bought specifically for this.  It was the sexiest set I had ever owned and hoped it was something Jimin would like.  We had discussed waiting for any thing further than kisses until the divorce was final and now that it was, there would be nothing holding us back. 

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