Chapter 31

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The next two weeks passed quickly and I couldn't believe how happy I was. It was so different compared to the time with Jackson. I spent almost every evening with Jimin and on more than one occasion I wondered why I hadn't moved in with him. We sure spent enough time together – both at his place and mine. We had met with the guys a couple of times, having dinner and drinks at a restaurant. We had ended up back at Namjoon and Jin's place, playing cards.

Jungkook and Hoseok had gotten in an argument when Hoseok had won the first round. Jungkook's pride was threatened since we all knew he never lost anything. The boy was a master at everything and it was shocking sometimes.

I did wonder what was going on with Jungkook and Taehyung though. There was no denying the attraction on either of their faces and I was surprised Jimin hadn't seen it. I had a feeling the two were seeing each other, but I didn't want to say anything to Jimin. When they were ready to tell him, they would.

Jackson had texted me and called me almost everyday until I finally blocked his number. I had no interest in being part of his fake family with Rose and I had no interest in trying to save the marriage. I was done and the sooner he realized that, the better. I had gotten a call from Suho, the divorce attorney. The papers had been delivered to Jackson via courier and he was just waiting for them to be signed and returned. Once the papers were returned, they would be filed and the divorce would be finalized in a couple weeks. If Jackson refused to sign, the process would take a few weeks longer. I was hoping he would do the right thing by me for once and just sign the damn papers.

Jimin had been just as sweet over the last two weeks as he was before. I had visited him at the studio a couple of times, bringing him a meal since our break times coincided and he was always so grateful. When it was time for me to leave, he would whine and pout like a child and I would pinch his cheeks, making him squeal in protest.

We had shared a couple more sweet kisses, but never let anything go further than that. I felt so guilty about it, especially since I could feel Jimin's hard length pressed up against me when he pulled me into his lap. However, Jimin never showed any anger or irritation, just gentleness and understanding. It was getting harder and harder to resist him, especially when he would tangle his fingers in my hair, tilting my head back and trailing kisses down my neck. He quickly figured out my most sensitive spots and used them to his advantage.

I was grading some essays on a Thursday evening waiting for Jimin to get there when my cell phone rang. Seeing the contact was Jungkook, I answered it with a happy hello.

"Hey Y/N. Um... I'm outside your apartment. Can we talk? It's important." I could hear the hesitation in Jungkook's voice and immediately began to worry.

"Yeah sure. I'll be right there to let you in." I disconnected the call and hurried out the door, grabbing my key. I went to the front entrance and saw Jungkook standing there, dressed head to toe in black: cargo pants, jacket, bucket hat, boots. He had his back towards the door and turned to look at me when I opened it. The worry was clear on his face. "Come on in."

Jungkook gave me a small smile then followed me into the apartment, shrugging off his jacket and slipping off his shoes. He looked around the room and gave me another small smile. "Nice place you got here."

"Thanks. You want some coffee or tea?" I didn't really want a drink but I needed the moment to pull myself together. I was automatically starting to panic and I didn't even know why. I had no idea why Jungkook was there or why he looked so damn nervous, almost afraid.

Jungkook nodded gratefully, an almost relieved look on his face. "Sure. Coffee... coffee would be great."

Going into the kitchen, I made us each a cup of coffee, adding cream and sugar to mine and only sugar to Jungkook's, knowing exactly how he liked his coffee. I brought the cups into the living room and set them on the coffee table. "What's going on Jungkook?"

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