Chapter 25

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A/N: TRIPLE UPDATE! Please read Chapters 23 and 24 first.


That evening after dinner, Jimin refilled our glasses of wine then asked me to join him for a movie. As he was flipping through Netflix looking for a movie, I noticed he didn't have the bright smile that he had all through dinner. I took the remote from him and set it on the table, causing him to turn and look at me. "What's the matter my Jiminie?" I asked, reaching out for his hand.

Jimin hesitated then intertwined our fingers together, a sweet hold that made me wish for all sorts of things that I knew I couldn't have. "It's nothing really," he replied, his eyes downcast. "It's just this is the last night you'll be here with me. I've really enjoyed all the time we've spent together the last week."

He was sad because I was moving into my apartment? "I really liked it too. I missed my time with you so damn much," I said, telling him the honest truth. "I think a lot about how we used to spend so much time together. When I started dating Jackson, everything changed." And it was true. Jackson hated my relationship with Jimin. He used to tell me that it seemed more like I was dating Jimin than him.

"I know," Jimin replied, rubbing his thumb across my fingers absentmindedly. He suddenly turned to me and took my hand in both of his. "Promise me that it won't happen again," he pleaded. "Promise me you won't leave me like that again."

My heart clenched at his words, wishing he meant it in a different way. "I swear it to you my Jiminie. You are the most important man in my life. You always have been and you always will be. I love you," I promised, wanting nothing more than to lean forward and feel his plump perfect lips against my own.

Jimin's eyes brightened at my words. "I love you too Y/N. I hope you know that," he said, breaking my heart since I know he didn't mean it the way I did. I wanted him to not see me as his best friend, but as someone he could be with on more romantic terms.

I couldn't help it any longer. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, giving into the feelings I had been having for months, possibly years. I pulled back, quickly apologizing. "I'm so sor..." I began but my words were cut off when Jimin pulled me into his arms, dragging my lips back to his.

Jimin's were incredibly soft and tasted so sweet, like the wine he had been drinking and something else that I could only describe as Jimin, as he moved them against my own. He cupped my face in his hands then moved one around to the back of my neck, tangling his fingers in my hair that had escaped from my bun, making me moan. Jimin took the opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth and I melted in his arms.

The kiss deepened even further and Jimin groaned deep in his throat, when my tongue touched his own. He wrapped his arms tighter around me and pulled me until I was straddling him, his lips never detaching from my own. He ran his hands down my back then up under the hem of my shirt before settling on my hips, rubbing gentle circles over the rough denim from my jeans.

Jimin detached his lips from mine, raining kisses down the side of my neck, causing me to moan his name at the feel of his lips on my skin. He moved back to my lips, once again capturing them with his.

I pulled back, taking in a deep breath and watched Jimin's face as he slowly opened his eyes, leaning back against the back of the sofa. His pupils were blown wide, clearly showing his desire. "I...I... wow!" I stammered out, not sure what else to say.

"Um... I think wow covers it pretty good," Jimin panted out, his breathing as unsteady as my own.

"What... what just happened?" I asked, hoping the question didn't sound as stupid as it did in my head. That kiss was everything I had been dreaming about for years. Even more. Never in my life had I experienced something like that. Not with anyone, not even Jackson.

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