Chapter 22

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A/N: DOUBLE UPDATE! Please read Chapter 21 first.

Jimin POV:

I was just getting out of the shower when Y/N knocked on the door. I quickly threw on a pair of jeans and tossed the towel around my neck. I pulled the door open and smiled at her. "I don't know why you insist on knocking baby," I said. "Just come in."

Y/N didn't say anything, but stared at me. I looked down, realizing I hadn't thrown a shirt on before coming to answer the door. If the look in her eyes was any indication, she didn't mind the sight.

"See something you like?" I asked, smug smile on my face as I lifted the towel from around my neck to rub my hair dry.

Y/N tore her eyes away from my bare chest and abdomen, directing her gaze back to my face, the flush on her cheeks giving away her embarrassment. "Um... hi?" she squeaked, her voice coming out two octaves higher than usual.

I grinned and decide to put her out of her misery. "Let me throw a shirt on and I'll go out and grab your stuff," I said, turning and heading towards my bedroom. I smirked to myself at the look on her face. I was expecting her to tease me about my half-dressed state, not the reactions that I got. I wasn't expecting that look of longing that filled her eyes. Not the way her pink tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip as though she were imagining tasting the droplets of water that I had felt run down my bare skin.

After grabbing a white button up shirt from the closet, I slipped it over my shoulders, walking into the living room as I buttoned it. Y/N had moved to sofa, sitting down, her face still pink. "You don't need to get my stuff," Y/N replied, turning as she heard me approach. "I can get it."

"It's no big deal baby. Let me take care of you," I argued. I held a hand out for her keys and she sighed, handing them to me. I gave her a wink then headed towards the door. I pulled on my boots and walked out to the little silver car Jackson had bought her two years ago. The idea of the wealthy man made me hesitate. The studio Hoseok and I owned was successful but I didn't make nearly as much as Jackson. Would Y/N really want to be with me? I shook my head to clear the thoughts from my head. I knew she wouldn't care about something silly like that.

I grabbed her bag from the car and headed back into the house. I debated for a moment where to put it then made a decision and dropped it in my bedroom. Although I had a spare bedroom, Y/N had never actually slept in it. We always shared my bed and I figured the next few days wouldn't be any different.

"Baby?" I said, getting her attention. She was on her phone, checking her emails, but turned at my voice and gave me a bright smile. "I put your stuff in my room."

Y/N stood up and came over to me, wrapping her arms around me, pulling me in close. My heart fluttered at the proximity and I buried my nose in her sweet smelling hair. "I love you my Jiminie," she said, making my already weak heart stop. "You're the best person in my life."

I hugged her tight then kissed her cheek. "Well you'll always be the only woman in my life," I replied then pinched her side, making her squeal in protest. "Go get changed."

I smiled as she gave me a kiss on the cheek then headed towards my bedroom. After a few minutes, she came out in a pair of tight ripped jeans and a black long sleeve t-shirt that clung to her frame. "How is Tae doing?" she asked, dragging my attention away from her body and back to her face.

"Um... he's doing good. He was here a few weeks ago and asked about you," I replied, trying to dispel the thoughts that had invaded my brain. Y/N was so beautiful in her dressy work clothes, but there was something about her in tight jeans and simple shirt that made my heart race even further. "How... how did it go today?" I was anxious to hear how things had gone with the attorney, but didn't want to overstep my boundaries with her.

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