Chapter 33

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Shit!  This was not how I wanted this to go.  This was not how I wanted to tell my best friend that I was in love with him.  I had never wanted to tell him at all, knowing he didn't feel the same about me.  I had never planned on telling him, but Jackson's words had me so unbearably angry that I just couldn't hold it in anymore.  The shock that he had done this out of jealousy, deliberately knowing I wanted Jimin, hurt me more than the affair ever did.

Jackson's mouth dropped open.  "You're... you're what?  Tell me this can't be real.  You're my... you're my wife."  Jackson's eyes filled with tears, all prior signs of being angry completely evaporated.  "I love you Y/N."

"Jackson please.  Please just sign the papers.  This was over the moment you decided to sleep with my best friend, the moment you decided the vows we made to each other meant nothing to you."  My words came out tired, tired from the lies, tired from the deceit. 

"No.  Don't do this to us."  Jackson's words were frantic as he reached out for me.  I stepped backwards and bumped into Jimin's chest and he wrapped a protective arm around me.  I knew no matter what I had just said, Jimin would protect me, would protect me from the angry man in front of me. 

I ran a hand through my hair, the anger and frustration taking over again.  "There is no us.  There is nothing left."

Jackson went to reach for me again, but Jimin's arm pulled me closer.  "Don't even think about it Jackson."

Jackson's eyes turned dark and the rage returned.  "This shit is all your fault.  If you hadn't come in like her fucking knight in shining armor to save her then she would have come back to me.  You were always in the way Jimin.  This is your fault."

"No.  This is your fault.  If you had treated your beautiful wife like the princess she is, I wouldn't have needed to save her from you.  There is no way you're putting the blame on me for this one."  Jimin's words were soft, but I could tell from the tension in his slight frame that he was furious.

Shit.  If my confession didn't chase him off, this surely would.  Who the hell would stick around and let their best friend's soon to be ex husband spout a bunch of crap about them?

Jackson went to say something else, but I held up a hand to stop him.  "Stop Jackson.  Just stop.  This is not Jiminie's fault.  This... this is on you.  You messed this up.  Not Jiminie.  You.  The instant you decided that I wasn't enough for you.  If I wasn't enough for you three months ago then I never will be."

Shaking his head, Jackson stared at me.  "No.  No.  I'm not giving you up so easily.  I fought too damn hard to take you from him."

Trying to push down the flash of anger, I let out a breath of frustration.  "That's where you messed up.  Don't you understand that it's not the affair that has me so angry with you?  What should that tell you?"

Jackson gave me an amused smile.   "You know what?  I'll walk away.  This time, but you're going to come crawling back to me when you find your precious Jiminie doesn't feel the same way about you.  Remember Y/N:  I love you.  He doesn't.  Not the way you want him to love you.  Not the way I love you."  Without another word, Jackson stalked away, his head held high.

I watched him for a moment, but a hand on my shoulder had me turning, turning to face the man who I had blurted out my feelings for, the man I've loved since I was six years old.  Forgetting about everything else, I gave Jimin my full attention, the tears spilling over as I looked in his beautiful eyes.  "Jiminie, I'm so sorry." 

Jimin gave me a soft smile then ran a finger down my cheek, his touch tender.  "Sorry for what baby?" 

"For... for what I said."  There were so many things I wanted to say to him.  I wanted to tell him it's always been him, that I've always loved him, but I pushed the words down, locked them down in a place so deep that I hoped it would be enough to never allow them to surface.  The last thing I wanted was to push away my best friend, my soulmate.  "I'm so sorry."

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