Chapter 17

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I pressed the contact button for Y/N again, listening to her voicemail again. I had called her more than 50 times since Sunday night and sent just as many text messages. I dropped the phone down on the coffee table then sat with my head in my hands. I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe I had gotten another woman pregnant. A woman that wasn't my wife. Y/N had just mentioned wanting a baby and then this happens. It probably felt like a huge slap in the face to her.

I tried calling her parents to find out where she was but her mom was short with me and refused to tell me anything. Her parents never really liked me, only tolerated me. They definitely preferred Jimin to me. I knew her mom was disappointed that Y/N had married me and not Jimin.

I went into the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I had barely slept since Sunday night and hadn't eaten much either. I was too distraught over what was going on. For the first time I realized I was going to lose my wife. I loved Y/N. More than anything else and I had just destroyed our marriage. All because I couldn't keep my pants zipped.

The thought of Rose made me nauseous. She had called me several times over the last two days, but I refused to take her calls. I would be there for my baby, but I was not interested in a relationship with her. The thought of becoming a father made my heart and head hurt. I had wanted a baby but with my wife.

I took my coffee into the bathroom with me and turned on the shower. As much as I wanted to go curl up in our bed, with Y/N's scent on the pillow, I knew I had to go to work. I showered quickly then put on my gray suit. I added a black shirt and the silver and black tie Y/N had bought me. I looked down at my hand and the sight of my wedding ring brought tears to my eyes. Y/N had left hers when she walked out the door and it was like a slap in the face. She never took her rings off. She always said they were too important to her.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my wallet, phone and keys and headed out to the garage. I got in my car and drove the short distance to the company. I wanted to talk to Jungkook, but I wanted to avoid Rose. As the elevator door was closing, a briefcase was stuck in it, forcing it back open. Jungkook stepped into the elevator, his eyes hardening when he saw me.

Jungkook turned away from me, not wanting to make eye contact. "Jungkook I know you must hate me right now. Just please tell me Y/N is okay," I pleaded. "I haven't heard from her since Sunday. It's Tuesday. Please."

Jungkook sighed. "She's fine," he said shortly. "Jimin's taking care of her."

My heart dropped at his words and I could feel a quick flash of anger. Jimin. Her best friend. Her fucking knight in shining armor. The guy who could do no wrong. Of course she ran to him. My fists clenched when I remembered Jimin's words to me. He said if I didn't take care of her, he would take her from me. I always knew that little motherfucker had feelings for her beyond friendship. It was clearly written all over his face anytime he looked at her.

Jungkook stepped out of the elevator on his floor, not saying another word to me. I knew I had fucked up. Y/N was close to that whole group of guys. They would naturally feel protective over her. I ran a hand down my face, but pulled myself together when the elevator stopped on my floor. I stepped out of the elevator and headed into my office, giving Irene a distracted hello. I walked into my office, closing the door behind me. I paced back and forth for a moment thinking about what to do. I knew it was going to take more than pretty words and date nights to win back my wife, but I was determined to get her away from Jimin.


I spent the day with Y/N. We went and looked at a couple of apartments and she finally settled on one. It was a bright place with a lot of windows and close to the college. It was also a 5-minute walk from my dance studio so that made me even happier. I would have preferred that Y/N stayed with me, but she refused, saying she didn't want to interfere with my social life. She just didn't realize that my life revolved around her.

I smiled when I thought of her reaction to Joy. Y/N truly believed Joy and I were dating and she seemed almost jealous by it. The thought of Y/N being jealous over another woman made me happier than it should. Was there a possibility that she had feelings for me? I pushed the thought out of my head, not wanting to get caught up in a fantasy life where she ended up with me, loving me like I love her.

I took her to lunch at our restaurant and watched the smile come back to her face. She was acting almost normal and it gave me a strange feeling. We had talked about the baby again and she said she wasn't sad about it. She said once the initial shock wore off, she just accepted it.

"What's on your mind my Jiminie?" Y/N asked, interrupting my thoughts.

My heart clenched at her words. She called me her Jiminie. Those words did such strange things to my heart. I shook my head and focused my attention back on her. "Nothing really. Just happy to be with you, even if the circumstances are strange," I said, giving her a smile.

Y/N reached over and took my hand. "Don't worry so much about me Jiminie," she said, a soft smile on her face. "I'm more okay than you think I am."

I squeezed her fingers, not wanting to release her hand. She didn't pull away so I didn't either. We continued to sit there, holding hands and making small talk while we waited for our food. I told her about the collaboration between Yoongi and Hoseok and she seemed genuinely interested and excited.

"I still think there is something between those two," Y/N said, running her thumb over my hand.

I looked at her but she seemed lost in thought. It made me smile that the action was not deliberate but automatic. "Why do you say that?" I asked.

Y/N shrugged. "I don't know. They always seemed to be really close," she replied.

I nodded. "True, but so have we and we're not together," I said, the words coming out a little sadder than I intended.

A look of what seemed to be hurt flashed in her eyes before she gave me a bright smile. "That's because I wouldn't be able to handle you," she said. "You need someone with the same kind of energy and personality."

I shook my head in refusal. "Nope. That's where you're wrong baby. I need someone calm and gentle. Someone who can convince me to slow down occasionally. Someone who can sit in a café and enjoy a simple meal, not always needing a fancy date," I replied. Y/N didn't know it but I just described her perfectly.

Y/N eyed me suspiciously then shrugged. "You're probably right. If you were with someone with your energy, you would never slow down. You need someone who will take care of you," she said, squeezing my hand.

I wanted to tell her the truth right then and there. I wanted to tell her how desperately I was in love with her. I wanted to tell her that I wanted her to take care of me and I would take care of her. I would treat her like the princess she is and ensure she never questioned my love for her. I wanted to beg her to be with me. But I didn't. I didn't say any of those things. I just gave her a smile, hoping it said everything without saying anything.

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