Chapter 14

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I was standing in my kitchen, cooking dinner for Joy. She had come over earlier that evening and we were planning on watching a movie together. I heard my phone ring and picked it up, not paying attention to who it was.

"Hello?" I said.

"Jimin... it's me," Y/N said from the other end of the line.

I hesitated. "Hi Y/N," I said. As much as I missed her, I wasn't ready to talk to her.

Joy came into the room. "Can I help with anything Jiminie?" she asked, her voice sweet.

"No it's okay. I'm almost done here," I said.

I heard the gasp of surprise from the other end of the line. "Oh my god. You're not alone. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Y/N said then disconnected the call.

I stared at the phone for a moment then stuck it back in my pocket. I turned the stove off then filled Joy's and my plates. I took them to where she was sitting in front of the television.

I handed a plate to Joy and refilled her wine glass. I sat next to her on the sofa as she took a bite. She gave me a smile and thumbs up.

"Did you get a chance to talk to her yet?" I asked.

Joy shook her head. "What if it goes wrong? How do you tell your best friend you're in love with her?" she asked, her eyes sad.

I shrugged. "I really don't know. I've been trying to figure that out myself," I said.

Joy gave me a pat on the shoulder. "It's that Y/N girl from the coffee shop, isn't it?" she asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I questioned, setting my plate on the table, my appetite gone.

Joy shook her head. "Only to someone who is in the same exact position. What's stopping you?"

"Y/N is married," I said simply.

Joy put her plate on the table and hugged me. "Oh Jiminie. I'm so sorry. That's awful," she said sympathetically.

I shrugged again. "Her husband has been cheating on her for the last three months. She came here three weeks ago in tears and went back to him the next day," I said.

Joy reached out and took my hand. "That makes it even worse. I have to give her a lot of credit. It's hard to not go back to an unfaithful spouse, especially if you've been together a long time. You have to make a choice. Choose to try and trust them again or walk away never knowing if you would have been able to."

I leaned back against the sofa. I thought about what Joy had said. I loved Y/N, but I just wasn't ready to talk to her yet.

Sensing I was no longer in the mood for a movie, Joy left with a hug and a promise from me to call her if I needed to talk. She was going to go see her best friend and confess before it was too late. It was something I should have done a long time ago with Y/N. If I had, I wondered where we would have been.

A little while later, as I lay in my bed, I thought about everything that happened. I missed my best friend more than I wanted to admit. I fell asleep that night with tears on my cheeks and a heavy heart.

I woke up late the next morning after not sleeping well the night before. I rushed to get ready then headed to the studio. As I was pulling into the parking lot, my phone rang. It was Jungkook. As much as I wanted to talk to him, I was already running late. I turned the ringer off and tucked it in my bed with a promise to myself to call him later.

As I was leaving the studio that evening, I remembered that Jungkook had called me earlier. I pulled the phone out of my bag and was surprised to see ten missed calls and six text messages from Jungkook. He never called me this many times. I hit the call button and he answered almost immediately.

"Jimin? Where have you been?" Jungkook asked, worry in his voice.

"I was at the studio. Sorry my ringer was turned off," I said.

"How's Y/N? Is she okay?" Jungkook asked.

My heart clenched at his words. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I don't know. She called me last night but Joy came in and she hung up quickly."

"Oh god. Poor Y/N," Jungkook said, his voice distraught.

"JK? What's going on?" I asked, my voice filling with panic.

"Jackson came in this morning. Y/N left last night. Rose came to Jackson at the hotel this weekend and told him she's pregnant," Jungkook said. "Jackson told Y/N last night and she left. No one has heard from her since."

My stomach rose into my throat and I felt like throwing up. What had I done? My best friend needed me and I basically ignored her. I couldn't believe how I had behaved lately. Yes I was hurting, but my best friend was hurting even more. We had depended on each other for so long but when she needed me, I turned my back on her.


I lay on the bed in the hotel room I had rented. I had turned my phone off a couple hours ago when it wouldn't stop ringing. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I didn't know what I was more upset about. The fact that my husband had gotten another woman pregnant or the fact that I had lost my best friend. I hated to admit it to myself, but I knew the marriage between Jackson and myself was over. I could never forgive him for cheating. If it was a one time, drunken incident, it might be different. This was worse. This was an affair. There were feelings involved. Now there was going to be a baby.

It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Once the initial shock wore off, I just kind of accepted it. It hurt more that I couldn't go to Jimin with it. More than anything I wanted him to hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay.

It hurt more that I lost him. Jimin and I had been friends for so long that I couldn't remember a time that he wasn't in my life. He was there for every single major event in my life. My first boyfriend and breakup, prom, graduation, everything.

I lay there thinking about what I was going to do next. I spoke to the university and took the next two days off. I needed to make some plans for my new normal. I would have to see an attorney. I would have to start planning for a future that was completely different than the one I had seen in my head.

I would have to tell my parents. My dad had reservations about Jackson all along but never said anything. My mom was neutral. All she said was if I was happy, she would be happy too.

I picked up the phone and turned it on to make the call. Tons of missed calls and text messages came up on the screen. Jackson, Jungkook, Jin, and even some from Jimin. I ignored them all and called my parents. I explained the situation and let them know where I was staying. My parents lived an hour away and told me to come stay with them for a few days. I told my mom I would think about it and disconnected the call.

I turned the phone off again and lay back on the bed again. I hadn't eaten all day and needed to think about getting something soon or I was going to make myself sick. I had no desire or energy to get up and move so I just continued to lie there.

I had no idea how long I had been there when I heard a knock on the hotel room door. Without even bothering to check and see who it was, I opened the door.

My mouth dropped open in shock at the person on the other side.

He held out his arms to me and I basically dove into them. "Oh baby. Please don't cry," he said. "I'm here."

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