Chapter 18

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A/N: Double update.  Please read Chapter 17 first.


The day I spent with Jimin was one of the best I had spent in a long time. Although my marriage was over and my cheating husband had gotten another woman pregnant, I just couldn't be sad over it. I felt so much better when Jimin said he wasn't in a relationship, but I didn't want to think too much on why it made me feel better.

We had sat in our café, making small talk as we ate. I had tried to make a joking conversation about his love life, but the type of girl I mentioned, he denied. I knew deep down he was right. Although Jimin was high energy and always on the go, he didn't need a girl like that. He needed someone who would take care of him. Someone who would make sure he is getting enough sleep. Someone who would make sure he isn't skipping meals.

I felt another pang of jealousy when I thought of the idea of someone coming in and doing just that. I didn't have the right to feel jealous, but I couldn't help it. I knew for a long time that the feelings I had for Jimin were not the feelings I should have for my best friend. I constantly put the thought out of my mind because of Jackson. Having these feelings for Jimin had made me feel disloyal to Jackson. I tried to convince myself that it was just a friendly love for the guy who had always been there for me.

I pushed the thought from my mind again and focused on the handsome man in front of me. He was talking about the dance his youngest group was working on and his absolute delight in it made me smile. Jimin had always been good with kids and it was no surprise that his dance group adored him.

I smiled when a spot of ketchup clung to his full lips as he took a bite of his burger. I couldn't stop myself and I reached across the table and wiped it off with my thumb. Jimin's eyes widened and I pulled back, trying to play off the action. "You're such a messy eater," I said, wiping my finger on a napkin.

A dark look flashed in Jimin's eyes before he gave me a bright smile. "I'm a messy eater? Have you not seen yourself?" he asked. "Do you not remember going to the Mexican restaurant? All the sauce from your tacos ending up on your shirt?"

I blushed and looked down. Jimin remembered everything that had happened with us. "Stop it Jiminie," I whined. "You're embarrassing me!"

Jimin laughed and waved a hand. "Fine. I'll be the bigger person here baby," he said.

Although Jimin had called me babe or baby for as long as I can remember, the pet name still did something funny to my heart. "Promise me you wont call another girl baby," I blurted out, not thinking of what I was saying.

Jimin smiled. "No worries. You're my only baby and it will always be that way," he promised. "But you are older than me so you should be calling me baby."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah older than you by three weeks," I replied.

"Yeah but it's still older," Jimin argued.

"Nah. You'll always be my Jiminie," I said, a soft smile on my face.

Jimin's look of amusement vanished and was replaced by one that could only be described as pure happiness. "Fair enough," he said. "I'll settle for being your Jiminie."

We finished up our lunch, continuing to tease each other. Jimin took me back to the hotel and followed me into my room. I flopped down on the bed and he lay down next to me, gathering me in his arms.

"Thank you Jiminie," I said, laying my head on his chest and rubbing my hand across it.

Jimin caught my fingers in his hand and kissed them then rested our hands on his chest. "I told you I would always be here for you," he said.

I cuddled in close to him, my mind filled with all the things I still had to do. I had only paid for the hotel for three nights so I would need to go down and reserve a couple more days since my apartment wouldn't be ready until Friday. I was lucky that I had no classes on Friday. It would give me the time I needed to move into my new place. The apartment was furnished, but I would still need to buy linens and groceries.

I planned to go to the house tomorrow between classes and pack up my clothes. There were also some keepsakes that friends had gotten me, including a crystal cat figurine that Jimin had bought me for my birthday several years ago. I didn't want anything that Jackson and I had purchased together. I wanted to break free from him and start with a clean slate.

I was grateful at the moment that Jackson and I had kept separate bank accounts. We had a joint account for bill purposes that we each put money into, but we had individual accounts for our personal purchases. It was probably one of the reasons he had been so successful at hiding the affair from me. I didn't see the money he had spent taking Rose out to dinner. I had been diligent about saving money, so I was happy about that. I had enough to pay for the first three months of the apartment and still have money left over for other bills and groceries. The car I owned was paid off. Jackson had bought it for me on our one-year wedding anniversary so I didn't have to worry about paying a payment.

I made an appointment to visit a divorce attorney the following afternoon. My classes at the university were over by 3:30, so I scheduled an appointment for 4:00. I knew Jimin thought I was rushing it when I said I wanted to talk to a divorce attorney already, but there was nothing left of the marriage. There was nothing to save. Not when there was a baby coming.

Jimin ran a hand through my hair, soothing me. "What's on your mind baby?" he asked, his voice as gentle as his hands.

I sighed before responding. "Just thinking of all the things I still have to do," I replied. "I have to go down to the lobby and reserve another three nights. I'm supposed to check out in the morning."

I went to pull away but Jimin tightened his arms around me. "No. Come and stay with me for the next few days. You refused my offer to live with me, so please come and stay with me," Jimin said, his voice pleading.

I looked up at him and noticed his gaze was already directed at me. "Are you sure?" I asked.

Jimin nodded. "There's no place else I would rather you be," he said, his voice soft.

"Okay Jiminie," I replied, giving into him and laying my head back on his chest. "I'll come stay with you."

Jimin's smile brightened. "I still wish you would just move in with me," he said, rubbing his thumb across my fingers that were still gripped in his.

I shook my head. "I can't. It would be awkward when you bring girls home," I said. "And if you get into a relationship? Your girlfriend most likely wouldn't understand."

Jimin sighed in frustration and I could tell my words had irritated him. "First of all, I don't bring girls home. I'm kind of hurt that you would think of me that way. Second of all, I have no intention of getting into a relationship right now. I told you before. You're the only girl in my life. And finally, even if I did get into a relationship and that's a big if, if she didn't accept you then the relationship wouldn't work," he said, his voice full of frustration.

I squeezed his hand then looked up at him. "I'm sorry Jiminie," I said, my voice embarrassed. "I'm always saying the wrong thing lately."

Jimin sighed again but this time it was in sadness. "Don't apologize baby. It's okay. Of course you would think I bring girls home. I mean, how could I not? I'm so damn handsome!" he said, his smile smug and his voice full of amusement.

I pinched his side and he squirmed before settling back next to me. "Yes. Yes Jiminie you are so damn handsome," I replied before yawning. It had been such a stressful day.

"Why don't you sleep for a little bit?" Jimin asked. "When you wake up, we'll get something to eat and find a cheesy movie to watch."

"Will you stay with me again?" I asked, worried that he would leave me here alone.

"No worries baby. I'm here and I always will be," Jimin replied, kissing the top of my head.

I snuggled into his chest. Right here in his arms was exactly where I wanted to be.  

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