Chapter 19

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The next morning I woke up to Y/N snuggled into my chest again. She had an arm wrapped around my waist and was holding me tightly even in sleep. I thought about the evening I had spent with her and how much fun we had. We had ordered takeout then sat and had talked for hours. At one point, she ended up with her head in my lap and I had spent time running my fingers through her dark curls. It was one of the things we had always done with each other. I was happy to get some of those traditions back.

I went over the conversation we had when I asked her to come and stay with me. I had been kind of hurt at the time that she assumed I would bring random girls home. I hadn't been with anyone since Soren and hadn't even been intimate with Soren in the last two months of our relationship.

Y/N was the only woman in my life and there was never going to be anyone to replace her. Yeah I had been optimistic when I went on the date with Joy but deep down knew that even if Joy's interest wasn't somewhere else that it could never go anywhere. I was too much in love with Y/N and it didn't seem fair to see anyone else while I had these feelings for her. Even the relationship with Soren had felt wrong. I tried to love her, I really did, but my heart has always belonged to and will always belong to Y/N. She is the only woman I can imagine being with for the rest of my life.

I ran a hand through her dark hair and giggled when her arms tightened around me and she mumbled in her sleep. "Come on baby," I said, my voice sweet against her ear. "It's time to get up. I have to go to the studio and you have a class to teach." I smiled to myself when I saw the goosebumps rise on her bare skin from my words in her ear.

Y/N nuzzled her face closer to me, her warm breath causing my skin to tingle and my shorts to tighten. "Wake up sleepyhead," I whispered, tickling her side. Y/N wiggled against me in protest then slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes.

"Good morning my Jiminie," Y/N said, her morning voice low and husky. Those words and that voice did something to me and I had to think of my friends to get my mind off of how much I wanted to hear that same voice moaning in anticipation. Hear that same sexy morning voice call my name as I woke her up with my mouth between her thighs, my lips attached to her clit.

I gently pulled myself rom her arms, knowing I had to move before the evidence of my arousal was too much to hide. She whined in protest but eventually sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"How do you look so handsome in the morning?" Y/N asked, eyeing me, her eyes full of mischief. "I have to spend 45 minutes getting ready and I still don't even come close to looking as good as you do with bed hair!"

I giggled and pinched her cheek, making her whine again. "Aww baby. I didn't realize you thought I was so handsome," I teased, unable to keep the pride from her words out of my voice.

"Of course I think you're handsome. More so than anyone else on the planet," Y/N mumbled, but I couldn't help but smirking at her words.

"Go take a shower," I said, pulling the sheet from her. "I'll get us some breakfast." As much as I wanted to spend more time with her, I needed to put some distance before I did something really stupid like pull her into my arms and kiss her like I've always wanted to.

Y/N muttered under her breath, something about bossy sexy men but got up anyway. I had to tear my eyes away when she stretched her arms over her head, her silky pajama shirt raising up and revealing her silky smooth skin. She went to her bag and pulled out clean clothes, my mouth going as dry as the Sahara when I caught the sight of red lace. She draped her clothes over her arm and headed towards the bathroom, stopping just inside the open doorway. "Jimin," Y/N said, turning to me. "Thanks again for everything. You're the best and I love you."

"Love you always baby," I replied, my heart clenching at her words. "And I'll always be there for you." Y/N gave me a smile and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I ran a hand through my hair trying to calm myself down. The sight of her with messy hair and that sleepy smile did things to me I couldn't explain. I dressed and grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet then exited the hotel room. I drove to a small café down the street and ordered breakfast for Y/N and myself along with drinks, a white mocha for me and a vanilla latte for her. I carried the food out to my car and drove back to the hotel, calling Jungkook on the way.

"Hey JK," I said when he answered.

"Hey Jimin," Jungkook replied. "How's Y/N? Is she doing better today?"

I hesitated before answering. "I just don't get it JK. We spent the day together yesterday and she really seems fine. She was more upset about us not talking then this whole thing with Jackson and Rose," I explained. "I really don't understand."

"Did you... never mind," Jungkook said, stopping himself from whatever he was about to say.

"What? What were you going to say?" I asked, curious as to why he stopped himself.

"Well, did you ever think about the possibility that she may... she may have feelings for you?" Jungkook asked, making my heart stop in my chest. "Think about it Jimin. She was clearly upset when she you with Joy, enough to ask me about it. She's not upset about Jackson and Rose but was devastated when you two were not talking."

I pulled into the hotel parking lot and sat there in silence for a moment. "No. That's ridiculous," I replied. "There's... there's no way she could feel the same way. Is there?" Jungkook's words made me a lot happier than they should have. Could it be true?

"I'm telling you Jimin. I think you at least need to consider the possibility," Jungkook stated, his voice serious.

"I... I don't know. I don't want to get my hopes and be wrong," I said, my voice soft. It was too late though. Jungkook put the thought in my head and now that was all I could think about it.

"Just try it. Drop little hints. Be more touchy with her. See if she responds. If she really only cares for you as a friend, she'll brush it off," Jungkook insisted.

I was silent for a moment again. "I guess I could try that," I replied, the idea taking shape in my mind. "I've got to run. I'll call you later."

"Okay. And Jimin?" Jungkook called, stopping me from disconnecting. "Use protection." Jungkook let out a laugh and disconnected the call.

This little shit. I couldn't believe him. I put the phone in my pocket, a smile on my face and got out of the car. I went to the other side, grabbing the food and drinks before making my way back to the hotel room. I let myself in and smiled when I saw Y/N standing in front of the mirror, putting on makeup, her dark curls pinned out of her face. She looked beautiful in grey dress pants and mint green shirt that hung below her hips and was cinched at the waist. Time to test Jungkook's theory. Here goes nothing.

I set the food down and went to her, wrapping both arms around her waist from behind. "You look beautiful," I whispered in her ear. I could feel the tremor that ran through her body at my proximity. Ahh so my touch does effect you. I pressed a kiss to her cheek and smiled when her cheeks turned pink.

Y/N turned in my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck, returning the hug. "Hey handsome," she replied, returning the kiss on my cheek then nuzzling her nose into my neck.

"You smell good," I said, the scent of her coconut shampoo and fruity perfume filling my nose. "Like dessert."

Y/N giggled and the sweet sound made my heart clench and flutter. "You're so sweet," she said, hugging me closer.

I didn't want to let her go, but I eventually pulled back and didn't miss the little pout that crossed her face before she replaced it with a smile. "Come eat your breakfast," I said, taking her hand and pulling her to the small table by the window.

I handed her a cup and she took a sip. "You, my Jiminie, are always going to be my favorite person in the world," she said, closing her eyes.

"I better be," I retorted with a laugh. "I'm the best person for you." Although my words were serious, I kept my tone light so she would think anything of what was going on. I didn't want her to think anything was amiss.

"Yes my Jiminie," Y/N replied with a smile, opening her eyes and directing her beautiful eyes my way. "You certainly are."

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