Chapter 24

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When I got home that evening, Y/N had not yet arrived. I knew she had a 4:15 class on Thursdays, so her day usually ended a little later. She probably wouldn't be here until close to 6. I looked down at my watch and saw it was just about 5:15. I had hurried out of the studio, wanting to get home, get showered and get dinner started before Y/N could arrive. I wanted to show her what it was like to have someone take care of her for a change.

When I walked in the house, I headed into the bathroom, quickly stripping out of my sweaty dance clothes and turning on the shower. I showered at lightning speed then stepped out, drying myself off before slipping on a red and black striped shirt and a pair of black jeans. I rubbed the towel through my hair, drying it as best as I could then combed it, making sure the purple strands laid perfectly.

After putting on a hint of cologne, I hurried towards the kitchen, eager to start dinner. I pulled out some steaks I had placed in the fridge the day before and quickly sliced them, putting them in a pan to stir-fry before adding freshly chopped vegetables. I was just putting the water on for the noodles when I heard a soft knock on the door. I heard a gentle knock then the door open with a soft click. I rolled my eyes in amusement. I had told her multiple times to not even knock, just come in, but I guess this was a compromise for her peace of mind.

I was standing with my back to the door when I heard her almost silent footsteps approach. I flinched when she wrapped her arms around me from behind, not expecting the simple embrace, but immediately relaxed in her arms. "Hey baby," I said, squeezing the hands that were at my waist. "How was your day?"

Y/N laid her head on my back, snuggling in close. "It was good. Smells good my Jiminie," she replied, nuzzling her nose into my shirt.

"Me or the food?" I teased, turning in her arms and draping my arms over her shoulders to pull her in for a hug before planting a kiss on the top of her head.

Y/N blushed then giggled. "Both," she said, before laying her head against my chest.

I stood there for a moment, the girl I loved in my arms, before I pulled back. "Why don't you go get changed?" I said, giving her a gentle push. "Dinner will be ready soon."

Y/N pouted when I released her but nodded in agreement. "Yes sir," she said, giving me a mock salute.

"Sir?" I asked, a smirk on my face. "I think I like the sound of that." I wasn't lying. The name went straight to my groin, making me harden behind my tight jeans instantly.

Pinching my side, Y/N rolled her eyes at me. "Don't get used to that Jiminie," she declared then turned and headed out of the kitchen, giving me one last smile.

As she exited, I turned back to the stove, trying to calm my breathing and my raging erection. Damn. How could a simple word cause that kind of reaction in me? Although I knew it wasn't the word; it was the way she responded in that almost submissive voice. It was such a direct contrast to her normal loud and dominant personality.

After a few minutes, Y/N came back into the kitchen, carrying a plastic bag. She had changed out of her dress clothes into tight jeans and a purple V-neck shirt. Her curls were pulled up out of her face and into a messy bun. To me she had never looked more beautiful. This was the Y/N I loved to see. The casual, comfortable Y/N with the bright happy smile on her face. This was the woman I loved with every part of me.

I looked at the bag in her hand, raising an eyebrow. She pulled out a box of my favorite coffee, knowing I never had the energy to run to the store after classes. "Who's your favorite person?" she asked, holding up the box.

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