Chapter 32

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Jimin POV:

I was absolutely raging mad. I don't think I had ever been so furious in my entire life. Jackson, the man my best friend had married, had paid my ex-girlfriend to come between us. What the hell had been going through his mind to consider that something like that would ever be okay?

Pacing back and forth in Y/N's apartment, I ran a hand through my hair. My first reaction was to drive to Jackson's house and show him exactly why my height didn't make a difference. I would bring him to his knees with the amount of anger I was currently experiencing.

"Jimin calm down," Jungkook pleaded with me. He was really the only one who knew the depth of my feelings for Y/N, who knew how deeply this affected me. "Getting angry isn't going to change what happened. I wish it could, but we both know it won't."

Seeing as Jungkook was right, I sat on the sofa next to Y/N, pulling her back into my arms. "I'm sorry baby." I nuzzled my face into her neck, breathing in the sweet scent of her hair and allowed it to calm me.

"For what?" Y/N lifted my face, directing my gaze to her. "What are you sorry for my Jiminie?"

Her sweet nickname for me, hearing her call me my Jiminie helped release the last of the tension in my body. "For... for getting so angry. For knowing you had to go through all of this. For believing Siobhan and not giving you a chance to explain or asking you." I stopped there before I could apologize for the rest. For not telling you that I was in love with you for so long, for not being the one that was at the other end of that aisle, for not telling you the truth when I had so many opportunities.

Y/N leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Don't you dare apologize for anything. I place the blame specifically on Jackson, not you. Definitely not you."

Jungkook stood up, giving us both a sad smile. "I'm going to go ahead and head home. I'm wish that I didn't have to be the one to share that shit with you, but you had a right to know."

Releasing Y/N, I stood up and pulled Jungkook into a quick hug. "Thank you for letting us knows. You're a good friend."

Jungkook pulled himself away and lightly punched me in the arm. "Don't get all mushy with me. Save it for your girl."

I turned back and saw the soft smile on Y/N's face at his words. She stood up and hugged him to, kissing his cheek. "You really are a good person. Even if we are being mushy about it."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling her in tight, studying me over the top of her head. "I like you being mushy honey, so no worries."

I narrowed my eyes at Jungkook and he just sent me a smug smile. If I didn't trust Jungkook so much, I would be afraid that he would try taking Y/N away from me. For a while, I had thought he had a crush on her, but after talking to him about it, I realized the relationship was strictly platonic and only ever would be. Pulling Y/N from his arms, I tugged her back into mine. "Alright. Enough snuggling with my girl."

Y/N pinched my side, making me yelp in protest. "You're so silly. I've always been yours."

Her words sent a flash of pain racing through my chest and I unintentionally tightened my arms around her. I didn't want to lose myself in what ifs but I couldn't help it. What if I didn't believe Siobhan? Would it have been Y/N and me getting married? What if I had told her how I felt about her? Would she still have even wanted to be my friend? I knew I would rather have her in my life as my friend than not at all.

Jungkook said his goodbyes then left the apartment, promising to text me later. I turned my attention towards Y/N. "How about we go to our place?" I was in the mood for some comfort food and knew that was the place for it.

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